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9 yo 1st deer & 4 yo Calls in A 9pt for daddy & Kiyitec's protege

Started by kiyitec, December 02, 2007, 01:43:36 PM

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OK guys here goes.

  Again thanks to the UAW for the strike, as I got A day off to take my 9 yo daughter, Annabelle, on her first deer hunt.

  She started out shooting with my Ruger 10/22T, then I moved her up to my RRA AR 15 EOP. After shooting all her 20 round groups just over an inch @ 50 yards I moved her up to her single shot .243.
  Get this- She bought her own rifle with the money she was saving up for the last year & 1/2 !!!

  SOOO I took here out to my favorite stand opening morning of youth season.  Just after first light we watched A doe walk up within 15' and mill around for A while.  I asked her if she wanted to shoot, and she asked me if the doe was pregnant . . .  :confused: :doh2:  She decided to wait for A buck.  The doe walked off to the west of us, and about 20 minutes later was being harassed by A big buck about 300 yards out.  Then A little spike made the mistake of walking out of the woods between the two of them.  He got his butt whooped on and he hightailed it strait at us.  He actually dove into A huge brier patch to get away from the big one.  I sounded off A few doe bleats, and he snaked through the thicket and ended up broadside at 20 yards.  Annabelle sat on my lap and settled in on him.  She whispered "yup daddy.  That one!"  before I could even say anything that would have sounded adult like.......  like wait for that big one over there, or breath slower, or hold still.......  she said " I am on him- I got him"     BANG!  And he dropped in his tracks.
  I took the gun and loaded another round as she waited for me to say he was down for the count.  Laughter, high 5's, and hugs filled the stand, then she starts dancing around like she just scored an NFL touchdown.  I asked her just how happy she was-  her answer-  I gotta go PEE!!! :roflmao:
   The 100 grain clipped A rib going in and took out half the spine and the top of the lungs.  What was left of it hit another rib going out and made the biggest exit I have ever seen for A .243. 
  Couldn't get the better camera to work so sorry about the pic.  That is the vest I wore in 1989 when I shot my first coyote and my first deer.

   Annabelle's first deer:

A little back story-  Annabelle came to live with us after her mother ran off with her for A year then got busted with A meth lab in the house.  The state of Missouri finally figured out I wasn't making it all up... nice huh?   So she has been with us for two years and court paperwork completed 10 months ago.  She has done A 180 degree turn around.  Awesome grades, standout softball shortstop/power hitter, and she is A great big sister.

Here is my second story: keep in mind Airic is 4.
   I was working 7 days A week getting off at 7am, so I was going to skip deer this year.  The first Sunday morning of the season I came home in A bad mood and woke up the wife.  I had her get Airic dressed while I got ready.  We safety pinned one of my orange vests on him and out the door we went.  We didn't even make it out the back door before he asked if he could shoot!  I traded him the chance to shoot the first coyote so daddy could shoot A deer.  IT WORKED!  By the time we rolled under the hot wire he was already talking about using the howler from Brad H for the first set.  Gotta love A kid who knows his calls, and all my kids practice with all my calls. . . alot!   (yes I am still married!)   
  We walked A big circle down wind and came in on A pond bank right on top of A creek bed.  Right past the creek is A 3 acre patch of open woods surrounded by open fields.  I figured it being 8:30am already that would be our best chance.  We took A seat on the pond bank, and all was well.  10 minutes later I couldn't keep him from kicking leaves and playing with sticks.  Now, I have to tell you I wasn't really there to shoot A deer.  Just needed to spend some time outdoors and having him there was A bonus.  SOOO what did I do?  I handed him the grunt call and the doe bleat out of my pack. I told him to just sound like two deer talking!  He lit into an excited conversation that I imagined would be censored on "Deer cable TV".  I smiled and leaned back against the tree.  Within 5 minutes this 9 pointer came charging in.  Now at first thought I knew there to be no less than 5 bucks out there bigger than this guy, but the situation demanded the harvest of this buck, period.  As he was trotting up I looked over at Airic and he was just sitting there holding A call in each hand looking at them, then looking at the deer, then back to the calls, then he looked over at me.  He had that  "HOLEY SH!+  DAD IT WORKED!" look in his eye.  I'll tell you what guys- time stood still !!!  I came back to reality when he whispered  "dad, shoot him!  . . . dad. . .  DAD!"  It wasn't until then that I even realized I had A rifle.  Well that last DAD! Stopped the buck @ 30 yards behind A tree.  I put Annabelle's .243 on my knee   (well I took it because I though I would have to carry Airic back to the house and it was the closest to the door in the safe)   Then I reached over and grabbed his arm with the bleat can in it, then wiggled him arm trying to get him to use it.  He hit it one time and the buck stepped out.  I gave him A little too long trying to make sure Airic could see.  That deer was looking for us so hard his front hooves came up off the ground while he was bobbing his head.  Strait on at 30 yards, BANG! Flop! The .243 is 2/2 on spine shots! So I sent my tracker down the pond bank and over the creek bank and into the woods.  I followed close behind the music of the hunt, which made sure there were no other deer in A square mile.  Talk about loud happiness.  OK here it is.  Oh! On the walk back to the house I could barely keep up with him.  I can't wait to tell mommy.  Hey daddy who ever calls them in gets to keep the antlers!!! :holdon: :confused: :roflmao:

Airic's First Rack! :readthis:  Mommy and Lyn drove down with us to haul him out. I posted this pic because of Lyn's ooh look.


Here is my protege nephew.  I call him "The Foxpro"  He is also A secondary deer hunter. 15 years old 6'2" for size reference.

All the kids help skin, cut up meat, and grind burger.  We cut up 4 that day.  What was funny was my mom went back out to fill her doe tag at their place and had A MASSIVE 12 pointer walked 10 yards in front of her and milled around for A while.  Made her feel soft about shooting her 6!  Bow season should be better. :sneer:

    Hope you guys enjoy the stories,   ~Kiyitec

  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.



Hawks Feather

Great story and I am sure the kids will remember this for a LONG time.



That sure was great, reading and looking at the pics. I could read stuff like that all day long. :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:
"My Jeep won a war...Your Honda mows my yard !"


"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Man, it must have taken you all day to type that out  :eyebrownod: Go git ya a beer?  :wink:

Nice looking hero shots.  :yoyo: I'm lovin it.
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Thanks guys!
  Jerry- there are times that I secretly wish they'd forget for at least an hour.  I have got to get them in front of some predators soon before they are converted.

  Jim- No beer here, just the Jagermeister.  But working midnights 7 days A week puts A cork in my already light consumption.

   Airic is sitting on my lap and asked me to add that the backstrap butterflies taste really good, but he can't wait for the jerky.
   (and to add A blue guy here)- :rolleye:

  Our 7 year anniversary was  October 14th -I bought her A Winchester Super Shadow .243 wssm and she got me A bottle of GOLD BOND POWDER for the 7 year itch!!! For some reason I think I am sucking hind tit on that one.  My parents got us A dehydrator so the jerky will be flowing soon!  Poor little guy can't wait!  ~Kiyitec

EDIT:  Forgot they all trapped their first coon opening day of trapping season with their Nanny Goat(my mother in law)  You're right I made that name stick!
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.


Way cool stories Kiyitec!! I was right there with you on both shots. I don't really know what to say other than Congratulations on everything to everyone!! :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Very discriptive writing, great that you get the kids involved at an ealy age.  They are the future!!
You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Thank you gentlemen. 

   It's amazing how these memories help me too.  Heck, Somehow I got the whole weekend off. . .  wondering what wild adventures we are going to have this time.   :innocentwhistle:   ~KT
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.