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Surgery (update)

Started by Carolina Coyote, February 07, 2009, 10:51:05 AM

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Carolina Coyote

Had a bad week, was in Hospital from last Sunday until yesterday with Gall Bladder problems, Liver and Pancreas  were highly inflamed, will go back in on Monday Morning for Surgery to remove Gall Bladder, this really gives me appreciation for People who have had Gall Stones!  :sad: cc

The surgery was done Monday to remove the Gall Bladder, Just beginning to feel a little better today. One of the main problems has been I am allergic to Morphine and found out during this episode that may be allergic to more pain killers as they tried giving me several others and all made me very, very  sick. No pain killers in the last 48 hrs and feeling a little better today. cc


Good luck and god bless ya.  We'll say a prayer for ya. 


I have never had gall bladder problems, but I have watched my Grandmother, M-I-L, and wife puke their guts out on several occasions due to the 'ol gall bladder. They get deathly sick at times. I feel for ya and will say a prayer for ya.



Sorry to hear about the problems.  :sad:   Hope you come through it OK.  Good luck tomorrow. 


Prayers sent.......... :wink:


prayers sent .............. I pray you have a speedy recovery and pray for the doctors to be at their very best.


How the heck did I miss this? :confused:

I'll be calling ya & praying for ya too. :wink: