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A fine day...

Started by Arkyyoter, December 26, 2007, 07:31:20 PM

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Hey everyone....hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas!!!

I have always said, it ain't just about the killin'...today was a prime example. It was a WONDERFUL day, and I didn't fire a shot.

My daughter's boyfriend (Jason), my bestest buddy and brother-in-law Jim, and I went out for a few stands today. It was cold and the wind was horrendous, but what the heck, ya know??

The first stand was great lookin'....spent about 20 minutes with a couple different distress sounds....nadda, went to a lonesome howl, then to pup distress...again, nadda.

We move 400 yards, set up and did it again...this in a place where we have called coyotes and kitties in years past, but to no avail this day.

We move a couple miles to another location....the set is perfect. Everything is perfect...the wind is now laying by a little...lookin' good. At about the three minute mark, a mangy pup comes from no where about 5 yards behind Jason...no chance to move or get a shot...he came trotting in with the wind. Hmmmm....Ok, three stands, one dog called...not so good but not so bad either.

Jim has to go to work, so we head home to drop him off...he lives about 1/2 mile from me. It starts raining with some occasional snow flakes mixed in for good measure...then it starts raining in earnest. So, I fix us up some ham and eggs, biscuits and red-eye gravy. We eat our fill and sack out for a couple hours. The pellet stove is throwing out some wonderful dry heat and that coupled with a full belly and rainy day, well, ya'll know the rest...

The rain diminishes about 3:00 pm. Out the door go Jason and I...it is still drizzling steadily, but at least it isn't rain. we are driving through an area where we see coyotes in the fields from time to time...I am telling Jason about it and showing him where we sometimes see them, and whaddaya know...there he stands, a couple hundred yards out in a big field. I drive on by and circle back, letting Jason out to try to make a stalk on him...he does, and gets to within a couple hundred yards without the coyote knowing he is there. About that time this crazy coyote lays down...Jason takes a shot and fails to connect...Oh well...

I go back and pick him up, and we go to another place to set up about 4:15...45 minutes till dark. It is still heavily overcast but the drizzle has turned briefly to snow and now now almost stopped. I tell Jason about this place and I feel they will be moving after the almost all day rain and the dropping temps....

While walking in, we see a yote out at about 250 - 300 yards...he has seen us and is leaving. I drop onto my belly and......the sage grass is about 18 - 20 inches tall....can't see a thing. Oh well...we go ahead and set up. After about 10 minutes of bunny, Jason sees a dog sneaking in in a dry creek bed, through the sage...he is just catching glimpses of the dog, never enough for a shot. The dog comes up about 25 yards behind the decoy and doesn't offer a shot, then leaves...poop!!!

While walking out, we see yet another coyote in another field about 400 yards away...he immediately hits the woods running.

We only called 2, saw 3 more...got wet and cold, then warm and dry. Good company, good friends/family....pretty tough to beat if ya ask me....



Any day in the woods beats the alternatives, and ya just gotta love being out there. :yoyo:
Sounds like some family time well spent Joe  :wink:
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Sounds like a real nice way to spend a day Joe!! :biggrin: :thumb2:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Hawks Feather


Sounds like a pretty good day - especially the time with Jason and the nap.



Now that's my kind of day Sir Joe............. :eyebrownod:  Yep, it surely is..... :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

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These are the kinds of days, the things that if we could just show the non hunters, that might make them see why we love it so much.

You're right Joe, it isn't always about killing.  Sometimes it's more than enough to just take the guns for a walk.


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If it was about killin, I probably would have quit a long time ago. I am all about the fellowship with others. I have and will continue to meet new people and hunt different places. My only regret is that I don't have a whole lot of places to return the favor.


That's alright Dirtydog...we know how ya are  :innocentwhistle:

:wink: :laf:
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I haft to agree Joe! Job well done and congrads on a great day in the field!



Sounds like a great time.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to be out there. This time of year is tough to beat for an outdoorsman.  Allthough you didn't do any killing, you can chalk that day up as a success! :highclap:


Nice post arkyyoter!  The reason I got into coyote hunting was to extend my hunting season.  I only have 80 stands so far with but two dogs taken, but I do not regret any of those stands and hopefully I am learning from each.  I am also enjoying being out, spending time with good guys, getting fresh air and lots of exercise climbing these WV hills.  Beats sitting in the recliner watching "Dancing with the Stars".

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Jimmie in Ky

Sounds like a great day to me Joe. For me it's more about the teaching and fellowship than the kill. I have some memories that will stick with me forever . Thanks for the good story. Jimmie