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Homo's smashing Boy Scouts again!!

Started by Bopeye, October 21, 2007, 08:12:29 AM

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Philadelphia punishes Boy Scouts because of their beliefs

The city of Philadelphia has decided to punish the Boy Scouts of America because it will not allow homosexuals to serve as Scout Leaders. City officials said they will charge the Cradle of Liberty Scouts Council $200,000 a year to use the city-owned headquarters. The Council was paying $1 per year (since 1928). The city owns the land on which the Council's 1928 Beaux Arts building sits.

The city says it is charging the scouts $200,000 a year because the scouts discriminate against homosexuals. But the city finds nothing wrong with their discrimination against the scouts because of the scouts' belief.

The action by city officials means that 30 new Cub Scout packs won't be organized, and that 800 needy kids will not be going to the Council's summer camp if the city charges them $200,000.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that the scouts, as a private group, have a First Amendment right to bar homosexuals from membership. Philadelphia officials, in an effort to appease the homosexual activists, began searching for a way to punish the scouts. The rent increase was the vehicle to do that.

The Cradle of Liberty Council serves about 64,000 scouts in Philadelphia and its suburbs.

contact information:

John F. Street, Mayor
City of Philadelphia
Room 215 City Hall
Philadelphia, PA  19107
Primary Phone: 215-686-2181
Fax: 215-686-2180
E-Mail: mayor@phila.gov

I just had to send an email on this one. Three quarters of the country must be gay to be getting their way so much.... :madd:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Punishment for using their First Amendment Right???????  :confused: By a Gov' official???? :doh2: How wrong is that!!!! :shrug:

Maybe the Boy Scouts can sue & have the city pay 'em $200,000.00 a year.  :readthis:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Man, I'd LOVE that! :eyebrow:  :biggrin:


I am a eagle scout and proud of it but a kid in scouts means he is not in the streets.  when the thing in 2000 came up I had a few teachers say something to me about it.  each scout takes a oath and part of that oath is to be morally straight.  this is the way the BSA was founded and the way that it should be.  this is the first time I heard about this.  I will be writing a email and sending a letter to em. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


I quit buying Levi's jeans many years ago, because they had pulled their support for boyscouts on the same issue.

Who in their right mind wants a queer taking their boys out camping?

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I am an Eagle scout in fact I come form a family where we have 4 cousins that are Eagle scouts and a few Uncels that are or were scoutmasters even my father was a Scoutmaster.

This just makes me so mad I cant see straight. The BSA stood up for there belifes and had to fight and win a court battle so that they could legealy stand up for them. It is becoming a sad day in America when somone who wants to be physicaly fit, mentaly awake and moraly straight cant speak out and hold onto there ideals without being subjected to any group that comes along and wants to make trouble so they can get there name in the papers. When a non christian has more rights than a Christian or when a heterosexual has less rights than a homosexual there is jsut something wrong with that picture. Arnt we all supposed to be equal?

Do you remember teh Southpark epesode where the guy was gay and went through a court battle so he could stay scout master but in the end is stepped down because he was glad the BSA stood up for there belifes? Dont like south park but I likke the message that particular epesode had.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


I have to agree with what everyone is saying.  What scares me is this report:

2007 Washington State Supreme Court Case
In August of 2007, The Washington Supreme Court ordered the BSA to hand over documents concerning sexual abuse by Scout leaders. These documents show that in the past 15 years, the organization has kicked out leaders for abuse allegations at a rate of one every other day. [3]

It came from a Yahoo news report back in August, my wife is a sexual abuse counselor and she is the one that showed this to me.    Now the question is how many of the kicked out leaders show up again with some other name in some other area?  Frightening.

Bob D

I grew up being a Cub scout and then a Boy Scout. When I earned Eagle Scout, I didn't know what a homo was . Today ,that's all you hear about and i'm sick of it. From the scouts to the churches the gays have managed to create havock and disruption. This is wrong !


Well, these people of depraved minds look at the Boy Scouts like you'd look at a game rich area. Also note that these perverts were being kicked out every other day for abuse allegations! I say "BRAVO" Boy Scouts.  Sounds like they're staying on top of the issue. :congrats:

What the hell do queers  do for society that  we are to acknowledge their desires?
I know! They VOTE!


Yep!! And too bad more of our kind don't go out & out vote them. :rolleye:  Tis a shame.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Oh HaMeR, our votes don't count. It's all rigged. Who you going to vote for they're all corrupt. Besides it's my bowling night.   :puke:  So sick of hearing this crap!


And thats the mentality we all have to go against. :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on October 24, 2007, 08:43:08 AM
Yep!! And too bad more of our kind don't go out & out vote them. :rolleye:  Tis a shame.

yup it iws a shame when we all wake up and work together it will be to late  :rolleye:

Quote from: vvarmitr on October 24, 2007, 08:54:14 AM
Oh HaMeR, our votes don't count. It's all rigged. Who you going to vote for they're all corrupt. Besides it's my bowling night.   :puke:  So sick of hearing this crap!

I agree I here this all the time and my response is always the same "you can't really tell that if you don't VOTE"


We plan on our son (when he's older and if he wants to) joining the Boy Scouts.  I'm all for not allowing gays as troop leaders.  Last thing I'd want is my son going off for a weekend in the woods with someone that lives that life style.

  As for Philly charging them $200,000 a year?  First of all, that just discuss me they would do that to an organization that helps young boys :puke:  Maybe the BSA should just pack up and move to another city that can appreciate their moral views.  Second, I believe the BSA does have a case and should take it to the courts.  All the way to the Supreme Court if need be!  Then still move out of Philly once they win it :wink:

  I'll be emailing the mayor here in a minute giving him a piece of my mind.
The Last Call Your Turkey Will Ever Hear


judging from the description bop gave in this, i think the bsa should not have to sue. the supreme court already stated they as a private entity could discriminate against gays. as a government entity the city of philadelphia is prohibited under federal law from discriminating back. could you imagine a city doing the same thing to the aclu or naacp? the public outcry would be unbelievable. if gay men or boys want to join an organization like this, they should join the girl scouts, it is a better fit. just my opinion.



I saw a sign that said the Boy Scouts are selling popcorn now. Think I'll double up on my order. :wo:  ;yes;

Tooky: it not a thing of moving out of Philly. They aren't leaving boys behind, at least I hope not. This needs to go to court & spank Philly hard. They fought the faggot thing clear to the Supreme Court. They fight this too; butt punchers are going to stop bugging them. Maybe? I suppose it's to much of a smorgasbord for 'em to leave it alone.  :argh: