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Started by Todd Rahm, July 15, 2007, 05:39:17 PM

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Quote from: ninthinning on July 18, 2007, 12:25:29 PM

FOS,  I found the call you were talking about.  thanks,  put it in my box of most valuable cherishedcalls. 9th

There ya go, that's better.  Always eager to lend A helping hand.
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.


I don't believe anyone is bullying Eric or forcing him to close up shop. He's a grown man and can digest all that has been expressed and determine his course of action. While many of us disagree with the practice and his philosophy on the matter, ultimately they are his calls to do with as he pleases.

THO Game Calls

QuoteThe point, Fos, is that you have to be very very careful about trying to stop someone from operating legally in a free society

Unless of course you are a moderator or staff member on PM rightr?

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.

Todd Rahm

QuoteThe point, Fos, is that you have to be very very careful about trying to stop someone from operating legally in a free society.  This is WAY, WAY, WAY bigger than calls and callmaking. Trying to shame, or berate, or bully, or gang up on a man so as to influence how he lives his life and runs his business... very very wrong. Be the comodity calls, or Bibles, or underwear. It's wrong.


No one is trying to stop any one from operating legally in a free society. He can operate all he wants, but I don't have to say I like it or condone it (free society ya know)

Shaming the guy to be ethical, moral and to have some values..............yipper I'm guilty.  I'm extremely sorry if I was raised a little differently, and don't happen to have the qualities to take advantage of someone.

You see us as berating, bullying and ganging up more so then voicing our opinions? But you haven't yet commented on whether you agree with what Ninth does or whether you condone it or not?

He can live his life any way he chooses, that's not the topic here. He can also run his business the way he wants, but I don't have to agree with, condone or support it...............and I won't

Ya don't like Peta either, but is a free society...........do ya support them and the way they do business too? I don't think you do at all, just an example.

If your local preacher is a great feller too, but if he is pilfering funds from the offering trays, is it all right?

That picture Ninth posted above, was also place on another site.....stating that it was some of his collection and a few of his calls. When he fully knew his intent was to sell and resell them, but he portrayed it as his collection. Then in light of recent events went back and changed it. You tell me he doesn't know what he is doing is wrong?

It is my opinion at this point in time that he is bad for the hobby, knows fully well what he is doing, is taking advantage of most of you, and you guys are letting him.

And I applaud the guys that see it and refuse to sell him calls.  :congrats:


QuoteUnless of course you are a moderator or staff member on PM rightr?

:roflmao: :roflmao:  Very good point AL

I seen a call here fore sale and was thinking of buying it to use while hunting. I don't collect calls I use all of my calls in the field.

Before I bought it I found it already sold. No big deal I reacted to slow on the buy maybe a fellow hunter or call collector bought it. No! found it on E-bay so it did make me think much differently.

So now when I see a call I like I cant just say I will let some of the other guys have a chance at it. I have to make a quick decision to buy or not to by.



My question is; why don't some of you big hearted callmakers become gunsmiths? :biggrin:

Hawks Feather

V. V.

"My question is; why don't some of you big hearted call makers become gunsmiths?" 

Because we would have to charge you too much!   :innocentwhistle:   Gunsmiths get paid "for real".  The gunsmith that I use also does non-gun work, but his milling machines and lathe cost more than my house.  Probably more than my house several times over.


Carolina Coyote

I don't have a dog in this fray but but would like to express my point of view. I have not seen anything that was Bulling,Threading, or trying to put anyone out of business just some guys exercising there CONSITUTIONAL RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH which is far more important than a guy after the almighty Dollar. There is nothing wrong or illegal about telling some one his practice is unethical and as CCP mention that he saw a call he was interested in buying and before he could make a decision it was gone,I too was looking at some calls and was wanted to purchase one but when I scrolled down a couple of post one person had bought all the calls.( He has a right to do that) and no one would feel bad about him if he was a collector BUT! putting them on EBay Sucks I have not bought a call from any call maker on this site that I felt was overpriced, and I would not resale any of them. If some else likes the call I tell them where to buy them or I have ordered them at the price the call maker sells it for, as some of these guys have expressed these is a lot 0f TLC that goes into these calls, good lord if it takes a day to make a call and then sell it for $20.00 and take out what it cost for materials and equipment to make them, I just cannot defend a person that would take advantage of these Call Makers. Agree with every word they have said. Rave on Brothers. :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap: :congrats: :congrats:


well my $.02 worth I have to agree with Todd in this  :congrats: ..There's right and wrong ethics wise some people know the difference .I couldn't buy a call ,car or gun from someone that I knew as a friend and turn around and sell it for double or better that to me is wrong any way ya slice it .now on the other hand if I was to buy something from a friend and turned around and sold it for twice or triple the price I would tell that person and offer them half of the profits that to me is being a good person and that how friendships hang together honesty and integrity rule in my book


Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8


Quote from: ninthinning on July 18, 2007, 08:41:07 PM

Why is that little feller spanking my mother-in-law???  :innocentwhistle: :sneer:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Hawks Feather


That little feller is your father-in-law and I would tell you but it would just give you a scary picture that you would remember each time you see them.   :innocentwhistle:




:roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I didn't know you married my ex? Cause that looks alot like my ex mother in law.... :roflmao:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.