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Darwin Award

Started by KySongDog, September 28, 2013, 09:44:00 PM

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He DID have his hunter orange on though :laf:
Did you see the massive flinch when he pulled the trigger the second time and the gun didnt go off? His whole body twisted sideways in anticipation of the shot. LOL
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Stupid is as stupid does...he does need to be culled from the gene pool.

Man that monkey needs a spankin'...sorry, couldn't resist.



Oh man...that ain't right.

He said wanker....bwahahahaha


Along with his impeccable gun handling skills, he needs to work on that BAD flinch he has!! What an idiot!!
Ronnie Cannon



Was target shooting with my Bro one day. At a farmer friend's field. Up from behind of us. Walks the farmer & some yahoo friend of his. We all visited a few minutes.

Yahoo asked what caliber? Bro told him. Then w/o warning the guy grabs the end of Bro's pistol barrel & looks down the bore! We both yell at him at the same time, "WHAT THE H ARE YOU  DOING! DON'T DO THAT! Bro grabs his wrist & pulls it away from the barrel(which is aimed right at that idiots face)

Idiot then said, I can tell the caliber by looking down the bore.
"Smartest man, knows but a grain of sand. In the desert of truth"


This reminds me of an accidental discharge (with a rifle) I had with a Remington 742 Woodsmaster in 30/06. That morning I had used that rifle to shoot at some deer. Everything had function properly. My best friend and I came out of the woods at the same time and as we were walking back to the truck we stopped an were looking at some deer tracks in the dirt road. We were facing one another with about 3 feet between us. I had the rifle hanging in my arms with the barrel pointing at the ground, with the safety ON! When all of a sudden this rifle goes off, blows the dirt from under my best friends boot. Scared the sheet out of me!!! At the first shot I spun around and had the gun pointing away from my friend when it goes off again. Then again and again, here I am trying to figure out what is going on, so I dropped the clip out of it and it snapped on an empty chamber. I look it over to make sure the safety is on and it is. So I swore right then to never load that gun again.

My dad tore the rifle apart trying to figure out what caused the problem. The only thing we found was during the coarse of time, where we sprayed the gun down with WD-40 or whatever we used at the time. This oil had gotten into the hammer sear area and along with dust had made a gummy mess on the sear.

For those that have never tore into a gun, the sear has a little notch on it and so does the hammer. When the hammer releases and strikes the firing pin the gas action sends it back for the sear to catch and hold till you reset the trigger. Then you can fire it again. OK, back to the story.

Dad put the rifle back together without doing anything to it, to try and get it to fire again (empty of course). Never did get that gun to go off even with the safety off. Just a freak thing I guess. He then disassembled it again and gave it a through cleaning. To my knowledge it has never done it again. Until this day I have never put another shell in that rifle and never will.

The moral of this story is, be aware of carelessness when handling any weapon. Not saying any of us do this but I have seen carelessness a 100 times, even with season hunters and even with military personnel. An if you never have pulled the trigger assembly out of your gun, you need. Just to make sure this gunny mess isn't building up in your weapon.

Be careful out there, there are people counting on you.
Ronnie Cannon
