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Bob took me coyote calling.

Started by pitw, December 27, 2009, 04:36:47 AM

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Well the young fella certainly tired me out yesterday out calling coyotes as I just woke up from my after supper nap :laf: :laf:.  It was a beautiful day out with the sun shining and a 5mph south wind at 15F[didn't even need mitts on to sit at the stands].  First three stands didn't produce anything but ravens and mule deer.  Then on the fourth one I had Bob sit on the edge of a slough in the reeds and I went 75yds south and sat watching over the willows to the south and I did the calling.  I had three coming in at about 500 yds from the west when I heard[I dang near forgot I had a partner :doh2:] a shot and then I smiled when I heard a second one shortly afterward.  My three did that swap ends thing they are so good at but that didn't bother me much.  Walked[trudged would me more the word for it as we have 8" of fluffy snow that makes it tough to get critters to come out of their nest on a nice day to walk through this soft crap] out to where the lad was to get the story and a coyote had come right across the lake in front of him and he had shot just as it was going into the reeds to get to where I was.  The coyote made several circles and then went back across the slough.  He said the second shot was a complete miss :laf: :laf: as it just kept on going.  The boy took after that trail like Bopeye after a donut and followed it through the hummocks and willows for two hours.  He lost the trail somewhere in that tangled mess[I know the mess well as my father owned that land for 11 years] and came out feeling tired and dejected[not to mention hungry].  After a quick trip home[to feed him] we went out and tried again 1 mile south east of the house.  Once again he was on the downwind side of the caller and all he got to see were muleys. 6 does and 4 bucks, one of the bucks was huge he said. I saw 7 mules and that was it there.
pic of Bob at this stand

For the last stand we went down by another lake[slough by any body else's standards] and I swnt Bob in through the trees to a clearing to sit and call and watch over[I was to watch a fence line[his back door] to the east of him.  He blew on his Latta call for a short sequence and silence then after the required 15 minutes[3 was about it] he blew again.  I saw a coyote coming down the fence line and just let it keep coming.  It slipped in to  the willows heading for Bob and shortly it came back out going much faster and the sound of the call going again made me chuckle fairly hard].  That coyote went up on a brush pile and took a dump while listening to the bunny blues and I just couldn't shoot it cause I don't mind being skunked and it was Bobs coyote.  It was a great day and Bob learned a fair bit more about sitting still and not quitting just cause he can.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

That looks like a nice day to be out and about

I am sure Bob will get his coyote even some of the best miss  :laf:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Great story and Pics Barry, especially your use of analogies...

QuoteThe boy took after that trail like Bopeye after a donut

That rerally makes things clear :roflmao:

I wish we had some snow. I was going to go out today, but with no snow I think I will wait. I'm just going to take a walk along the lakeshore instead and see what kind of ducks are still here.



Man that white stuff looks COLD!!!! Sounds like you had a great time.
Ronnie Cannon



Looks like is was an exciting afternoon for sure!! And that "Bopeye after a donut" thing,, I bet that was a sight to behold as Bob took to that trail. He'll make a damn fine woodsman with the start he's got already. Way to go guys!!

Bob-- Your day is coming buddy!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Keep after em Bob !!!!!!  Your almost there buddy!!   :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:  :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:


hey, uh, he look cold, man! Not for me. Down here in SC if I took my son out in 32 deg weather I would have to argue with my wife about it. haha.  :eyebrownod:
Ya'll keep it up, sounds like your getting close. Good luck Bob!!! Knock em dead! :yoyo:


Thanks guys.  That was the warmest day we've had since I can't remember when and Bob never [female dogged] about being cold once[just hungry].  The look on his face when he came out from being busted would have made a great emicon for use here :roflmao: :roflmao:.  I guess he'll be able to take some ribbing from his buddy's cause we sure had a good laugh about it.  He has to go to my MIL today and is quite choked about that now :innocentwhistle:.  I gotta stay home to do chores  :bowingsmilie:
I say what I think not think what I say.


"Bopeye after a donut" :roflmao:

Thats cool Bob got some shootin in. He'll get one :eyebrownod:
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Way to go Bob!  It sure beats sitting in front of some video game.  You certainly have my (and all the other fellas) respect and admiration.  The coyotes will come, and we'll all be looking at your photographs one day soon.  In the meantime, you are learning some valuable stuff.  Heck, your dad's even learning a thing or two hunting with you.  So teach him well, cause I'm sure he'll be taking what he's learned hunting with you.  And applying it when it comes time for your younger brother to hunt.  Be safe, and enjoy the time out with your dad.



That is a great wright up. Nice pictures as well.

Keep trying and your gona get some fur on the ground for your very own. 
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Barry, Bob,

Good to see you and the boy out enjoying time together hunting.  Hang in there Bob, your time will come, patience is a virtue.  Always remember, almost everything you will ever learn about your quarry, you learn before you ever squeeze the trigger.

Hunt hard, Die tired
Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.

Hawks Feather

B & B (Bob and Barry),

It sounds like you had a great time today and to know that one of my calls was a part of it made me as happy as if you would have killed a bunch.  Keep having fun and try to stay warm.




Thanks for pictures and story. 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Sounds like a good day !
Like the snow camo pic too.


Quote from: iahntr on December 28, 2009, 07:33:08 PM
Sounds like a good day !
Like the snow camo pic too.

That's a great picture. Thanks Barry, and keep after 'em Bob.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing