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HuntnCarve I think I may need your help.

Started by pitw, December 09, 2009, 08:57:02 PM

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 Well men and lady's[you may want to hit the little red x now] I have hit the crown jewel in my quest of ways to get in the ram pasture  :puke:. I'm not even sure I should relate this one cause  if there are any copycats I probably could be held accountable by the lawyers you have in the states.  Last night[or at least early this morning] at 2:00am I came upon it just lying there in bed. I really wish I'd spent a little more time thinking of consequences this time  :sad: . I woke the wife and asked her to go turn on the light for the room and much to my surprise she did, asking "Why do you need the light"? To which I responded "I was feeling a little frisky, but tired and now with the light on and seeing you standing there naked I'm fine again. Shut off the light and lets get some sleep as you need to work in the morning". What happened next is a mite blurry but I can inform you that excruciating pain was a big part of it  :puke: :puke: . Then seeing as I was fairly wide awake and sleep wasn't going to come until the swelling goes down and the couch warms up, I made a pot of popcorn and watched a movie called dumb and dumber. I left early this morning for no other reason than I felt a good offense wasn't attainable. I got home in time for supper to find mashed potatoes, roast beef, gravy and all the fixins. The boys got that and I got a bowl of unpopped popcorn set at my spot. Bobby started laughing at that but quit right away as he looked at ma's face. Me and the boys are home alone tonight and I think maybe the old bank account is taking a full broadside as I noticed on my way in the house that a cabinet[pure oak] I had in the bedroom was sitting outside and fellows I'm leaving it there   :readthis:.  So Dave if you have any bright ideas I think I could use one about now. :biggrin:
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I have made a mess of this desk......and my glasses are fogging up...... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  Cant breath ..... :roflmao: :roflmao:     You better step lightly Barry I think some payback is coming...... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


I would make fun of you Barry, but I've been on the couch for awhile now. It seems I have as big a mouth as you do.  :confused: :biggrin:

It's not bad after you get use to it.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :laugh2: :laugh2: :roflmao: @ pitw :roflmao:  :laugh2: :laugh2:

Man ... I would not want to be in your shoes ... :nono: :rolleye: :nono:



  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

My trick to marriage is to tell the wife I love her as much as possible - Tell her she is beautiful (even if she is looking rough) at least 3 or 4 times a week, not to much or the sweetness will wear off and it will get you nowhere - And wash the dishes about once a week or so.  And what will carry you along way is to go out of your way to tell them you love them.  I have walked outta the garage just to open the door and tell the wife 'I love You' and go right back to the garage.  No Bitchin for a week and a great supper  too :yoyo:.  I do what I want and go where I want and never hear not a word about it all because I follow what I just told you here.


Looks to me like you only have 2 choices. Butter up your wife, or butter up your popcorn. :wo:


I wanna know what would posses ya to do something like that.
Are ya nuts or just suicidal?   :roflmao:
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Barry, seems I found this post a little late, as there's no photo appearing on my screen?   :shrug:

Sounds like you've "crossed that line" that all us men seemingly always manage to do?  You lived through the night, so I'll take that as a good sign. LOL!  Just watch your back!  Women folk seem to hold a grudge for a long time? -No ryhme or reason?



 :laf: :laf:  Barry has a swollen,,,   :hahaha:  EGO & a shrinking  :hahaha:   bank account!!!

:roflmao: :roflmao:

Hope you get that reversed soon Barry!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: FinsnFur on December 10, 2009, 05:20:53 AM
I wanna know what would posses ya to do something like that.
Are ya nuts or just suicidal?   :roflmao:

I guess I'm nuts cause if I was suicidal I'd want to piss her off :laf:.  I just want her thinking about me good or bad and then she ain't thinking about something/someone else :shrug:. Best team of horses I ever worked with would sometimes either bite or kick their fellow puller just to see if they were awake [I think].  Life is to short not to enjoy all of it. :wink:.  
Also it makes it a lot easier to get a couple weeks off to go to the LBL cause she don't want me around anyway.
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :laf: :laf: :nono:
So what kind of flowers did you go into town and get her today?
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Quote from: FinsnFur on December 10, 2009, 06:42:24 PM
:laf: :laf: :nono:
So what kind of flowers did you go into town and get her today?

Three loads of firewood, a bracelet and told her to book a trip to England.  Must of worked a little as I didn't get unpopped popcorn tonight, just an empty bowl.
I say what I think not think what I say.


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Damn dude!! You sure screw up expensive dontcha!!!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on December 10, 2009, 07:27:36 PM
Damn dude!! You sure screw up expensive dontcha!!!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:

Not really HaMeR.  She went over 3 years ago and me and the boys had to learn how to live without her for 5 weeks.  It was such a great learning experience for all of us that we thought we should try it again :shrug:.  She wouldn't leave again until I did so hence the easy permission to the LBL. :biggrin: :biggrin:  It just seemed like a good time to tell her to book her trip if she wanted[It's not like she has said enough words today so that I know if she's going or not yet :iroll:].  Besides that for putting up with a guy who had his freedom for fourty years and still likes things his own way I have to say[and she's not looking over my shoulder] she's worth it :yoyo:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Sending her alone. :roflmao:

Now I re envision that scenario with Barry walking in, throwing his keys on the counter, looking over to her and saying, "Book a trip to England" as he passes.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :nono:
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 :laf: :laf:  I can envision him walking in the door & throwing his keys on the table & saying "Honey!! I'm home!!  :biggrin:   :hahaha: And you're NOT!!"  :laf: :laf:

I'm sure she is Barry.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


There are only a couple of things we done together :innocentwhistle:.  She is much like me and talks a lot[just not to each other] so has as much traveling alone as I do :shrug:.  Whats this throwing the keys thingy?  She throws fits and I throw lead but keys :confused:.
I say what I think not think what I say.



 :laf: :laf:  Can't,, or shouldn't,, throw lead in the house.  :nono:  And if she weren't worth having around she wouldn't be there.  :yoyo:

Just like my ex.   :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11