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CZ712 1st blood!!

Started by HaMeR, November 13, 2011, 09:53:36 AM

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I got up at 5AM. It was 53* here & there was just a slight breeze. I checked the weather & loaded the 712 & the 870 up with the rest of the necessary toys. I drove to the picked bean field & got set up. And right at the legal shooting time things started going downhill in a hurry. The damn winds began to blow. Then they began to blow harder. Then the 20MPH gusts started rolling the decoys across the field!!!!! I was severely   :mad3:  by 6:45!!!!!!! But since I was there I just went out & picked up the decoys & put them away. The crows started flying right around 7AM & my handcalling wasn't working good enough to bring them by without the dekes. So I hit the FX3 & got them interested. Without dekes they wanted to stay too high for any shots. Around 8:15 or so I finally had a couple come to the call low enough to shoot & promptly missed with all 3 shots.   :laf:  A little later a single crow came along & fell down. The 712 had finally drawn 1st blood!!!!

I shot quite a few rounds after that & connected solidly on 3 more for a grand total of 4 "good" crows for the AM.   :biggrin:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Nicely done. 
Gotta admit I was hoping to see a turkey when I opened this up. 


Quote from: Dave on November 13, 2011, 10:56:58 AM
Gotta admit I was hoping to see a turkey when I opened this up.
HaMeR very seldom puts himself in the picture.
:alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:

Good work Glen!  :wink:

Hawks Feather

Congrats on the crows.  Wind over here is a constant 24 with gusts going around 35.  The wind is supposed to pick up later this afternoon.  Since the wind is out of the south west, it may miss you.    :wink:



 :laf: @ Dave!!  Yeah fall turkey season is in right now. Maybe I'll get a tag.  Thanks!!

vv-- And to think I was gonna make a run at the end of the week out to where we went this past winter & look for some crows for us to pound.  :rolleye: :rolleye:

OK-- Maybe I still will!!  :laf: :laf:

Jerry-- Yeah it was kinda rough out there at times this AM. But I soldiered onward & upward til I felt I did enough crow punishing for the day.  :laf: :laf:  The winds were still blowing here when I moved the truck around 9:30.  :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Good job on the Crows Glen been a long time since I have been after them. keep the pictures coming and throw one in of yourself for Photoshop so we can see how your aging.  :huh:

I looked at one of them CZ's but now after seeing they don't eject the empty hulls I will pass. :laf:



Thanks Richard.  :biggrin:  I'm still waiting on that crow shoot video!!  :laf: :laf:  I'll post a fairly recent pic just for you.

I did have 1 stove pipe this AM. The bird was flying right at me & I misjudged his speed with the wind. By the time I pulled the trigger I was leaning back way too far. Not sure if that is why it piped or not but it was the only directly overhead shot I took & all the other hulls were found within about 8 feet of my blind.  :laf:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I've been watching several hundred crows all week here. Finally got a shot at them this AM. I started out with the handcalls & just got covered up!!!!!!!! There was about 100+ crows circling over top & too high to shoot. Murder one left without incident.

I waited & listened for the next crows which didn't take long. I hit a different more mellow hand call. Covered up with high flyers again!!! Murder 2 on it's merry way without incident!!

Within 10 minutes the 3rd wave came to a different hand call. Another mellow sounding call. Every damn crow showed up again. This time was different tho. A couple actually circled low enough for a 40yd shot.   :laf:  So I took a couple shots & they all flew off unscathed. Oh well. I can smell burnt powder now at least!!  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

The action changed right after that. The crows would now be coming in groups of 20 or less for the most part. With a lot of 4-5 crow groups. Now we're getting somewhere. I ended up with 12 for the day. The pic shows 10 because there was no way I could get the camera out & turned on before the 2 that hit the river were washed downstream.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on November 26, 2011, 10:19:59 AM
I ended up with 12 for the day. The pic shows 10 because there was no way I could get the camera out & turned on before the 2 that hit the river were washed downstream.

Mmm Hmmm :wo:

:laf: Groups of 20, I think they was coming to get you!
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 :yoyo: That's how you break in a new shotgun! Good shootin' HaMeR!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Nice shooting Hammer i love a good crow shoot. One time it snowed about 8in and stayed for a long time and we got to hunt the local dump they were stacked up thick were they had dozed around, we shot all day 4 of us killed over 300 birds we wore white sheets and set on top of the snow coverd piles of trash man it smelled bad but was one heck of a day.I glad someone has been getting out after them its sure got be thinkin again.


 :laf: Yeah I know the old story about no pics means it didn't happen crap. But that's the way it goes sometimes when you have the honor of shooting flying birds coming at you with the river within ejector distance right behind you!!!!!!  :alscalls: :alscalls:  It's awesome to see them dive head long into the muddy river with their wings folded back.  :alscalls: :alscalls:

shad-- Oh it's getting broke in alright!! I'm even hitting up near 50% with it already.  :laf: :laf:

riverboss-- 300 would be a dream for me in a season let alone a day!!!!!!! Heckuva hunt you guys had!! Thanks!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Sounds like a lot of fun. What type of calls do you use? I have a mad call that I LOVE!
"One does not hunt in order to kill. On the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted." --Jose Ortega y Gasset