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Is this the Norm down south

Started by pitw, December 08, 2009, 05:49:39 PM

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I received a box from down south with newspaper as the packing and as usual I read it page for page cause it's interesting to see what other areas do :shrug:.  I then came to the classified's and nearly had heart failure.  Is this normal for your part of the world cause it sure as "L" ain't here.

I say what I think not think what I say.


Seems to be heading that way in a lot of places.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Its not quite that bad around home yet but it will be I'm afraid.



Yes, in certain states the legal notices  in newspapers are placed to aid in prosecution when trespassers are caught (if ever).  In Kentucky it is not required to place such ads.  The fact that some one is on your property without permission is enough to get them charged with criminal trespass.   


Wow this terrifying to me  :puke:.  Why has it got so out of hand?  Is it the super high number of lawyers you have or what. :confused:
I say what I think not think what I say.


If it were simply legal to shoot trespassers, there would be less of it me thinks.  Basically there are lots of scumbags in the lower 48 who could care less about your rights.


I've not ever seen anything like that in our papers. I hate to think it's already to that point ...  :confused:


Where the heck was that from...I don't ever want to even think about hunting in that neck of the woods! Thats a freakin' shame it has come to that in some parts. :rolleye:



I say what I think not think what I say.

Todd Rahm

To many moon shine stills hiding in them hills.  :innocentwhistle:


If someone is trespassing on your ground, and they get hurt - there could be pending litigation on you from the trespasser.  Lots of folks have some sort of liability insurance for this particular reason.  Too many lawyers doing the wrong thing out there nowadays.  My guess is that folks are doing this to serve notice to trespassers, so if some trespasser does get hurt while on their property, they have their message documented for preventive measures incase of pending litigation.

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


Quote from: Hidehunter on December 08, 2009, 06:25:40 PM
Its not quite that bad around home yet but it will be I'm afraid.

Guess I was wrong, Im in WV lol


Wow, never seen such a thing either.  :puke:  If it's not your ground, and don't have permission,
you shouldn't have to be told to stay off it.  :doh2:
Isn't that the craziest freaken thing Brian. That just blows my mind that somebody can be trespassing
on your ground, get hurt, and sue you ! Even if they weren't supposed to be there in the first place. 
But it happens.  :rolleye:  The other thing too, years ago a friend of mine had a treestand accident and
fell and broke his back. His insurance company hounded him for some time about where it happened.
He never would give them any information on where it happened. They wanted to try and go back on the
land owner somehow. He told them it had nothing to do with where it happened.  :rolleye:


I've seen it for years around here although it is getting more prevalant. In the past at least, it has been mostly for liability reasons. You see things like this all the time, like in a divorce you'll see an ad saying "I, john doe am not responsible for Suzy Slut's debt". Kind of a public hand washing if you will.

I have noticed though, that more and more people are getting real particular about their property lines.



I've seen it but not that many on a page. For the most part I think it's due to a couple people trespassing and ruining things for everyone else.
That, in combination to the illegal things that happen in the WV hills that need to be kept secret for legal reasons makes these guys nervous.
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NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING illegal ever happens in these hills.  :innocentwhistle:



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Quote from: BigB on December 08, 2009, 08:02:32 PM

If someone is trespassing on your ground, and they get hurt - there could be pending litigation on you from the trespasser. 

Maybe elsewhere that is true but not in Kentucky.  If someone trespasses (does not have written or oral permission from the land owner) the land owner is not liable if the trespasser gets hurt.   I know this to be true because I was sued once by a guy on a 4wheeler who got hurt while trespassing on my property.  The judge threw the lawsuit out because the man did not have my permission to be there.


OK.......I am from WV and I am a landowner.....Though I have not seen these ads around here yet I can shed some light on a few things that frustrate me.....

I own an old Civil War graveyard....It has been abandoned for many many years......ATV riders take it as a free place to ride around the mud holes.....What they don't realize is the damage they are doing.
There are unmarked graves up there that can only be found if the ground is undisturbed so I run a cable around it and posted it.
They got angry and hooked up a truck to the cable and yanked it down so I put it back up...
They litter and throw drinking parties up there running through the mud to the point I have had the scouts out picking up the beer cans several times and they sell the cans to support their local troop....
It is nothing to get a couple of pick up loads of cans in a day or two.

I call the DNR to seek help and ask that they enforce the no trespassing signs by writing some fines for those that refuse to stay in the road.....where the mud holes they... seek have gotten to deep.... :shrug:
The DNR says the only way they will enforce is if I sign an agreement with them to come on my land anytime for any reason.
Then I am to put a black dot on every posted sign 1" or larger in the top right hand corner to let the DNR know exactly where it is.
Sounds like a plan right??
Yea a Evil plan by the DNR......next thing ya know your on a list of phone #'s and addresses for the DNR to give out to any public person that asks where can I hunt?
And the DNR goes around writing tickets to neighbors that refuse to sign the agreement......trash piles half buried that's been there 60 + years ??  30 days to clean it up or a huge fine!!
Oil spot in your driveway??  EPA is called and again your fined.
If you cooperate and sign the agreement they will let some things slide but you are at risk of getting fined as the officer does not want to be there at all in this very remote area so he will pull the old ......If I do the dishes wrong ....No one will want me to do the dishes...

So the landowners soon get tired of lazy public officials and hire lawyers ....They find that if you ask for a copy of this agreement they must give you one.....But you do not need to sign it with the DNR.... :nono:
You can make this agreement with any resident of the state that is a legal US citizen..... :eyebrownod:
And this person has the right to take anyone caught on the property straight to the magistrate court for processing....Only thing is this person better know what the charges are specifically.....Trespassing in WV is only a $25  fine..........
Criminal trespassing is a whole nother ballgame.... :eyebrownod:

Also a law was just recently passed in WV that if you life is in danger from another person on your land......You may shoot them..... :biggrin:   I dont recall the law word for word but this is how some interpret it....including me.
They no longer need to be in your home....some of the fellas placing these ads I am sure pushed this one through...  The ads are fair warning of private land that is being Privately patrolled because our state Govt. will NOT do their jobs.

We have a very serious poaching problem as well as trespassing.....criminal trespass....

How do I know so much??   I have been robbed out there before only to be told...."We aint driving all that way just for that"
My trees were cut and stolen.....I was told it was a Civil matter and I needed a $1000 dollar injunction to get them to stop.....I found out that a $300 Mossburg is much faster.... :eyebrownod:  (then I sued them)
I have been asked repeatedly to sign this agreement.....I will NEVER sign a contract for someone to do their job!!! They too can keep it in the road!

I had a group of young men drinking at my picnic table at my camp when I arrived.....I did not bother to call the Sheriff or the DNR or anyone else .....I asked them to leave.....they said NAAAH we are staying and came at me ....5 of them....
Then they quickly ran off to their truck ....I personally like looking at my Kimber 45 ACP but the hole in the end is not the part I would want to see either...... :laf:

If they had kept coming??  I would have killed the whole lot of them.   Without hesitation  as I did fear for my life! .........because I feel I am the only one protecting it, when I am alone in the WV woods.

I almost shot an uninvited guest in my home a while back.(About 1 1/2 yr ago) and he was so upset he ran to the street out side yelling "I'm calling the cops!" And the dumb arse did!?   The sherrif told him he was lucky.....all he got was some Hillbilly justice....If it were his home he said he would have shot....I said to close to the door (before the new law)....I needed one more step....the sheriff laughed......Is this for real??  YES   Are things this bad??  YES  not everywhere......and not everyday....but my eyes are open and I will protect whats mine.   Sorry for the rant....sore subject
Our DNR has to much power and to much lazy man power.