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NRA Membership - FREE

Started by Coulter, September 03, 2009, 04:02:37 PM

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Just received this today...
This is a free $35.00 value.
The NRA is giving FREE 1-year memberships to everyone who wants to JOIN.
It is build up its membership to fight pending legislation actions by
this administration  and the current congressional leadership that will
impacts our 2nd  amendment right to keep and bear arms.
It is very important for anti-gun congressmen to see how many people they
will have to fight to get their legislation through.
PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW including spouses, children, etc.

It doesn't appear to be an actual $35 membership since it doesn't include ALL of the benefits, but what do you want for free? You will be sure to get plenty of solicitation mail though :doh2:


Carolina Coyote

Been a member for as long as I can remember, they do send out a lot of mail but thank God if it was not for the NRA our guns would have been gone long time ago. cc


I am a NRA Benefactor Life Member.   All firearm owners should belong to the NRA.  It has the loudest voice in defending our Second Amendment rights.   The downside is you do get a LOT of solicitations.   :nono:


We should all be NRA members!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!