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I love the snow but......

Started by Hidehunter, December 18, 2009, 11:05:00 PM

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We just got 10 inches here in Craigsville WV in the past 3 hours and its still hammering it down.  Just came in from knocking some snow off the limbs in a few of the smaller trees in my front yard.  Heard timber cracking on up the road and a big Oak limb has fell beside my Driveway and has the road blocked.   Looks like Im gonna have fun tommorrow :madd:


Hasn't started yet  12:26  here in Parkersburg??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Todd Rahm

Shoot I had that snow fall at least three times last week.  :roflmao:

Enjoy while ya got it on the ground.  :biggrin:


I was hoping yall would keep it down south, its coming to PA.....12 inches ????  add that to the stuff we already have.  I rather have a green/brown Christmas, river and swamps NOT froze over LMAO.
I scouted and found the ducks and geese where a large creek meets the river, they were all piled in there last night, a whole bunch of em.  The guy that owns the land dont let anyone hunt and even if I had a boat the ice thats ALREADY built up would be something to get through.   I havn't seen ice this early on the river in years.   Whats all this talk of Global Warming ????  


Yeah but it's like an instant advantage to coyote hunting  :eyebrow:
Up here it isnt winter till the snow flys. In fact thats the only way we can tell Christmas is coming.
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Around here the snow is comming down, but not hard. We are supposed to have an Inch comming over the corse of a day. Hope so, Makes for better hunting.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


25 inches this morning and still pouring it down.  I have no power but running house off of generator.  They are saying 6-10 more inches today.

Thats my car beside my jeep lol


QuoteI have no power but running house off of generator.

I got called out just after you started this post. Just now got home, going back out in 8 hours. When we get done with our stuff, looks like we will probably head for Braxton County. Lots of power outages. Too many trees in WV LOL. I thought I might get the chance to call some critters in. Even charged the Fox Pro and put a new batt in the remote. Maybe in a few days.  Gotta love snow and trees.



heres some pics of what we have outside right now.

alexys had fun though

heard on the radio thousands were without power and some might not be restored till Christmas Eve.

the folks ight across the hill aways from us are being told Monday for their power.

the turnpike between Beckeley and Bluefield closed till further notice , least it wwas last i heard.

all in all, pretty yucky even for us.

We're lucky that we havent lost power or telephne.
my neighbors had a tree fall on their phone line where it goes into the house spo they have no phone but power.


You guys that arent used to this down there should probably be watching your roof tops. Snow gets heavy fast and it's very common for roofs to collapse under the weight.
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Quote from: FinsnFur on December 19, 2009, 05:18:04 PM
You guys that arent used to this down there should probably be watching your roof tops. Snow gets heavy fast and it's very common for roofs to collapse under the weight.

Thats a good point I never thought about that.  My house is old and made outta Solid Oak and real sturdy so Im not to concerned about it but there are a few doublewides around that have real flat roofs on them.

Todd Rahm

I know we deal with it all the time but are you guyss really set up to deal with that kind o snow down there? I mean like plowing the roads and snow removal etc? I get that Jeep pic all the time and it used to bother me but now I just deal with it. 

I love the pics Cathryn posted with the hoar frost on the trees, very Christsmasy.  :biggrin:


Some areas around here dont get to see a plow until all the main roads are clear.....but we are pretty used to it.
I live in town now but I can remember when I did not and it would sometimes be 5 days before a plow came.....but we cleared most of it with tractors enough so folks could get around.


my road wont see a plow till bout Wednesday or say I would say.  Everybodies been plowing with their trucks and tracters.

Todd Rahm

Just shows the difference between the states that are used to it and the ones that are not. I go out side to snow blow my drive after a big snow and the plow trucks goes by about the time I'm finishing. 


Quotethe plow trucks goes by about the time I'm finishing. 

I swear they wait till a certain time when everyone is finished just to plow em back in.

As of this morning it's missed us way up here in eastern PA   :fingerx:  NWS Radar shows its coming....


been without phone service since yeasterday if ya missed me....Al  :wink: :biggrin:  (KIDDING EVERYONE)

i shoveled off the sidewalk and steps yesterday( no small feat for a big gal, LOL) and the boys and i shoveled the driveway yesterday evening.
got out the hollar today. the road isnt too bad but the driveway is yucky.
i went over to the yella store and that road from the house over SUCKS.
it was so bad i came back home by way of 33 and back up Gay road.



A lot of the roads were really bad 'til the plow and salt trucks ran. I was out in it from the start and I think the big thing was the fact that we got rain first. This produced a layer of ice under the snow making the roads very slick. I ran with chains on from about midnight Friday til Sat afternoon and off and on throughout the week. This ice also caused the snow to stick to everything. I have pics on my cell phone of power lines, (# 2 aluminum, about 3/8 inch diameter) that are the size of the big end of a baseball bat. Fortunately for me, this made for some OT, about 70 hours of it this past week. Today is the first day I haven't worked in the last two weeks.  :yoyo:

Our DOH guys are on the ball and very equipped to deal with snow. I think what makes ours (in WV) a problem is; due to our moderate weather, we get most of our snow at 25 to 32 degrees, making wet snows; the moderate weather also gives us freezing rains to go with snow; and the terrain, of course, doesn't help things much, although it makes for some good sled or tube riding.  :biggrin: