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Crow Pix.

Started by nastygunz, November 29, 2009, 10:51:47 PM

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I spotted these bandits today and was gunna thump em up but there were some deer hunters in a stand on the edge of the field so I figured I wouldnt interrupt their hunt seeing they were there first.....last day for crow tomorrow...so I may get 1 last try in if they are there tomorrow  :wink:


 :roflmao:  Holy crows!

I see a human head inside a ballcap, under the mailbox, in the second pic too. Probably a good idea to call off the shot. :laf:
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I theenk that ees a pigeon, senor jeem....does look like a head though haha....no go crow, worked till dark, no more crows till spring 0f 2010 :pout:


Pigeon?  :roflmao:

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Thats what them thar lighter ones is...theres a big old railroad trestle across a river about 50 yards from the corn field and its loaded with a huge flock of feral pigeons...the closest we get to dove hunting in NH.


How'd you do that?

Smoke and mirrors :confused:
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Its magic, mon........ :innocentwhistle:...im seriously thinking about getting some pigeon decoys....every farm i go to the farmers hate em....theres no closed season on em....its big sport in the UK.....baked squab..MMMMMM



Pigeons are the messiest of all birds and that's why farmers hate them here. Fun to shoot and good eating :wink:
I say what I think not think what I say.


I just found a couple of pigeon mp3's Im gunna try on the foxpro  :biggrin:....I have hunted them in barns before with a red dotted pellet gun and pounded em...from my experience out in the fields they are pretty cagy but nowhere as sneaky as a crow...they do fly fast as hell though...I think a few decoys and they would land pretty easy...I watch em do it alot in the cut over cornfields....they spot other birds, circle real low a few times then drop in....they seem to fly alot lower then the crows too.

Hawks Feather

What are all the birds feasting on?  


I can tell the corn, but what is the "brown pile"?


I believe its a mixture of cow chit, hay, and saw dust from the barn floor..Im guessing with spilt grain mixed in it....theres 3 big piles out there now, the farmer keeps the field open all winter and dumps there then plows er under come spring...come snow n cold the turkeys usually hit the piles hard. Heres the same field with a coyote cruising it.


That coyote shoulda been heaped up in a pic, underneath you wearing a big ol cheesy grin. :eyebrownod:
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Cow chit has lots of grain in it as they are not the best converters on the planet.
I say what I think not think what I say.