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I dont understand

Started by Silencer, February 09, 2010, 03:45:15 AM

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I could have sworn I heard on the news this morning that Washington's been shut down for 2 days. 
Does that mean the govt.'s been shut down that long ?   Jeepers freaking creepers.  I hope that's not the case.  No matter how much snow etc etc  I'm expected to be punched in at my job EVERY day no matter what the weather.   I could understand if you have trees down, no power, and things are really tough but they get a little snow and it shuts down the govt ?????  IMO this is BULLSHIT.  I've had it with them.   


I hope it is true.  That would mean no one is around to SPEND money.    :laf:


Quote from: Semp on February 09, 2010, 05:42:52 AM
I hope it is true.  That would mean no one is around to SPEND money.    :laf:

:laf: :laf: :laf: :laf:


The longer they are shut down the better.    I read the other day that somebody has done the research and stock markets go up seasonally while congress is NOT in session.

FWIW, usually the places that weather shuts down are places not used to much snow, like Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.   Such places don't get enough serious snow to have many snowplows available, and the snow they get is usually the super slick barely freezing kind.   My impression is that DC is not used to serious snow and doesn't have equipment to handle it. 

A couple of years ago I spent 2 1/2 hours in my 4x4 trying to get to a meeting at our office, normally an hour's drive away, and gave up.  Every possible route was totally blocked by deep drifts or huge clots of vehicles stuck every which way and blocking long stretches of highway.   We lived in real cold snow country for 13 years and never were snowed in or isolated by weather.  In about 20 years in Seattle and Vancouver areas, it has happened four times to me, even with a 4x4 and driving up sidewalks, through landscaping beds etc. to get past blockages. 

Our weather has been so balmy for the past three weeks that trees are budding, the lawn needs mowing and mosquitoes harassed a friend and I Sat. afternoon on a bobcat stand where in normal years there would be two feet of snow.


Rgr that, the new just caught me off guard this morning,  I usually dont watch it.   Speaking to my supervisor she said where her brother lives in Baltimore it looks like a war zone.  They have no place to put the snow and things have been shut down all week.  Now they're getting 10 + inches more. 
Sorry DC, I know there's families down there that cant get to the stores I should be praying for instead of worrying about what dumb, dumb, & dumber are doing.