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Started by Silencer, February 28, 2009, 04:48:07 AM

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Everybody was ranting and raving about impeaching President Bush.  Now I hear the same bung holes that voted for Obama say they think they made a big mistake. 
Whats the chances of impeaching President Obama ?  I'm sure the majority of Obamaites dont think this way, but a time will come when they too realize they made a huge mistake. 

Bills Custom Calls

I knew it would be a mistake to put him in office

And I told everyone I seen that.2 months ago all you could hear around here was,This is GREAT I helped put the first Black man in the White House  :rolleye: I don't hear that as much now

It is gonna be hard to impeach someone that topped the charts 1 spot obove Jesus Christ

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: Bills Custom Calls on February 28, 2009, 06:11:55 AM

It is gonna be hard to impeach someone that topped the charts 1 spot obove Jesus Christ

Bill's got it right.  Obama is off the charts right now in popularity.  He's not even in office two months yet and he's spent more money than anyone in the history of the world.  There's not a snow ball's chance in hell of impeaching him right now.   

But when the bread lines start forming up, that popularity may change.


No chance right  now. The rich libs still have money, and the poor welfare ones still think they are gonna get money...and they will...yours and mine.



These guys will pass laws to make it possible to stay in office forever.  That is their ultimate goal.  It will be really difficult to defeat them in the future.  Watch for redistricting to favor the Dems, citizenship for millions of illegals, etc.  We had our chance in November and now it will be very difficult to get them out!  I just hope the Supreme Court can keep them in check for a while.  That is the only branch of government that is still somewhat conservative. 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.  -   Thomas Jefferson
