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Covid vaccination

Started by KySongDog, February 13, 2021, 01:04:43 PM

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With all of the controversy over the Covid vaccination (Chinese virus) let's see what FnF'ers think about it.  Poll results shown after one week.


I voted that I got it but only have the first shot so far.  I get the second shot in about 3 weeks.  Wife has gotten both.  She had no reaction to first shot, but the second made both of her shoulders very sore for two days.  First shot made a slightly sore area on my shoulder.  One of my sons and at least one grandson will not get the shot, and if I were their age and health, I probably would not get it.  No question that authorities have skipped the usual tests and that those of us who get it are guinea pigs for a new kind of vaccine.

At my age and health factors, my own research shows 8% odds of dying IF I get the virus.  That is Russian roulette with 12 cylinders. I assume I will get it sooner or later.  Odds of problems due to the vaccine are much lower, at least short term, though I don't know exactly what those odds are.  Nobody knows if there are long term side effects from the vaccine.  I opted for the odds on the vaccine.


I am in the same boat. I took the first shot and am waiting to take the second one.  Although I am reasonably healthy (for my age), I opted to play the guinea pig for the government too. I know of individuals who got the virus and had extreme reactions including death. And by the same token, others who got sick and recovered. Although the long term effects of covid are unknown so is the long term effects of the vaccine. Sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't. 

I have friends who say they will NEVER get the vaccine. That is their choice and I respect that. 


Same here. I have the first dose and will get the second in a couple of weeks. My wife has had both of hers since she is a nurse. My daughter does rotations in a hospital for her nutrition classes and is getting her second one tuesday.

I know there is a lot of controversy about the vaccine but SARS is nothing new and rMNRA vaccines have been around for a while and will be the vaccine type of the future. It appeared to be rushed, but really it wasn't. The vaccine has been around for some time, they just threw money and resources at it to get one to target the protein specific to COVID 19. Your body sees that protein and figures out how to combat it so that when it sees the real deal, it knows what to do and destroys it before it manifests symptoms.

The only part I have a problem with is being in a data base that shows that I received the vaccine. I get it that the vaccine is in short supply and you have to have two doses so they have to monitor the distribution, but I still don't like it. If my wife and I weren't the sole caretakers for my 83 yo mother and her 82 yo mother, and the fact that I have to be in the courthouse a few times a week, I would probably have just stayed holed up on the farm and not gotten it.

I understand why people get it, and I understand why others don't. I see people name calling and belittling others that don't do the same as them. That's really uncalled for. I think people need to make their decision and it should be based on some reasoning but not a knee jerk reaction. I can respect that either way.

If you get the vaccine, the second dose is generally worse than the first. It can manifest symptoms such as mild fever, aches, and nausea. Some do, some don't. My mom and mother in law didn't have any issues. A young couple that we are friends with had some aches and felt lethargic after the second dose. Go figger.

Good luck and prayers to everyone whatever your decision.



Well, the votes are in.  It looks like the majority of FnF'ers either will never get the vaccine or will wait for someone else to be the guinea pig.   :laf:

No matter how one voted, I hope the outcome is positive for you. 

QuoteIf you get the vaccine, the second dose is generally worse than the first. It can manifest symptoms such as mild fever, aches, and nausea. Some do, some don't. My mom and mother in law didn't have any issues. A young couple that we are friends with had some aches and felt lethargic after the second dose. Go figger.

My BIL and his wife got the second shot with no after effects.  I know a first responder 30 something year old who was sick after the second shot for a couple of days.  As in life, everyone is different.