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Wondering about a Teusday?

Started by LBLDOG, January 09, 2008, 05:23:03 PM

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I was just wondering if any of you guys that hunt the LBL AREA would be able to hunt any on Teusday mornings ? I go with a buddy from work on Mondays but Teusday I always go solo. I work Midnights so I can never go on weekends at daylight because of work. I also hunt a couple of farms in Calloway County .Just thought I would throw that out any of you guys incase any of you were going solo on this day. :wo: :wo:


I also work midnights but usually try make my weekday LBL hunts in the evening. I am on the TN side.


Do you just hunt TN, side or do you hunt KY to?



Hows the Cat sign on the TN side?



LBLDOG, I stay on the TN side, Cheaper license.

KeeKee, I have not noticed much cat sign but did see a lot of foxs during the summer but I don't know where they are now.

Jimmie in Ky

Use tha temail addie I gave you, at least I think I gave it too you :nono: Jimmie