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Winning Gold!

Started by nastygunz, December 23, 2013, 01:02:26 PM

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So I am driving into work this morning in the rain thinking about a lot of things. Things like the Christmas holiday coming up, New Year's, the first thing I'm going to tackle today when I get my office et cetera.

All of a sudden looking my rearview mirror and see myself being pulled over by a police cruiser?! This young cop gets out swagger's up to my window license registration sir I proceed to hand them over. He does his check hands them back and says do you know what I am pulling you over for ? I said I do not sir, he said you rolled through that red light back there.

I said officer would it help if I let you know that I am a Fins and furs forum gold member ? Slowly a broad smile swept across his youthful face and he said Sir why didnt you say that right in the beginning? God bless and have a great holiday season sir!

After returning his holiday greeting I continued my journey towards my work destination. I made a pit stop at Dunkin' Donuts to get a coffee and while there I mentioned to the young lady who waited on me do you have a fins and furs gold member discount by any chance? She looked at me somewhat startled and said sir there is no discount for fins and furs gold members however you can now receive free donuts and coffee for life as a fins and furs gold member!

After thanking her I proceeded to my office location and much to my surprise in the best parking spot right in front of the main door there was a newly installed sign that said "reserved parking for fins and furs gold members"...Wow what a surprise !

When I get to my office I settled into my morning routine turned my computer on, turn my radio on, check my voicemails, and then started reading my new emails.

The first one that caught my eye was one from the CEO of our company so I opened it. Here's what it said, "dear nastygunz as a new gold member of the Finz and furs forum Id like to give you a 10% COLA, base salary raise, and double the amount of your annual bonus and give that to you twice a year making it a biannual bonus. "

He ended his email with "off the record you lucky bastard I would give up my two vacation homes my 21-year-old wife all five of my boats and my free yogurt club membership to be in your place and have that gold membership!"

After that busy morning, I then decided to go to Hooters restaurant to have lunch but that's a whole different story!... :innocentwhistle:


 :alscalls: :alscalls:
Just another day as an FnF Gold member :eyebrownod:

Who was working at Hooters?  :huh:
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Hawks Feather

WOW!  If only I would be a gold member . . . . etc.   Now, how about some pics from Hooters?



Hawks Feather

Looks good enough to eat!



Gezz, looks like membership has it's privileges.

I'm gonna half to start uppin' my postings so I can join the elite rank.

Maybe a few hundred post of nothing but...

:alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:

:yoyo: :yoyo: :dance: :dance: :thumb2: :yahoo: :sick2: :jump: :jump:

Hawks Feather

Quote from: FOsteology on December 24, 2013, 12:15:22 AM
Gezz, looks like membership has it's privileges.

I'm gonna half to start uppin' my postings so I can join the elite rank.

Maybe a few hundred post of nothing but...

:alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:

:yoyo: :yoyo: :dance: :dance: :thumb2: :yahoo: :sick2: :jump: :jump:

I think some of us have been here long enough to remember those posts!   

:yoyo:      :yoyo:      :yoyo:     


Good post, made me laugh.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs