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Need some advice

Started by Hidehunter, October 24, 2010, 10:38:23 PM

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Scouted out a new spout and found quite a bit of sign.  Set up yesterday evening.  I started with a couple howls and then went to some distress calls.  After one of my distress sequence I had one to give me what I thought was a warning howl.  I thought I was busted then I had another give an invitational howl.  I gave a invit. howl back and the woods came alive.  They're were 5 different dogs howling.  One was just over the break of the hill only about 100 yrds away.  They all got kinda quite except for 1 and we just kept howling at each other for a few minutes.  Then it got to were none would answer me and when they did it didnt really sound like they were getting any closer but staying in the same spot.  I tried some more distress sounds but the wind ended up switching on us and we had to pack up and leave.  I was set up on a point and the dogs were everywhere below me and also down deep in the hollar.  What would have been the best thing to do in that situation?


I probably would have done the same as you did. I have before and gotten them to come in.
Maybe next time it would be better to be quiet and let them come and investigate where this "new coyote" had been. Just a thought.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Sometimes its best just to sit quietly and let their curiosity get the best of them. Most of the time if they haven't smelt you they will come and try to sneak in, just to get a glimpse of what coyote was making that noise.
Ronnie Cannon



If they get real vocal like that I give them some challenge howls and barking.  I've gone back and forth with them for over 30 minutes before one gets pissed enough to come check me out.


i had the same thing happen to me the other day.....come to find out the farmer shot and lost a deer, and i think they found it and was guarding it. they would not leave the thicket for nothing
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Sounds like ...... I woulda shut up and ......Waited.......
I have done it before in a case like this and waited for over an hour before seeing em come.
I usually like to back off and leave a shooter ....... then howl some more from farther away....
But when they are close like that, moving is not always a good idea.
Also, Learn to bark...... there are good ones and bad ones..... CCP has a Video somewhere where he shows real good examples of this.... :wink:


You learned that response from CCP's video. Sounds just like my repsonse. Want me to type it out for you next time?  :laf:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Hey Hidehunter... Maybe next time it would be better to be quiet and let them come and investigate where this "new coyote" had been.

I learned that from my calling partner, Bopeye   :eyebrownod:


And yes, CCP (Richard) has produced a "top notch" coyote calling video, based on real world experience. It was filmed mainly in Alabama and in other unknown locations in the south east.  :wink:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Quote from: weedwalker on October 25, 2010, 08:05:57 AM
If they get real vocal like that I give them some challenge howls and barking. 

I started to give them some challenge howls and then changed my mind.  Next time I'll try keeping my big mouth shut.  Lol its SOOOO hard to do when they're talkin to me but I guess thats why I didnt put fur on the stretcher.  I already have Richards video and it has helped me out alot.  Highly recommend it.


Quote from: Hidehunter on October 27, 2010, 08:18:57 AM
Quote from: weedwalker on October 25, 2010, 08:05:57 AM
If they get real vocal like that I give them some challenge howls and barking. 

I started to give them some challenge howls and then changed my mind.  Next time I'll try keeping my big mouth shut.  Lol its SOOOO hard to do when they're talkin to me but I guess thats why I didnt put fur on the stretcher.  I already have Richards video and it has helped me out alot.  Highly recommend it.

Go to eastern coyotes.com  and watch the clip he has there on barking.........
Then go back to the Video yo have and listen for it....... It will help.... :wink:


check out the new (dec.) issue of predator extreme titled trash talkin coyotes. discusses that exact topic


Quote from: ohiolinmn on November 15, 2010, 08:52:13 PM
check out the new (dec.) issue of predator extreme titled trash talkin coyotes.

Where do they come up with these titles?   :alscalls:   Next there will an article titled "Bitch Slappin' Coyotes In The Thick Stuff".    :alscalls:  :alscalls:


How about "Slappin a Bitch Coyote in Heat in the East".. :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


That reminds me. I saw a Predator Nation rag the other day.  :iroll:
Just another Faux Poop tabloid.  :puke:

Jimmie in Ky

I guess I don't do enough bussiness with apc to get mine like everyone else. My mag arrived today and I read the article mentioned.  It do read like he actuallyinterviewed his speakers for once. Some good ideas in that article.

But not one mentions coyote distress in order to get them moving. Or as a primary call for returning a few days later. Jimmie