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Started by nastygunz, January 13, 2009, 05:40:40 PM

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This was in the local paper  as a letter to the editor:
For the Monitor

January 11, 2009 - 12:00 am

Cruelty to animals is inherent in the manufacture of all real fur items.

Wild animals caught in steel jaw leg-hold traps suffer such excruciating pain that they often chew off a limb to escape, only to die a slow death from gangrene later on. In rural areas these traps are not checked frequently, sometimes not for days. Victims perish of starvation, thirst and after being killed by predators. This instrument of torture is banned in over 65 countries.

Animals on fur ranches are forced to exist in bare, wire-bottomed cages open to vermin and weather extremes. With no exercise, overcrowded and stressed, it is no wonder furbearers cannibalize and self-mutilate. The fur rancher's only concern is that the fur coat remains in marketable condition. Animals on fur farms are dispatched by painful electrocution or by unfiltered carbon monoxide gas, which burns the lungs.

With the abundance of faux fur available in many textures, colors and styles, there is absolutely no excuse to purchase the skin of a murdered animal. Don't buy, wear fur or patronize any establishment or catalogue selling real fur in any form. Inform the manager why you are shopping elsewhere until fur is permanently removed.

For more information on how you can combat this cruelty, and for a list of companies still selling fur, phone 224-1361. Remember, no animal willingly gives up its fur coat.




Double Standard Hypocrites

By Anonymous on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 08:38




Don't buy fur



First off, I don't believe in harming any domesticated animals. I believe people have the right to wear Fur, Leather,etc.
Now having said that, I love these people out there who claim to be "Anti-Fur" but yet have no problem wearing leather (that comes from cows). Excuse me but are you saying it's ok to kill cows so you could wear leather, but NOT ok for people to kill foxes for coats? Every single one of you who possess a leather item , and preach to people about fur are nothing but hypocrites.It's the circle of life. Get over yourselves!

"In rural areas these traps are not checked frequently, sometimes not for days.."

By Anonymous on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 19:56




Don't buy fur



Really? Says who?

Leaving traps unattended will cost your license, never mind prosecution. Fur trapping is an investment made toward a source of income...supply and demand honey. Deal with it by aiming your demands at those individuals demanding the product...remember beaver hats?

Lets please try to include a few facts in your propaganda, visit: www.nhtassoc.org


By armyvet on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 06:37




Don't buy fur



I agree but with owning domestic pets like dogs and cats only which should not be abused by their owners. But wild animals were put on this earth to serve making.

"God make animals to serve Mankind"

PETA....People Eating Tasty Animals.

Write the truth, not emotional rhetoric

By Anonymous on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 03:24




Don't buy fur



JM is right Barbara. Don't go to an animal rights organisation for your information. It is bound to be biased. rhetorical, and propaganda. There are many total mistruths and misdirection in your report. I am sure you are not intensionally doing this, but there are enough facts and figures out there that tell the real situation without emotional input. Just take a bit of time to research your facts. before writing next time.

Cruelty to animals is inherent in the manufacture of all real fur items, BUT

By Anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 18:49




Don't buy fur



I bet those leather seats in your lexus were obtained in a PETA approved facility.

What a waste!

By Anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 17:22




Don't buy fur



I'd be devastated to think that the hides to all the animals I've eaten have gone to waste. What about the feathers from poultry?! That's a lot of chicken feathers to fill the landfills instead of coats, blankets and pillows.


By Anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 09:12




Don't buy fur



What a joke!

In America 95% of all fur farms voluntarily participate in and are certified under a program developed by the American Veterinarain Medical Assocation to ensure humane and ethical farming practices. Farms are recertified every three years by an independent vet. Why would the AVMA develop and run a cruel or inhumane program?

Euthanasia by electrocution is not used on AVMA farms. Small animals are taken with manufactured bottled carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide which has no odor, no color, and is painless. Larger animals are taken with lethal injection which is the same method used on our beloved pets. Stressed, abused, or neglected animals will not produce quality fur nor are they likely to produce healthy kitts or pups. It would be immoral and economic suicide for a farmer to abuse or neglect their animals. Is there a tiny fraction that may provide sub-standard care? No doubt there are, just as there is in any type of business. However, they are a tiny minority and the the exception, not the rule. The AR zealots are not interested in humane farming pracitices because they believe any use of animals no matter how well they are cared for is wrong. The AR zealots are interested in 100% prohibition of animal use of any kind. Watching a video on the Internet does not make one an expert on fur farming, nor is it verifiable. Going to the AR groups for information about fur farming is like going to the KKK for information about the NAACP, you're not going to get factually based objective information.

Those who resort to lies, force, and intimidation to achieve their ends do so because they can not achieve them through reason, truth, and morality.

I have to get.......

By Anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 08:40




Don't buy fur



a warm, fur lined, fur coat to keep me warm this winter.

I guess the Native Americans which many liberals like Bonsignore celebrate were really "savages"!

Great Spokesperson!

By Anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 08:02




Don't buy fur



Barbara, You are a wonderful spokesperson for the creatures God but on this earth who can't speak for themselves. Keep up the great work!I I agree 100%.


Eat wear more beaver!!! :biggrin:

There are just to many idiots out there anymore :noway:


It was encouraging to see that most of the comments were giving her hell the whacko !....Eat trap a beaver save a tree  :biggrin:


And just who was the first to skin an animal for clothing?  :wo:
Well, the earliest account I can find is in Genesis 3:21.    :holdon: The culprit is none other then that terrible*, godless**, individual ... GOD! :shck:  Well now, if He did that & Jesus said "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt. 5:48  I can then kill, skin, & wear animal hides in peace knowing that I am like my heavenly Father.  :yahoo:     (Now that wasn't so hard was it.:laf:

It sickens me when the ARs talk like they're messagers of God.  :puke:   They're so clueless!  :doh2:

* - "For the Lord most high is terrible; He is a great king over all the Earth." Psalm 47:2 KJV
** - God needs no god for He is God. So in that way of thinking He is godless.

All quotes from the Holy Bible are from the NASB unless otherwise noted.


Quote from: vvarmitr on January 14, 2009, 10:41:51 AM
And just who was the first to skin an animal for clothing?  :wo:
Well, the earliest account I can find is in Genesis 3:21.    :holdon: The culprit is none other then that terrible*, godless**, individual ... GOD! :shck:  Well now, if He did that & Jesus said "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt. 5:48  I can then kill, skin, & wear animal hides in peace knowing that I am like my heavenly Father.  :yahoo:     (Now that wasn't so hard was it.:laf:

It sickens me when the ARs talk like they're messagers of God.  :puke:   They're so clueless!  :doh2:

* - "For the Lord most high is terrible; He is a great king over all the Earth." Psalm 47:2 KJV
** - God needs no god for He is God. So in that way of thinking He is godless.

All quotes from the Holy Bible are from the NASB unless otherwise noted.

Well said!!


it takes all kinds................ amazing to me though that otherwise intelligent pople can truly believe that we need to leave the animal population in the world(both of domestics and wild animals) unchecked.

Jimmie in Ky

We are not going to leave them unchecked Cathryn. We are going to cause their extinction with birth control  :nono:

So true it's not even funny. One of the studies to be done in New Jersey before they allow bear hunting again is hte use of birth control on bears. Hows that for th use of tax payers dollars. Oh, and htey are trying it on coyotes at the research center in Utah as well  . It's not doing all that well though from what I hear. They are haviong better luck with cayenne pepper and tear gas bombs on the necks of potential prey animals  :biggrin: Jimmie


I just get this mental image of a couple of guys in camo in the woods with a hand full of condoms and diaphragms, saying "OK I'll hold them down today, and you do the dirty work."  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.

northern coyote

Quote from: 5 SHOTS on February 04, 2009, 09:51:00 AM
I just get this mental image of a couple of guys in camo in the woods with a hand full of condoms and diaphragms, saying "OK I'll hold them down today, and you do the dirty work."  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Jeez....haha......thanks, thats gonna stick in my head just makin a scene outta that'un  :noway:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :eyebrow:
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


You can bet your a** these folks are going to be the first ones to btch about wild animals when their pets or,heaven forbid, a child gets hurt or killed, or when deer start eating up the gardens & shrubs.

No hunting was the rule around Arcadia National Park (about 60 miles from me) and then last year there was a hellva uproar about gardens and shrubs being destroyed by the deer. Now the state is sending a special archery team in to take out a certain number (can't remember just how many).

Just shows these types are against hunting and trapping until the critters are bugging them and theirs. Then it's you've got to do something about this problem.
Love to hunt...it's my R & R...even if all I get is a walk in the woods.

Climb Paws staff member