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This sounds like a decent guy to have in office.

Started by HaMeR, December 15, 2009, 10:15:40 PM

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Anybody know anymore about him?? I would like the good, the bad, & the ugly on him Please.  Thank You!!  :yoyo:

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., had some harsh words for Democrats aiming to make President Obama’s healthcare program law.

In an interview with Newsmax.TV Monday, the Senate’s leading conservative Senator said his Democratic colleagues are not considering their constituent wishes, but are helping President Obama “make history” in putting through a radical government takeover of private healthcare.

DeMint said Congressional Democrats “have drank that Kool-Aid,” adding that they are even willing to “walk the plank” to see Obama’s plan rammed through Congress. He noted that most members of Congress don’t even know what’s in the bill, since it is being drafted in “secret.”

DeMint also offered sharp criticism for some members of his own party, and is even backing conservative candidates who oppose Republican establishment picks.

The senator tells Newsmax.TV’s Ashley Martella that supporting these alternative candidates can help transform the Republican Party and bring it in line with where he believes most Americans are on matters of spending, governmental intrusiveness and free-market economics.

“These are Republicans who are willing to stand for those mainstream, common-sense principles that Americans are demanding right now,” DeMint said. “I’m not trying to pull the Republican Party to the right; I’m trying to pull the Republican Party to where America really is.”

The senator believes Republicans deserve a choice who will stand for conservative principles and not just be someone who the party establishment thinks can win.

DeMint says the GOP has drifted too far to the left in recent years when it has come to spending and the expansion of government, and his goal amounts to reversing that trend and returning to the conservative principles espoused by Ronald Reagan. Returning to basic conservative ideas, he says, will help the Republican Party regain the popular support it lost in the past decade.

“We need to pull the Republican Party back to mainstream America and to what Americans would say is common sense not to spend more than you are bringing in,” DeMint said. “That’s where we need to be.

“This isn’t some far right-wing movement that you see with these Tea Parties, rallies or town halls.”

He says those who have made their voices heard at the Tea Party rallies speak for millions of Americans who have grown tired with how business has been conducted in Washington and “how it is mortgaging our future to buy votes today” on healthcare and other issues.

“[Reagan] kept his focus on limited government. He kept his focus on a strong defense and less taxes, so our private economy can work,” DeMint said. “The people in power now are advocating exactly the opposite more government spending, more debt, more government control of healthcare, General Motors, insurance, banks, whatever.”

The senator says the latter is a recipe for disaster that failed in Russia and China. He also criticizes the $1.1-trillion spending bill that passed last weekend laden with 5,000 earmarks as the latest example of the Democrats’ fiscal irresponsibility.

“It still tells you that the people running Washington don’t get it,” DeMint said. “We are in the middle of a recession of Americans losing their jobs, and they’re passing spending bills. These are discretionary, non-mandatory bills that are 15-20 percent above last year in some cases, and we don’t need to be doing that at a time when we’ve got debt that is completely unsustainable.”

Democrats, he says, think Americans are “stupid” and will forget about the healthcare fight in next year’s midterm elections, but he promises that will not be the case.

DeMint says candidates such as Marc Rubio in Fla., Pat Toomey in Pa., Michael Williams in Texas and Chuck Devore in Calif., have the character and ideas the Republican Party needs to reverse these trends and return the GOP to respectability.

He especially expressed confidence in Toomey, whose showing in the polls forced incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., to bolt from the Republican Party last spring, as someone who stands for the principles of liberty.

Sen. DeMint was questioned by Martella about his fellow South Carolina Senator Linsdey Graham, who has teamed up with Democratic Senator John Kerry to push for an international climate change treaty.

DeMint suggested Graham’s rhetoric may tilt to “their side” but said he doubted his Republican colleague would ever voter for climate legislation like the cap-and-trade bill proposed in the House.

See Video: Sen. Jim DeMint talks about his defense of conservative candidates - Click Here Now


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hawks Feather

Bob (cousin and a member of Congress) was here yesterday and we worked on an older shotgun that he had just bought.  He said that it is a real mess in DC and it will only get worse.  He was at the White House CHRISTmas party and they had cut-out cookies as dessert. You will never guess what the shape of the cookies were - ACORNS!  The party is somewhat of a walk around and not a sit down dinner, but last year Bush had some sliced meats for sandwiches etc.  This year there were two tables - one with beans and the other with leaf lettuce.  Sounds like a heck of a meal to me.  But then they did have the ACORN desserts which I am sure made up for everything else.

It seems to be about POWER and the dems want to control the power which in turn will control the people (think of most communist or socialist countries).  They have control of the auto industry - to the point that they can say how much a person can be paid.  (Don't want to get into the debate if CEOs are worth the amount or not, but it seems that the company and not a Car Czar should be setting that.)  Now they are working on the health care industry.  Bob said the one bill that he looked at has an appointed person that will be IN CHARGE of the health insurance industry.  That person will say if the health care (non-government) is approved or not.  What that means is that even if you had the best coverage in the US, this person could look at it and say, "No, not approved." and then you could continue on that policy, but would also have to pay for the government approved policy.  Bob also said that there is on MAY among all the other SHALL and that was when it came to health insurance for members of Congress.  Members of Congress MAY take the government policy or continue on their current policy.  Bob introduced a bill, which needless to say was shut down in less than a heartbeat, that said any member of Congress voting FOR the health care would be required to be a participant of that package and be removed from the government policy.    I wonder why, if the government program is sooooo good that the dems didn't want to consider this.


Bills Custom Calls

But to hear NOBAMA put our health care would be the same as the health care the Gov has now  :confused: Could he be lying to us?  :shrug: Probably

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


1st off I woulda ate the beans by the shovel full. Then I woulda hung around their side of the table just to further discuss the health care plan.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:

The reason the gubment officials are not going to be on the same "Death Panel Insurance Policy" as us is just that simple. The Death Panel.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11