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Getting out of the Big City!

Started by WldWldWest, April 24, 2011, 05:03:30 PM

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I've had enough! Since the wife is making an hour long drive outta nashville south every day to get to work, I'm gonna try to take advantage of some of the deals down by the Saturn plant that's for the moment sitting idle! I've been looking for a 2000 sf house and between 5-20 acres that should gimme enough room to stumble around without interupting the neighbors.....I had a neighbor witness me shoot a skunk with a suppressed AR with night vision and he informed me that I wasnt subdivision material :biggrin: But he was smiling as he approached me and said it!

I've been working on the outside of my house trying to prep it for sale and once I finished that I started on the inside of the garage and I got one question? Just where the hell does one accumulate  so much SH__? I need a 40yd roll off to get rid of a bunch of stuff! Anyway! I'm pretty excited and so's the wife.....BabyGirl, Well...That's a different story!

"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



Sounds like a cool little adventure :eyebrow: I wish ya the best of luck...even though I'm sure you wont need it. :wink:

I'm hearing ya on the accumulation. I've hauled a couple pickup loads to the dump so far this year and now that I'm started I'm contemplating having a dumpster brought in.  :laf:
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It's not the accumulation part that amazes me. It's the "How the heck did we find a place to store all this shiite!!"  :confused: that baffles me.  :laf: 

I've made several trips to the landfill myself over the years here. My rule is that if it's in the garage & I when I stumble across I can't remember when I needed it last it's gone.  :biggrin:

Good Luck finding a place Doug!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 I hear yea Doug i been looking at something bigger myself and out in the county. Been seeing some damn good deals. Seen a few for less than half of what they were selling for 4 years ago. A lot of Foreclosures here selling for pennies on the dollar. My problem is my house would take for ever to sell and I wont get anything for it.

With some of the deals i have contemplated buying bigger and renting this one. The biggest thing that bothers me is the economy. If I buy something and construction gets any worse  i could be foreclosing on one of them myself.

As far as accumulating a bunch of stuff well with a little house like mine I don't got much accumulating room so I am all good. Now the stuff I got stored over at my Dads is a different story. :laf:

Now if I was like you with all those shoe boxes of cash laying around I wouldn't worry.  :eyebrow:

Wish you luck Bro!!!!




I got the pack rat disease myself and am a good candidate for the "Hoarders" show on TV.    It is so hard to throw stuff away that I "might" need someday.    :loco:


I'm a lil concerned with the economy myself as my work relies heavily on the construction ind but as far as the mortgage goes I'll be making a lateral move. Its a hell of alot cheaper to buy outside of nashville than inside. Rich, your right about the deals, Man! There out there, thats for sure! I'm looking at spending about $225.000 and thats for property that was twice that a few years ago!

"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"
