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Stupid bullet.

Started by pitw, January 21, 2010, 09:18:13 PM

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  Got more of the list done today and the wife feeling ill so at 2:30 this afternoon I went for a drive with all my gear of course and some newly made 40gr spire points. Parked my truck and walked through the trees to a clearing with a little rise on the west side.  Sat down so I could see this

and this

and this

  I had Bill calling for a short spell and saw this

and this

and this

For 15 minutes and had maybe 30 magpies working the bush out to my left.  Then I heard it, a soft footstep from directly behind me in the snow.  I froze knowing I was busted but wanted to see it and I sat quietly for about 2 seconds while I thought mountain lion[Thanks John P] and then spun around like a weed eater to see a nice little bunny 7 feet away.  My unexpected look like a whirl wind spooked it off back in the bush.  I saw this and it kinda surprised me cause I never saw it when I sat down.

  I had Bill do another series after my heart rate came back down to 215  and while it was squealing a coyote come right up in front of me through the brush in the first pic.  For once I had my gun pointed the right way and he stood there looking at me long enough for the shot. Bang.  Immediately I see a coyote run right from there off to the right and he wasn't stopping again.  Stupid bullet, I hadn't fired any test shots to see where the new ones would hit and I was furious at the dang thing for missing.  I waited for another 10 minutes then investigated the bones behind me.

That was a large deer and mysteriously the only part I found missing was the head :argh:.  I then walked out to see the tracks of the one I missed and imagine my surprise when I discovered this.

right on a two track.  I guess there were two eh.  Feeling better I examined my prize and found the hide missing fur.

and he would have been a dandy back in November but all his guard hairs were curled, bent or broke too.  Had fun with this one in the end and here's one for Bill.

I say what I think not think what I say.


A great story and super pics!   Sure wasn't much left of that deer.     And I finally figured out who "Bill" was.   :doh2:    :laf:


You sure make it look easy Barry. Even your "stupid" bullets find their target. I have got to get up there sometime. Thanks for the story and pictures.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Cool story Barry!! I think you need to ride along with Bill & call him in a coyote. I know I've tried.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I saw this, this and this, and Bill calling for a spell I saw this, this and this. 

Ya had me rolling.

Now about the coyote.
So are you admitting to getting lucky or bragging cause your just that good Barry :laf:
That was a fun read by the way. :congrats:
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I'm suprised you didn't see that lion in the third picture, he was looking right at ya.  What do ya attribute their guard hair damage to?  Are they starting to shed already? 

Nice pictures and a great story.  You need to get out calling more often you have a nack for story telling and I sure enjoy reading them.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


WTG!!  Thanks for the excellent write up and photos!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Great pics and story Barry. :yoyo: Congrats on the coyote too. :congrats:
Missing deer heads is fairly common here. Do you have much of that up there?

Hawks Feather


Looks like Bill has the ability to call down pretty good.  I liked the snow and frost pictures, but missed some of the hidden parts of the picture.  I did like looking at them.



 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Great story.........Glad to see ya finally trying to catch Bob!   :eyebrow:  :laf:


Semp I'm glad it came together for you :eyebrownod:.

Pat it is easy, if you have access to hundreds of thousands of acres to hunt, time to enjoy, more coyotes than gravel on the roads,40+ years of doing it and use calls made by people who care. :readthis:l

HaMeR I think Bill is a pretty good caller and we'll have to work on his shooting :laf:

Jim I don't know but I was pissed at the miss. I held just under his chin[thus the neck hit] and thought the shot was good but the other must have been right behind cause it looked like I missed when it ran. :doh2:

John P I'm in guess mode here [as I didn't skin it] but I'd say it had either mange starting up or some other illness. It also had a reddish stain on his belly and back legs that when I see it they never have a healthy looking coat.  They should be fully prime now and only have the normal wear and tear on their fur[Hair missing from being stuck on a fence, bush, ice after laying down and natural rubbing].  The fur is the best on Nov 10th as it is all there then. Telling the story is fun and easy too as all I gotta do is write the truth[as I see it] and the truth is the lady I lived with 20+ years ago had a large cougar walk around the truck in that pasture :shock2:.  With your earlier story and that in the back of my brain I found it quite amusing[after the fact] how the mind can work.

Ed it is way common :argh:.  I find more buck carcass's missing heads than I do with heads[I find a lot of them cause I look where the birds say to look].

Jerry I believe you got the picture  :shrug:.

Al if I have to I'll ground his gun  :roflmao: :roflmao:.

Thanks for reading fella's.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Good stuff Barry !  :yoyo: and  :laf:


Excellent read and pictures, thanks for sharing ... Congrats on the coyote  :congrats:


Good read Barry..

I like the before call and after calling pics.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


 :yoyo:  Heck of a read Barry! Great pics too!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Hey, whats that white stuff all over the ground???? :hahaha: We don't see that here in SC


Camo :doh2:  Dang stuff hides everything :wink:
I say what I think not think what I say.


That camo's nice to have. It makes the critters look like THEY are wearing hunter orange.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That  was a good read!  ;yes;
Did Bob help you w/ it?  :shrug:



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Romans 8:28

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