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Damn RAIN!

Started by keekee, November 14, 2007, 11:57:54 PM

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Figures! Season opened Sat and it started raining on Sunday! I have reset every day! Waisting my dry dirt....lol

It does this every year in Ohio! Whats up with that!

I had traps under 6" of water this Am! And mud in the dirt hole sets every day. Weather man says it over after tonight! I sure hope so its working my ass off making resets....lol... Tonight was no better! I look for muddy high water in the AM again!

I will get some pic's up this week........

Yes Jim I took the camera!

If you like pic's of muddy criters! I got a coon this AM that looked like he had been in a mud match at the local titty bar!




how about pics of both?  :laf: :laf: :laf:

hope it dries out for you. we had the first rain here in 7 months this week. I took the day off tomorrow to get after the dogs again.

good luck,


Todd Rahm

How about more about that local bar?  :roflmao:


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Brent send some of that rain down here, we could SURE use it. I have been digging a footing this week and the ground is HARD!!!!! Dry as a bone 12 inches deep, we were suppose to get some rain last night but since its still dark outside I can't tell if we got it or not. The lakes down here are about 20 feet low, the drought is BAD!!!!!!
Ronnie Cannon



when season srarted at this time of year in pa. we always had rain. the guy i trapped with always said he wonders if we were in a drought and trapping sean opened would it rain; know your feeling its raining quite often here also.

Hawks Feather


Just think how bad it would be to "only" check traps rather than getting to move and reset them daily.  The practice that you are getting is very valuable.   :holdon:    Wait, you already know how to do that.   In all seriousness that would be a pain in the back side.  We have only had one thunder storm (got caught in that one) and a few light sprinkles.  Not enough to really do much.



Well Brent.....at least ya have been out there.....I can't wait to get out there......


Last night wasn't much better. It rained hard early yesterday eve then even harder last night. It was dry this morning for my first run, and sprinkled on me one my second run.

Creeks were high and muddy. I didn't reset them today just done the checks and only scratched out one coon on the water line. I must have got him early before the rain. The land sets were a wash as well, But scratched out a grinner  :rolleye:. I reset all them, I'm going to haft to go get some more dry dirt  :pout:

Weather man says its done till Sunday, so I should be good to go after the creeks level out. I went ahead and set some pocket sets for Mink in a couple drain pipe run offs today and a few more coon sets as well.

Maybe things will dry up a little!

Its been real dry here to, we didn't have any water in the creeks 2 weeks ago. And all the ponds are down 4 - 10 feet.  So I shouldn't be complaining!

I'm ready for a few dry days though to give me a break!

I will say it was great to be out in the cool weather with the smell of fall and steel in the air! :biggrin:



Sorry to here about all the rain youre getting. Chances of snow here for the next week. :eyebrownod:
Keekee have you ever tried hay chaff for bedding? Used to use it here for fox, keeps the set working a little longer when weather gets bad..


Nope, but I have used Pete moss some. I mixed up a bucket full of dry dirt and Pete moss the other day. Only bad thing about it is I will get a few diggers every once in awhile. The Pete moss smells different that regular dirt. But most of the time its fox that dig them up. Coyotes don't seem to mind it. It also make the trap hard to bed if you put a layer under the trap.

The kind of rain we had here it would not of made much difference.....lol

Just left out the water sets, well I didn't have much to say about that they were all under a foot of water...lol

I reset all the water sets today and will be setting for Coyotes and Fox tomorrow after the morning water run.

Forecast looks dry for the next week anyway. I will hit it hard from now till deer gun season and them pull them all for the week.
