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New Ford Plant in Brazil

Started by KySongDog, November 25, 2008, 06:29:23 AM

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Thank Bil Clinton for NAFTA.................

"Ford assembly plant in Brazil

Pretty fascinating stuff. No wonder manufacturers want to leave the
USA!. The UAW will not allow this to happen in the USA.

This is a video of a new Ford plant in Brazil. One look at this and
each of you will instantly be able to tell what is wrong with the
manufacturing plants of the US car makers and why there will
probably never be another one built in the US. It will also point
out why more will go off shore."

Ford Plant Video

Carolina Coyote

Good assessment of what is happening in all the industries in the US, Remember there used to be a big Cotton Mill in just about every town in America, Thanks to NAFTA now they are gone.  :argh: cc


The only things the Clinton Administration did is now hurting us worse than ever. Now Obama is hiring mostly ex- Clinton Administration people for his Administration. This proves how ignorant some people really are. They believe the prosperous times of the Clinton Administration is some how tied to it.

It is the exact opposite! The good times can all be traced back to what the Reagan Administration set in place and the big internet and computer age boom did for the economy. The Clintons rode the bubble instead of setting things in motion for a positive future they set in motion to give away that prosperous time which has brought us to where we are now.

The Clintons cut back the military during this time of prosperity and created a so called surplus. Sounds good but aint worth shit during war.



Pretty amazing video.
I wonder what each of those employees is making on weekly basis. What ever it is, regardless of what it is, it must be like a fortune to them.

Step out of my bamboo and grass home and go to work at the Ford plant :eyebrownod:
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AND those sorry SOB's (the BIG 3  :rolleye: ) want some of that 700 billion dollars to "help them get thru this slow period".  :rolleye:  Sounds like GM wants to build a new plant somewhere else too.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Jimmie in Ky

At the continental tire plant in mexico ( where my job went) they were making 6 dollars a day six days a week.  So you can be sure wages aren't much better in Brazil.  Wages for the same type of job in china are even worse, around 40 a month.

As bad as it is and as bad as it is going to get, we are still much better off here.  Thank God for the U.S. of A Jimmie


The wife's old job is going to Mexico. (Craftsman tool boxes+ others)  And it's not like the steel wheels I make are going to get shipped down to Brazil. . .
  That's why I am sending her back to school to finish her nursing degree.  After that I'll be looking for something that won't get shipped out.

Ya I have been hiding under a rock in a cave for a few months.    ~KT
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