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The Black Knight.....

Started by SCcoyotehunter, November 01, 2011, 08:47:41 PM

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After several attempts on this one paticular farm and after being called up on four different occasions and shot at three times the coyote we dubbed the Black Knight finally met it match this afternoon.

This coyote (could be others but we like to think of it as the same one everytime) has eluded us one too many times. It brings me great honor to finally show you a pic of this black coyote.


Nice job, thats a good looking yote :yoyo:




That is one fine looking coyote!!   :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Hawks Feather

There are some little animals that will thank you for removing the Black Knight from their turf.



Carolina Coyote

Way to go, a real trophy there. Congratulations. CC



Ok Ok hold on here. Whats going on down there in South Carolina?
Last couple years Ronnie was hauling black coyotes out of there like nobodies business. Now your doing it too. :confused:

You guys feeding em all your black sheep or WTF!? :laf:

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Great looking trophy SCCH.  :highclap: :highclap: Glad you finally got him.  :congrats: :congrats:

My brother in law has a farm just outside Seneca, SC. I'm going to have to head down there and see if he has any black coyotes.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Thats pretty wild  :highclap: I've only seen or heard of one black coyote around here, wish there were more...
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)





Wow!  What a coyote.  Let's have the detailed story of that hunt! 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Not much to tell actually. On this particular day I kind of flew outta the house and made a quick drive over to this dairy farm. We have hunted here several times. In fact we have called up more coyotes here with no results more than any other place we hunt. Almost so much that Hawgmaster and started to agree the farm was cursed.
On out first hunt here I called out a single red/grey coyote and connected with a 200 yds shot across a wide hayfield, after the shot I turned on the KIYI and called out a chocolate colored and this black coyote. I fired two shots at the black one and missed both times, rushing my shots just cause I wanted him so badly. Called the chocolate one back out with the kiyi and fired and connected. Although, this one made it to the woodline, the blood trail faded into a dense thicket and just seemed to disappear, never found.
On another occasion, Hawgmaster and I called out six coyotes and the "Black Knight" kinda hung back out of sight but I saw him back there. I attempted to take another coyote that day and missed three times due to my scope being off. Hence "the curse."
The third occasion that "the Black Knight" evaded us was during the same exact setup that ended his streak. We were nestled into a fenceline with a few patched of dead briars grown up along it. I was on one side of the fence and Hawgmaster was on the other. We howled and the "black Knight" and a blonde coyote appeared over the hill. As soon as the "BK" saw the decoy he split, hawgmaster popped a shot at him as he was running over the hill, missing him. After a KIYI, we called blondy back out and Hawg connected.
So, long story short, is after a long period of time I decided to pay the "BK" another visit. I set up the same way as before. I howled only this time he answered before coming into view. So I was ready, as soon as the "BK" topped the hill, I only had to move my gun about two inches. I dropped him right there. I had my wifes to young cousins with me ages 10 and 15. They were really phsyched.
I am not sure what to do over there now seeing it seems that everytime we went there the bounty was on the "BK's" head. There are plenty more coyotes on this farm, maybe theres a whole family of black ones there, who knows.
This is the story of how the Black Knight earned its name.


Quote from: coyote101 on November 02, 2011, 06:23:22 PM
Great looking trophy SCCH.  :highclap: :highclap: Glad you finally got him.  :congrats: :congrats:

My brother in law has a farm just outside Seneca, SC. I'm going to have to head down there and see if he has any black coyotes.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


Easy there Pat, now your coming into my territory. Just kidding, when you come down holler at me and let's try and get together for a hunt. I do have a farm just outside of Seneca that I have killed 7 black coyotes. I think all total I have called up 10 blackies.

Great looking coyote SCCH!!!
Ronnie Cannon



Wow!!  Great story!  Thanks !

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!