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Anyone up for a roadtrip?

Started by cathryn, November 15, 2009, 10:24:17 PM

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Personally I think regulating drugs while they have liquor stores on the interstate highways is major hypocrisy.


Quote from: HaMeR on November 17, 2009, 07:07:04 PM
Trust me. I'm not offended. There aren't too many people that can offend me. Including you.  :nono:

I guess you could say I'm tired of the whole "rich white folks gotsta pay for their successes sos I kin have mine too" mentality.  That comment is the exact same one used by the no good SOB that is in office right now. He was elected because he promised the lazy class of society he would take from the rich & give to the poor. Kinda defeats the purpose of a man to be successful in this day & age dontcha think?  :shrug:

BTW-- Apology accepted.  :eyebrownod:

:wo:  Being politically correct means having to say I'm sorry.  :nono:  Not me!! I aint. I'm not. And I'll never be.  :biggrin:

CCP said it best.

:iroll: Hammer,if you saw an apology in my post you really are either drunk or high.  :biggrin:

" relax i never mean to offend your sensabilities", wasnt an apology,nor was there an apology anywhere in my post. why would i apologize for your bein anal?  :confused:   :madd: :biggrin: :wink:

my post was  meant to reinforce the idea that you are takin this thread way to seriously and need to lighten up.. lol

ive never been accused of being politically correct but i have been accused of being redneck and opinionated.

2 qualitites im most proud of. :biggrin:


One story I especially enjoyed was in the 2002 winter Olympics.  The Canadian snow boarder wins the Gold but when tested he had THC in his system and they were going to take the medal away because of performance enhancing drugs.  Think what he'd of done without them :iroll:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I smoke Pal Mal Cigarettes........I rarely ever take a drink of anything but pop and way too much pop I might add....
I drink 2-3 pots of coffee a day.....
I aint proud of none of them..........and I have tried to quit........many times........working on the smokes again now......
I hate that these things have such a hold on me and I wish they were never made.

Does any of these things make me any worse or better than anyone I will ever meet in my life???

Boy I hope not.......Or I read my Bible wrong...........or I might miss out on meeting the fellow that comes up with the next great Idea.

We all do wrong......Sin is a sin if ya will........It is how we strive to do better that counts.
If ya think ya do no wrong and never have.......That is one of the worst wrongs there could be.
Am I saying my smoking and pop/coffee drinking wrong.....yup.....and that's OK cause I allow me to.....Its something I wish I never knew, so for me it is wrong.

What we fight about is really unimportant........Its what we learn in the process that will determine what kind of world we leave behind. 
Not trying to offend anyone as I like ya all....hell even Nasty (a little) ....... :laf: :laf: (that paranoid comment cracked me up!) 
I just needed to say these things is all....... :wink:


Geez Al now I feel bad about the deers ass end post....but it did bring out Cathryns true feelings for you so I guess theres some good in every post.... :biggrin: :innocentwhistle:.........as far as habits and such, everyone has their crosses to bear in life, JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED!


I'm pretty much with Weedwalker on the rather being with a pothead than a drunk. Potheads are chilled and drunks can be all kinds of crazy crap. Having been both I do have some experience on the subject.

I have smoked literally a ton of pot in my day, but haven't smoked pot since Sept. 11, 1994, but it was for personal reasons, nothing to do with me being poor or a redneck.

I started drinking heavily oct. 31, 1987 and started slacking off a few years ago, but still occasionally have a few drinks, but haven't been drunk in a few months. I have two quarts in my freezer that have been setting there for a few months and still not opened.  :shrug: Just don't feel the urge much.

After my back surgery they put me on some pretty strong pain killers called percocet 7.5. Left me on it quite awhile and those suckers took hold. Toughest thing I ever had to kick and the doctors themselves put me on it and then 9 months later informed me that I was hooked on them so be careful coming off them because it's gonna be as bad as coming off heroin. That was sweet of them.  :doh2:

I don't like the idea of the government being in any of my business, but having said that I do believe anything that alters your mind such as alcohol, cannabis, oxycodine, morphine, xanax, etc. should be regulated. I could care less what folks do to themselves, but if they plow into my family or hurt me at work because they are under the influence of some crap then I will take it personal.  :wink:
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Quote from: nastygunz on November 17, 2009, 09:02:30 PM
Geez Al now I feel bad about the deers ass end post....but it did bring out Cathryns true feelings for you so I guess theres some good in every post.... :biggrin: :innocentwhistle:.........as far as habits and such, everyone has their crosses to bear in life, JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED!

Takes one to know one is all.......admitting it is the hard part....... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Al u have never even looked at a bible,and Bopeye percacets are addicting my doctor took me off of them, before those i had morphine pills but now im on flexirill and ultram plus coumadine,zocor zoloft and some other drugs i cant pronounce. some of them say they can make u dizzie and u should not run heavy equipment but i have to take them every day and i still drive. u guys better look out if u go to LBL cause ill be all doped up and probable be seeing pink elephants and wanting to jump off buildings but it will be ok cause they were prescribed to me by a doctor.  :wink:


Quote from: nastygunz on November 17, 2009, 09:02:30 PM

That quotation from Matthew 7:1 has been bantered about incorrectly for so long that it's original meaning has been lost.  It does not mean "Never Judge".  It does not mean that judging is bad or wrong.  It does not mean that YOU are bad for making a judgement.  If you read it in its proper context, in the Bible, you'll see that it means "know ALL the facts before you make the call.  To do otherwise legitimizes a factless judgement of yourself."  We all make judgements, nearly every day.  Most of what we call "opinions" are judgements, usually snap judgements at that.  No one should be in fear of judging, as long as they've done their homework first.


Quote from: nastygunz on November 17, 2009, 09:02:30 PM
Geez Al now I feel bad about the deers ass end post....but it did bring out Cathryns true feelings for you so I guess theres some good in every post.... :biggrin: :innocentwhistle:.........as far as habits and such, everyone has their crosses to bear in life, JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED!

and what would those true feelings be,in your opinion?


Quote from: golfertrout on November 17, 2009, 11:12:13 PM
Al u have never even looked at a bible

I had read it twice.....Could not understand it....so I bought a book called "Where to find it in the Bible" (BY,Ken Anderson)  and a student Bible Dictionary.....then I read it again .....looking up what I did not understand.
I enjoyed that read most of all.
I went to church regularly and played my guitar every week in church for a long time......Then some people who thought they had never sinned in their life looked down at some of the folks there..... :argh:  I just never went back
There is more to it than that but I will keep it private......But I have read it....and probably should again.


Quote from: cathryn on November 18, 2009, 01:15:28 AM
Quote from: nastygunz on November 17, 2009, 09:02:30 PM
Geez Al now I feel bad about the deers ass end post....but it did bring out Cathryns true feelings for you so I guess theres some good in every post.... :biggrin: :innocentwhistle:.........as far as habits and such, everyone has their crosses to bear in life, JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED!

and what would those true feelings be,in your opinion?

Friendship......respect.....loyalty.....did I miss any.... :eyebrow:

p.s. its cold in the turkey blind in NH in November   :eyebrow:


Kinda crossin a line aint ya....     Kiddin around is one thing but whoa a little.


I thought it was admirable how she stuck up for you, you kids are mighty thin skinned aorund here  :wo:


the more u talk the more i realize what a jerk u r nasty


We are practically neighbors......And she is neighbor to a couple real good friends is all ........and we around here do stick up for one another......Jerry aint on here to speak out so .....I did....


well gee al maybe you should mention it to the other guys who were teezin you too...and as for you goferlout your an idiot.


p.s. its cold in the turkey blind in NH in November   :eyebrow:

This is what I meant if you need me to spell it out for ya!   Now there is kids on here so I will refrain from any more banter.
Talk about an Idiot.......SHUT UP!   :rolleye:


Al  you hit the nail on the head and im glad someone else noticed that he is an idiot


So is this how we lay our selves out in presentation to the new members entering the youth hunt? A handful of grown adults personally attacking each over a discussion regarding a pot party?  :iroll:

C'mon guys, cut the bullshit. Call each other on the phone and stroke your egos, this is making this place look real bad.
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