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I've got a shot at becoming President.

Started by pitw, April 26, 2010, 07:21:03 AM

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Carolina Coyote

The Wood Ash will do more good than harm for sure,I don't think that is a problem. The soil may be a little Alkaline and the gypsum will help that, Peanuts like a higher PH than most plants above 6.0 is better. I like to put Lime and Gypsum on my Garden as our area does not have that great of a soil and needs all the help it can get, that's why I am impressed with the Sea Weed, my plants have done better this year than ever. It restores the natural bacterial in the soil and replaces lot of minerals that fertilizers leach out of the soil. I am also looking at a couple more thing that I plan to try next year. Cc


Carl I am totally embarrassed now :doh2:.   After spending the last two hours hoeing and working in the gardens with the family[amazing how much more the boys get done when dads about :wo:] I learned that it is a fertilizer deficiency on that end of the peanuts.  Seems Bob and Wilma were experimenting the last time they fertilized and that 12 feet didn't get any last time[right to the stick they put in for a marker].  You I will listen to about gardening anytime as you have proven your worth :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie:.   Bob is going to put the gypsum on after dinner and he asked how much and how far from the plant :shrug:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Carolina Coyote

Spread the Gypsum on top of the plants, just walk down the row and spread by hand. You have a 40lb bag , use all of it . I put around 20 lbs for a 100 foot row,  it will not burn the plants . The lack of Fertilizer explains the yellow leaves, I would get some liquid fertilizer and water it in. I have been putting it on mine every week. cc


With it warming up maybe you could put something around the plants to help keep the warrmth in the ground overnight Barry. I don't like gardening so I don't know if it will work or not. I thought maybe peat moss would help keep/attract the heat since it's almost black. At least ours down here is anyhow.  :shrug:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hey Carl.  Can I get permission to dig one plant just to see what the roots are doing :readthis:.   This being a candidate kinda/sorta sucks when you gotta ask for permission to wipe your ................................................. nose before going on the worlds stage :whew:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


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Carolina Coyote

Barry, Are there any blooms on the plant, if so it is putting on peanuts, I pulled some of mind this morning because the plants were wilting down, not sure if it is Powder Mildew on them or not, there is a white substance on the base of the plants and the ground around them, at any rate I think I need to get those plants out of the ground before it spreads to much.  I have sprayed them regularly with Fungicide but I think I have so much foliage that the sun is not penetrating enough. I planted the rows 3 feet apart but with the growth that i had this year and they are still growing  and no sunlight gets to the ground, but the peanut on the vines are looking good right now but need another 10 to 15 days to be prime. I'm sure your curiosity is getting the best of you and pulling up one of the plants is probably the best cure. cc


 :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: 
   I went out with Bob and dug up these two plants[one by accident :doh2:].

   They held a lot of dirt.

   We removed some dirt.

   And then some more.

Nothing, Nada, emptier than a lovers promise :pout:.  But man do them baby's got a whack of roots.  I got's a notion our goofy weather up here this year isn't helping any.  We have had one day where it reached 90F and more cloud than I have ever saw in one year before.  That and the last week we couldn't see the sky for the smoke coming over from BC[Okanogan could you do something about that].
I say what I think not think what I say.

Carolina Coyote

Yea Man they do have a good root system, I did not see any blooms on the plants in the picture, the cool weather and cloudy days don't do much for Peanuts, I have to much foliage on mind this year. I just went out and pulled up some more that was beginning to wilt down, with the red clay soil in this patch it does not drain good but it has made the plants grow like crazy but I have learned this year of what I will need to do next year. I will make some pictures this week and show you what mine are doing. The variety that you have and what I planted  calls for 120 days but I normally can start pulling them up in 95 to 100 days but there are varieties that make in 90 days and maybe you can try them next year. The season is not over yet maybe they will be enough time for them to put on some peanuts before frost. .cc


Did you try yelling at them? Like, "c'mon grow some nuts you guys!"
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Quote from: FinsnFur on August 25, 2010, 08:47:02 PM
Did you try yelling at them? Like, "c'mon grow some nuts you guys!"

trust me I have talked to them FnPlants :innocentwhistle:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Carolina Coyote

The latest update from the Southern crop of peanuts:

These guys are still growing.

I pulled a vine this morning , they still need about another two weeks to be fully mature.

Bills Custom Calls

Nice crop CC looks like your gonna need a bigger bowl  :laf:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: Bills Custom Calls on August 31, 2010, 03:28:47 PM
Nice crop CC looks like your gonna need a bigger bowl  :laf:

Who knew :doh2:  .

  Wow that is impressive.  I wonder if there is room on the staff for a VP :innocentwhistle:.

   Carl if those take two more weeks mine need another 4 months and I'm here to say "They ain't gonna get it" :nofgr:.  Oh well like any good farmer would say "There's always next year" :wink:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Barry, do you have crop insurance?  :shrug:  :innocentwhistle:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.

Carolina Coyote

Barry, Its all in the weather, I saw in one of your post the other day that you had a frost one morning already so I agree they not going to make it. If I had not been able to water mine they would not look the way they do, If I had some of your soil down here I think we could really make some impressive Peanuts, I will need to do something to soften the soil in this patch next year, the ground is hard as a brick. cc

Carolina Coyote

I don't want to bore you guys but I pulled up some more Peanuts today as there is a Carolina Football game on tomorrow night and we always enjoy eating Boiled Peanut while watching the game, these Peanuts were farther out the row than the ones I pulled yesterday were they got more morning sun and are a little more full, if the rest of the patch turns out like these it should be a pretty good year.

Some on the vine

Making good use of the Bowl my good friend Dave Paul made for me.

A few in the bucket.

A few more headed for the pot.

Wish you guys were close enough to share some of these with you.cc

Bills Custom Calls

Quote from: Bills Custom Calls on August 31, 2010, 03:28:47 PM
Nice crop CC looks like your gonna need a bigger bowl  :laf:

Scratch that

Your gonna need a truck  :laf:

And to think I was just down your way 2 weeks ago  :nono:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: Carolina Coyote on September 01, 2010, 03:32:09 PM
I don't want to bore you guys 

Yeah like you could with this interesting stuff. :nofgr:

Quote from: Carolina Coyote on September 01, 2010, 03:32:09 PM

A few more headed for the pot.


That made the wife swear  :alscalls: :alscalls:  Your good :laf: :laf:

Quote from: Carolina Coyote on September 01, 2010, 03:32:09 PM

Wish you guys were close enough to share some of these with you.cc

Me too :sad:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Carolina Coyote

Harvest Time for the Peanuts, The ground was so hard we had to use a Skid Loader the dig them up, has not Rained here since early August, But we did make a few Peanuts and here are some pictures. I for sure will Plant in softer ground next time, this was hard work. cc