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Using a siren

Started by Teamroper, May 12, 2010, 01:27:10 PM

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Have any of you experienced coyote hunters ever used a siren RIGHT BEFORE you went out on a farm to hunt? I don't mean to walk out in the middle of a field and hit it. I mean, just getting out of your truck and hitting it for about 15 seconds and then stop to see if you get any response. Now this is not hunting in big open plains. This is hunting in E. Tennessee where most of our hunting is done on farmlands and small patches of woods. Thanks for any info.
When you stop learning from everybody else you are going backwards.

There's nothing like roping, riding and shooting, but boy, my horse hates it!-Teamroper


Not me.

And with that said, I'll add that I have been out where a train goes by laying on the horn and the coyotes respond to it by howling.
Also, here in small town America, several surrounding local towns use their tornado whistle as a noon whistle also. They off everyday at high noon, have for many moons. I have also heard coyotes respond to that by howling.

I dont see myself using anything similar right before hunting as you mentioned though and mainly because my opinion is that these sirens are used as locators because of the way some coyotes respond to them.
But you can sometimes achieve the same results by hiking down a dirt road at night and stopping to howl on a howler once in a while.
Rule of thumb in my opinion remember, is not to stick around because if they respond they usually come in, or at least one or two will, and they usually wont get close enough for you to see them but they will see you.
So blowing a siren right before heading into a stand to me anyway is self destruction to the stand.
When I howl I'm in a position to where I can watch for several minutes, motionless, soundless, and gun up. Hence the stand.
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I have heard of sirens for locating, have one on my ecall, i can set it off in the house and the dog goes ape, same thing in the back yard with the neighbors dogs, neighbors love   that :alscalls: :laf:, i am always calling on the back porch and watching dogs react , it is great for locating only,  Here in va the yotes dont get going until late with howling though


I have used a siren but not before calling. I used it to locate just before we went up in the plane. If we got a response we went straight to the howls.....Death from above. To steal a phrase.  :biggrin:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Found a great spot when the ambulance went by one of our leases and set them off unexpectedly
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


I have used a siren before to locate coyotes in the big reclaimed strip mines at Redbird. Then went to the areas of a response and hunted. And I've killed a couple after finding them like that. But most of the time I don't use it.


We have used a siren quite a bit for locating coyotes.......... but never to go right in and hunt them.....
That is if they sound off close......come back later........If they are far away and you are sure of where they are........you can if your allowed to hunt there.....come back in an hour or two and hunt.

If they are close they will investigate ...... we have used a siren from the truck before just to note their location and had them run right in....... :doh2:

Also this does not work all the time......and the coyotes get wise to it quickly......They will respond but if you go back one two or even three days later and do it again they will not only not respond they will sometimes seem to disappear off the map.
Use the siren if you must but do it sparingly ( only a couple of three times a year in a given area)
Otherwise you are simply letting the coyotes learn more about you......Than you will ever learn from them. :wink:


I been using a siren to locate the illegals, works fairly well.  They run like hell when they hear one.  And yes the coyotes get to howling when they hear it. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs




Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!