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My First

Started by dog dropper, November 19, 2011, 11:01:13 PM

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dog dropper

Moose! Well today started like any other normal Saturday in hunting season. I was up at 6, went upstairs and got all dressed up in 2 layers of fleece underwear, then my normal clothes and of course the true Canadian snow clothes. then i went over to dad to get him up, and to my surprise he tells me to go back to bed. So i I got undressed and went back to bed.  Then i got up at around 9 to do chores and have some breakfast. After that Dad and i started out to the local moose hunting spot and poked around for a couple hours until we came along a cow moose laying down. So then i made my way as quietly as i could cursing myself every time i heard the deafening snap of a twig. I finally gt to a spot where i could get a shot off. I took my time, put the cross hairs in the middle of her forehead and squeezed the trigger... and she never even got the chance to stand up! I had got my first cow moose with my .243. I then made my way down the slight hill like a mad baboon, hollering for dad to get the truck. I made my way over and made sure it was dead, and by that time dad had come over and was taking pictures.

This was the view from the trail.

and me with the moose as dad entered the clearing.

and the gun that did the damage.

Me tagging it.

We then hooked a chain around its neck and the other end to the truck and preceded to drag her out of the bush to a hill where we could load her. We finally found one and the rest of the family was on the way.  They arrived with ol green and we then started loading the moose.

And a final pic of the final project.

We then rode home giving each other high fives and congratulations. but little did i know that that was only the beginning.
SO we got home and immediately started skinning it. Thankfully the hole family pitched in or else it would have taken much much longer.

We then gutted it and used the tractor to lift it into the shop, where it is now hanging.
We are planning on cutting it up tomorrow.

It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!


Another great story and pictures.  You write very well dogdropper!!  Congrats on the moose!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Thats awesome Buddy :yoyo:
Got your first moose, and got to sleep in, by gawd you cant beat that with a stick.
Congratulations on one heck of a harvest, and thanks a bunch for sharing the story and pics with us.
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And now you're the Moose dropper !!   :biggrin:
Very cool !  :yoyo:  Congratulations !  :highclap: :highclap:
Nice job, and Thanks a lot for sharin it all with us.


 :highclap: :yoyo: Great job, Double D!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Thank you!  I really enjoyed the read and the pictures.  Good shooting.


Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Way to go DD!!!!!!!!! Congratulations ona fine moose & THANK YOU for sharing with us!!!!!!! You are now a MD!!!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Way to go Bobby!  It was like we were right there with you...Except when the work started. LOL!  Congratulations young man. :congrats:


Carolina Coyote

WoW!!!  Way to go Bobby, excellent writeup, really proud of you and I know the whole family is also. You are the Man. I do all my shooting with a 243 and the Head shot gets the job done . So now what is next on the list?   :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:cc


All right Donny, way to go!  :yoyo: :yoyo: Congratulations and thanks for the great story and pictures.  :biggrin: :biggrin:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Bobby, That's sounds like a great day once you woke up for the second time!  Is that the rifle that almost caused a national meltdown b/e Canada and US relations?  I hope so - and what a perfect shot, not wasting any meat.
And good to hear from you.

Hawks Feather

WOW!  It is fantastic that you got your first moose and I am sure that you are pumped.  You also have a well written documentation of the hunt. Congratulations.


P.S.  Maybe Dad knew what he was doing when he told you to go back to bed for a while.   :innocentwhistle:

Todd Rahm

Great job Bobby!!!!!! I memory for life, thats for sure.  :congrats:


Way to go Bobby!

What bullet did you use in your .243 ?

dog dropper

Fos, I used 100 grains. And Carl the next thing on my list is a ruffed grouse, they don't take as long to clean. lol. But probably a mule deer or white tail. then elk in January.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!

dog dropper

Well we finnaly got all cleaned up here after chopping up the moose and we got some pictures too.

Cutting off the flank.

This one was of me starting to cut the tender loins off of the back.

Makin Steak and Havin Fun.

And the final outcome.

We just had some round, and sirloin steak, and not to be bragging here but it tasted absolutely amazing.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!


Congratulations on a fine looking moose. Really glad that you could take it with that rifle. Thats quite a lot of meat for the freezer.

Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


YAHOOOOO!!!!!!  :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
WTG Double D, but shooting it in the head like that you knocked the horns off!  :rolleye:


Thats the best story I've read all year!!!

Congratulations DD on a great story and a great shot! :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"
