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Fleece Jacket

Started by LBLDOG, December 15, 2009, 08:53:45 PM

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Went Monday solo again walking down a fire road and there was a wet fleece jacket  laying on the ground. I thought well it's worth checking out. I picked it up and then I thought , somebody could have wiped their rear end with it lol . I inspected it  hung it over a stick and walked it out .06 tenths of a mile back to the SUV. I stayed till 9:00 a.m . I checked the wind on the Iphone and it was gusts of 17 mph, wow!!. My first 3 sets it was only like 8mph out of the South. The positive of the day was I washed the fleece jacket & gloves . I give the gloves to the wife and wore the jacket to work last night lol


Quotesomebody could have wiped their rear end with it

Thats a very real possibility....my buddy witnessed a guy during deer season dumping a lumpy and then take off his clothes strip off his thermal top and smear butt juice all over it. Of course he left it there for everybody to see. It was right next to the freakin' trail we were using to cross an overgrown power line. Now that is disgusting! Cover it up man :puke:


Quote from: Coulter on December 16, 2009, 05:56:46 AM
Quotesomebody could have wiped their rear end with it

Thats a very real possibility....my buddy witnessed a guy during deer season dumping a lumpy and then take off his clothes strip off his thermal top and smear butt juice all over it. Of course he left it there for everybody to see. It was right next to the freakin' trail we were using to cross an overgrown power line. Now that is disgusting! Cover it up man :puke:

Deuteronomy 23:13
As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement.



I looked it over really good before I draped it over a stick to haul it out! I really figured they would use their undershirt and not a Fleece Jacket. It didn't smell at all !  It smelled rain fresh soaked!! If it would have been a shirt, noway! But a Jacket , inspected it then took it home!!


could of been a coon hunter or rabbit hunter that lost a dog leaving a scent rag for there dog
Some people spend and entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world: : The United States Marines don't have that problem---- R. R


Welcome Stom!  You may be right....I used to throw down my coat and leave it till my dogs came to it......and I would check it daily to see if the dogs were back.


Quote from: storm on December 16, 2009, 04:48:17 PM
could of been a coon hunter or rabbit hunter that lost a dog leaving a scent rag for there dog


You would not believe the amount of usable clothing and back packs we find out here on the border or near a major roadway.  The illegals carry a fresh set of clothing with them and change once they make it across or are near a road system (some just steal a fresh set off your clothes line).  My son is very active with the Minute Men project and has convinced a local dry cleaner to clean and sterilize the usable clothing and back packs free of charge.  They are then donated to a local charity.  One year we picked up over one ton of trash within a two mile radius of our property.  Just a small sample:

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Wow!  I really don't know how one lives next to that.    :argh:   I suspect a lot of illegals go missing in the desert.   ;yes;


 "I suspect a lot of illegals go missing in the desert."

Not enough!   
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


John, tell your son that's AWESOME  He donates that to a local charity to help people that need it !  That's Great !!!