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Three Great Hunts.

Started by vmaster59, January 13, 2010, 12:54:03 AM

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We started last Wednesday when a friend of mine from Midland. Richard and I left to go down south of Ozona. For a little hunting. We got down there that evening and ate then headed to the ranch. Everything was looking good so far. We started calling with the foxpro just at dark. I was useing one of my 223 Rem. and Richard had one of his ar's. He was running the light when a gray fox came blasting in. We called in a few more foxes that night. Then the wind and fog came in and made it hard to see anything. So we called it a night. The next day we tried some day calling. The wind was still blowing some. I had the foxpro going with the lighting jack. And the batts. died when a bobcat was coming in. I started blowing on my AP-6 but he would not come in any closer. I guess he knew something was up. So I took the shot across this drop off and hit the limb of the bush he was behind. Still a lot of fun was had by Richard and I.

Then Friday night I headed out west of Pecos with Mike Gray, Curtis Gibson for some night time calling. We came up on the first stand and started calling and in less than a few sec. we had a gray fox coming in from a ways off in the light. He was taken so we moved to the next stand Hit the caller and here we go again another gray fox. That place was ate up with foxes. In a short time we had taken seven gray foxes,one swift fox and two coyotes. Another great time with some good friends.
Here is a pic. from that night.

Then on Saturday I went with a new friend Paul Carter. We did some day time calling. The first stand was a dud. Then we move to this spot where you could see forever. I set the foxpro out about 40 or 50 yards in front of us. We set up in front of this bush and we had the sun to our right back. The wind was left to right about two to three mph. Again with the lighting jack on the foxpro. Ten mins.had passed and on the hill in front of us I seen a white dot about 900 plus yards away. I looked in the scope on 12x and seen it was a coyote. I pointed it out to Paul and bump the vol. up a little and here came the coyote on a dead run. He got there so fast and would not stop for anything. Paul took a shot but that coyote was long gone. We watch him fly over the hill. I still say Paul burned his tail feathers LOL. Then we seen another one on the same hill about 700 yards or so. I howled he stop but would not come in. I asked Paul should I and he said go for it. So I sent a "hail marry" his way but came up alittle short. But Paul and I left both of them something to remember us by LOL. By the days end we had called up or seen five coyotes and one of those was called up at night just before we called in a night. I had a great time and made a new friend. Thanks for the hunt Paul. Here is some pics.

Last week I did a lot of driving and a lot calling on these three hunts. Made a new friend,spent some time with old friends. Called in a few and shot a few varmints. Did some story telling from past hunts and listen to some as well. Seen some new places as well as some old "honey holes". To me that's what it's all about just enjoying the gift that we are so lucky to have here.



Sounds like you had a great hunt with some good freinds Clint. It dosen't get any better than that. Way to go. :congrats: :congrats: :yoyo: :yoyo:



Nice job :yoyo:
Texas must be producing some chilly night by now, for you guys.
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Sounds like a fun hunt!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Sounds like a great time ! I agree, there's a lot more to it then just pullin the trigger (pullin the trigger's a nice
bonus though  :wink: and it looks like ya done well) Seein some great country, and spendin time with friends.  :thumb2:
Thanks for sharin.


Yes the nights are a little cool now days.

Thanks Clint.




