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NRA American Hunter article on Coyotes

Started by KySongDog, November 20, 2009, 01:01:36 PM

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Anyone else see the December American Hunter magazine article about coyote depredation on deer?   Fawn to doe ratios were studied in areas were coyotes exist.  In two study areas 2.5 miles apart, they removed 23 coyotes and 3 bobcats from January to August in an 11,000 acre area, but removed no predators from a nearby 7,000 acre block. 

Shortly before hunting season, their camera census estimated 0.72 fawns per doe where predators were killed, and 0.07 fawns per doe where no predators were killed. Translation: Two fawns were were present for every three does in the predator-removal area, and two fawns were present for every 28 does where no predators were killed.  Coyotes can really crimp a deer herd.

There is a lot more info in the article.  You might want to check it out. 


yep, I got it.  Havent read it all the way through yet but did see the article.   I left it at work to read during break/lunch. 


Good predator articles in the Dec AH. The coyotes really put a hurting on the deer. Just add some wolves and you can only guess what will happen. MI VHNTR
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.

Let's Go Brandon.  FJB


great article on dpredation in predator extreme thix month too