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NASA in for repairs

Started by bowjunkie, June 19, 2007, 10:01:45 PM

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this is copied from songdog ,,

I had tried to get ahold of Tom in the last couple of weeks, and you all may have noticed that he hasn't posted for a couple of weeks, and this weekend I was expecting him to show up at the same place that I was to shoot prairie dogs, and he never showed up. Come to find out that he has had to have heart surgery. I don't know all the details, but it sounds like he started having some un-expected pains and such and ended up having no choice but to go in and have surgery. I haven't heard any details, maybe someone else in here has.
SO, Tom, I hope you get back on your feet soon buddy. We left some targets for ya, so when you heel up, there will still be shooting to be done. Get well soon my friend.


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not here but I'll try to find out


I talked to Higgins tonight and he cant reach him at home either. As soon as he finds anything out he is going to let me know.

I wish Tom the best!



I just got an e-mail from Tom. He mentioned having a lap top so I'll assume he'd rather come around and explain things then me bring his letter to the internet.

But the jist of it is he was released from the hospital this evening.
A week or so ago when they hauled him to the ICU,....not sure what for myself but while they were running their tests he had a heart attack right there for them.

He's out now...under several restrictions, but does have access to a lap top.

Best Luck Tom if your reading this. We'll all pray for a smooth outcome and thanks for the update.
Looking forward to having ya back.  :wink:
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 :highclap: good to here he's still kicking ,I have been wondering thanks for the update hope ya get back on yer feet soon Tom   :yoyo:


Boy oh boy, what a wild ride that was!  The drugs are starting to wear off and I'm beginning to feel a little more "normal" again.  I appreciate everyone's concern and good wishes.  I think I'm recovering at a pretty good rate.  Based on the results of todays blood tests I may be allowed to drive starting Monday.  But still no shooting for 6-8 weeks.  That means no PD's this summer.  But I'm looking forward to dove, quail and pheasant season.  I just hope everything holds together until then, lol.   :eyebrownod:    It's good to be back and posting again.


 :yoyo: glad to see ya up and around again hope you have a speedy recovery


I wonder why that dont want ya shooting  :confused: What's so stressful about that?
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I think it has something to do with the sternum growing back together.  They split me open like a baked potato for that bypass.


 :laf: Yah I guess that would do it. Geez that's a heck of a way to put it.
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