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Anyone up for a roadtrip?

Started by cathryn, November 15, 2009, 10:24:17 PM

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Quote from: alscalls on November 18, 2009, 08:16:24 PM

p.s. its cold in the turkey blind in NH in November   :eyebrow:

This is what I meant if you need me to spell it out for ya!   Now there is kids on here so I will refrain from any more banter.
Talk about an Idiot.......SHUT UP!   :rolleye:

TALK ABOUT AN IDIOT...LOOK IN THE MIRROR... wth has a turkey blind in nh got to do with you and cathryn ?...i said earlier I was hiding from her in one....whatever your thinking i havent a clue so you shut the hell up!


Quote from: golfertrout on November 18, 2009, 08:18:59 PM
Al  you hit the nail on the head and im glad someone else noticed that he is an idiot

being an idiot would be an upgrade for you :roflmao:


Quote from: FinsnFur on November 18, 2009, 08:19:44 PM
So is this how we lay our selves out in presentation to the new members entering the youth hunt? A handful of grown adults personally attacking each over a discussion regarding a pot party?  :iroll:

C'mon guys, cut the bullshit. Call each other on the phone and stroke your egos, this is making this place look real bad.

As it is your forum and I do like and respect you I will cease and desist.



Hey Fins, i apaologize for this thread i never thought it would turn into a buncha BS.

i did make that post forcefully bout Al being picked on by anyone but me cause i wanted to see what would happen...guess i did.

as   for mine and Als friendship,since some of you seem to have your minds in the gutter at any opportuniy, we're just friend here, on this forum.
he lives near me(40 miles or so) but weve never met and Jerry gave him an elk antler.

I would never disrespect Jerry and neither would Al his wife.  :iroll:


I believe there is no reason to apologize for the "thread".  A couple of individuals probably should apologize to each other for unnecessary roughness, but it's still a good thread.  What I've learned from it is that, what we are on the surface may have painted an entirely different picture of how closely we hold certain convictions.  Not only that, but we (most of us) can manage to keep minor moral convictions from interfering with friendships.  But the skin is usually thin around these areas of sensitivity.  It takes a person of strong character to out themselves knowing full well they must then deal with the expected consequences.  I don't believe any friendships were lost in the 5 pages of this thread.  Opinions may have been modified a little, but respect didn't lose any ground.  (just don't expect me to drop trou' on any of my personal vices)   :nono:


The only apology I will offer is to Jim Campion and other friends on this board.........Sorry

Nasty I got nothing for ya. :wink:


No one owes me anything especially an appology.
I just cant set up here watch you guys tear each other up over something (in my opinion) so stupid and publically degrading for us as a group.
Like Nasa I would think there'd be a couple apologizing to each other.
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I only got one skeleton in my closet[statute of limitations hasn't ran out on that fellow yet] and am happy with who I am.  If people can't be happy with me then, Oh well.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: alscalls on November 19, 2009, 07:54:44 PM
The only apology I will offer is to Jim Campion and other friends on this board.........Sorry

Nasty I got nothing for ya. :wink:
Right back atcha  :wink:


I can not believe I missed this thread.

That was an interesting read.

I wish someone would do a study. A real study not a bunch of stuff thrown together that was done by someone else 60+ years ago. A true study with unbiased backing. Every "study" I have seen is nothing but information compiled up from back before the Korean war/conflict. There have been no studies done in recent times that are done by an unbiased source. Please understand AN UNBIASED SOURCE Think anti-gun VS pro-gun. Both sides have a heck of an argument and both sides throw a lot of money into there prospective studies. A lot of Johny public hasn't the means to discern the true truths from the one sided truths. If you have somthing new and unbiased let me know. I would love to read it.

I am not posting here to stir up anything. I am posting cause I thought this was a rather interesting read. Other than all the ruffled feathers and pseudo name calling this was an interesting insight into the opinions that some of the members of this site have. I have seen similar discussions in my travels and I have seen people leave some of these discussions so mad that they immediately go out and do the things they were discussing. And watching them you could tell they were just trying to grab hold of there crutch. There crutch being whatever it is, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc....

Interesting little post by CCP there concerning testing being done to tell if someone is actually under the influence at the time of being tested. I saw my uncle fired from the job he had for 20+ years. Not cause he was doing drugs but because he could not give them a urine sample. Being he was diabetic and on dialissis he could no longer urinate. They fired him under there zero tolerance policy. They could have blood tested him but that runs into more expense. I also know they have a test that can tell if you are actively under the influence of THC. This kit is expensive. What company is going to spend the extra money when it is easier to just say zero tolerance. I know I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to someone endangering me or my family. So I can not place blame on a company for this

I know one company I worked for didn't have a drug testing program until the insurance company forced them to implement one. They never had a problem before but after the drug testing policy was started it was a different place to work. People actually felt as if the company was prying into there personal time. It didn't matter if they were a stoner or not. No one liked the insurance company telling them you have to pee in a cup whenever they say. I say if you work for a company that has a drug testing policy and you see an employee leaving a bar or liquor store shouldn't that person be fired?. My reasoning,... I know when I used to drink I felt bad the next day. Usually bad enough to affect my work. That being the case, couldn't drinking the day before be putting someones wellbeing into jeopardy today. I mean the alcohol is gone but my body still hasn't had time to recover to its pre alcohol buzzed state. Shouldn't a person in that condition be treated as if he were drunk? At least in the consideration that he/she could be putting someone else in harms way.

I know I have probably opened up some old wounds and that was not my intention. I just like a good discussion and other than the ..... OH whats it called. When a coyote arches his back and his hackles stand up. There's a name for it. .. POSTURING thats it! Posturing, other than the posturing this was a really good discussion/debate.

Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


it seems like the demand for medical marijuana is up so high that theres a university where you can go and learn proper dosing? i gotta a couple cousins who could probably sabve ya your tition fees  :wink: :biggrin:

Cannabis College Redefines 'Higher Education' Updated: 1 hour 59 minutes ago
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Richard C. Paddock
San Francisco Correspondent
OAKLAND, Calif. (Jan. 8) -- It seemed like a typical grand opening. The president of Oaksterdam University and an Oakland City Council member helped cut a red ribbon strung across the doorway. A crowd of 100 people clapped and cheered.

The city council member, Rebecca Kaplan, praised the school for helping revive the neighborhood, stimulating the local economy and attracting people to downtown Oakland.

"This is a large, growing and thriving business," she told the crowd at the celebration Thursday evening. "It is bringing customers for all the other businesses. It is a key part of the growth and revitalization of the entire neighborhood."

Dale Clare
Oaksterdam University?s new campus is a three-story, 30,000-square-foot building where it can enroll up to 100 students in its three-month course.
But this is no ordinary university. It trains students to work in California's booming medical marijuana business. Its mission is to build support for the movement to legalize cannabis.

The college has expanded so quickly since it opened in 2007 that it outgrew its two previous spaces. Its new campus is a three-story, 30,000-square-foot building where it can enroll up to 100 students in its three-month course.

Richard Lee, the founder and president of Oaksterdam University, is a veteran activist who also is sponsoring a statewide ballot measure that would allow adults 21 or older to possess and grow relatively small amounts of marijuana. The initiative also would allow cities and counties to tax and regulate marijuana sales and cultivation.

The name Oaksterdam -- a blend of Oakland and Amsterdam -- first came into use to describe the area of downtown Oakland where more than a dozen medical marijuana dispensaries sprang up a decade ago. Amsterdam is one of the few places in the world where marijuana is sold openly in shops and coffee houses.

Sean Donnelly, Contra Costa Times / MCT
Richard Lee is the founder of Oaksterdam University.
Oakland, California's eighth largest city with a population of 400,000, eventually began regulating the dispensaries and pared the number from 14 to four. But the name for the neighborhood stuck. Lee took the name for the university after a visit to Amsterdam to study the marijuana industry there.

Lee calls himself a "Libertarian Republican." He owns several other businesses in the neighborhood, including a medical marijuana dispensary. He has donated more than $1 million to the initiative campaign.

Supporters of the measure have collected 680,000 signatures, far more than the 433,971 required. Lee plans to submit the petitions this month and hopes to qualify for the November ballot. The university's old building a block away will become campaign headquarters.

"This is about politics and a political issue as well as being about business," Lee said.

Indeed, politics and business are intertwined at Oaksterdam. Students receive instruction in the law, politics and advocacy as a prerequisite for taking horticulture, for example.

Other classes include "cannabusiness," dispensary management, distribution, patient relations, cooking with cannabis and making hashish. Graduates receive a certificate that can help them get a job at one of the many medical marijuana dispensaries in California.

The school grows dozens of plants as part of its teaching program but complies with the state's medical marijuana law by serving as the cannabis provider for a patient who has multiple sclerosis.

About 6,000 students have attended the school, Executive Chancellor Dale Clare said. The university has opened satellite campuses in Los Angeles; Sebastopol, Calif.; and, most recently, in Michigan.

"Our main goal is to create activists and give our students the proper knowledge so they can help fight the drug war," said Salwa Ibrahim, Lee's executive assistant. "Politics is the most important thing of everything we do."

By some accounts, marijuana is California's biggest commodity. Lee estimates that it is a $15 billion industry, with medical marijuana making up about $1.5 billion of the total.

In recent years as the state's budget problems have mounted, Lee and other advocates of legalization have attempted to focus the legalization debate on marijuana's huge tax potential.

Last year, voters in Oakland approved a measure sponsored by cannabis activists that imposed a 1.8 percent city tax on medical marijuana. The dispensaries also pay state sales tax.

As part of his strategy in Oakland, Lee has sought to show that the marijuana trade can be good for the city's economic health.

In addition to the university and his dispensary a few blocks away, he started several other businesses, including a gift shop, a coffee shop and a glass blowing shop. Oaksterdam University joined the Chamber of Commerce.

"This was an area of Oakland that was rundown, with a lot of empty store fronts," he said. "We saw that cannabis could help bring traffic and revitalize the district and we could prove ourselves that way."

Kaplan, who was elected to the city council a year ago, said the rapid growth of Oaksterdam University is a boon to the city, much like the recent reopening of a Toyota dealership.

"Oaksterdam University is something we should celebrate," she said after the ribbon-cutting. "It really has become a normalized thing here."



Why is it necessary to advocate drug use and/or drug use tolerance on a hunting forum?   

I have seen a lot of people go down the tubes due to drugs.  Alcohol included.   I know of NO ONE who says illegal drugs made them a better, happier person.  Misery, financial ruin, jail and death are the ultimate end results.


QuoteWhy is it necessary to advocate drug use and/or drug use tolerance on a hunting forum?   

I agree and regret posting in this thread earlier. We have a youth contest and several youth oriented post going on and have many young hunters reading through the forums. Not asking anyone to stop just keep the kids reading this in mind while we post.



Quote from: Semp on January 08, 2010, 04:01:14 PM
Why is it necessary to advocate drug use and/or drug use tolerance on a hunting forum?   

In the same vein Semp, why would anything non hunting be put on the board :huh:.  I see politics, sports, religion, sex, military, kid raising, truck bouncing and a whole host of topics that aren't hunting related here.  I think if we kept it to straight hunting we'd find a lot of people missing here.  Talking is the first step in finding something out so if I want to learn something I need to hear people talking.
I say what I think not think what I say.


my original goal when i posted this thread was to get a good debate going, and except for a few offline posts, i think it succeeded at being an informative thread.

personally i feel what one does in their private life is their own business as long as it isn't affecting anyone around them. to each his own but i certainly wouldn't advocate a kid trying drugs,but lets face it the most of them will at some point and id like to see them informed before they take that plunge.Maybe a thread like this will actually keep a kid from smoking a joint and if it did then it'd be worth it to make the post,IMO.

because wed prefer not to discuss a potentially volatile subject doesn't make it any less real. im glad to be able to discuss a wide
assortment of topics with y'all. believe it or not Ive even changed my mind about a thing or 2 in the past due to debates on here.

I intentionally posted this original thread on the tailgate so people who didn't want to become involved in a non outdoors related thread wouldn't even have to skim over the thread title as the perused the hunting boards here.

i dont see much difference in debating this topic as compared to the many other off topic threads Ive read on this board in the past.


Quote from: pitw on November 17, 2009, 04:11:14 PM
  The simple fact of do what you want and can live with works.  I smoke but not in my house or car[when the family is with].  I smoke the other stuff never at home or near my family. 

Your post above says it all, Barry.  If you think smoking dope is OK why not get your family to join in?

I got my opinion and you got yours.  Let's just leave it at that and move on.  


I agree CCP THe fact that younger peopel can be reading this thread shoudl be kept in mind. But shoudl the fact that there is a chance an under age person could read this stop the debate? I dont think so. They are gona hear similar discussions somewhere sometime and wouldnt it be better to do it here where you have some input?

Do I want my kids smoking pot? No. But I already know my 19 year old is getting drunk and being promiscuious. I know this cause she told me. Does she smoke pot. NO. I know this cause she told me. We trust each other because we talk. We have had the marijiana talk. She understands my stand on the subject and will now make whatever decesion she is going to make. How did this happen? We talked. Simply that.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Quote from: Semp on January 08, 2010, 05:41:55 PM
Quote from: pitw on November 17, 2009, 04:11:14 PM
  The simple fact of do what you want and can live with works.  I smoke but not in my house or car[when the family is with].  I smoke the other stuff never at home or near my family. 

Your post above says it all, Barry.  If you think smoking dope is OK why not get your family to join in?

I got my opinion and you got yours.  Let's just leave it at that and move on.  

Semp I'm afraid bringing up a one line statement i have made and the claiming that it says it all is way beyond my comprehension :doh2:.  
 If you think my family doesn't know what I do then you have not paid much attention to my other posts either.  We discuss everything in this household.  My wife was brought up to hate [she don't like it yet but has tried it just to prove to herself what it did] the stuff.  Our oldest daughter doesn't do it for reasons she decided on her own.  Our oldest boy doesn't smoke/eat it cause he made his choice from discussions here and watching friends.  The young guys will do what they do but not under this roof until they are eighteen[My house my rules].
 Of course we got different opinions on things and that is as it should be.  If you were exactly like me I'd probably not like you. I learned a long time ago to try looking through another persons eyes before I condemned h their thoughts.   I didn't ask for this thread or for it to be brought back up again but I sure as [you know] ain't going to advocate censorship to the forum members :nofgr:.  Instead of wanting silence why don't you and I [and whoever else wants to] discuss like the adults we are supposed to be our different opinions[might find out they aren't all that different].  
 I'll start with my opinion is that pot[drugs] are as much a part of our world now as dirt.  With dirt as with anything it can be used wrong but like dirt used properly it can give a bountiful crop, create wonderful works of art, or anything else that dirt is used for.            
 Wanna try without getting mad at me thus forcing us into a pissing match that neither can win.  Give me your opinion why it's the most horribly rotten thing to hit the face of the earth since the asteroid that cleaned out the dinosaurs.

 As for young people reading this I guess I'd sooner they heard what a collective  group like we have here [thousands of years of experience] than what they'll hear talking to a pusher, dealer and dumbass friends[we probably all had one] with 10-40 years of experience.
I say what I think not think what I say.