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Got busted

Started by cityslicker, May 31, 2010, 03:03:46 AM

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    Well I went back to the farm I coyote hunted a couple of weeks ago. I went back to the same spot, but this time instead of going into the woods I stayed about 10 yards into a field looking down into the woods. The reason why is because it's just getting so thick and it's hard to see until they're right on ya. I was hoping to call one to the edge of the field. I had good cover with a tree and some vines as a back drop. I called for about 25 minutes or so and didn't see anything. So I decided to walk down into the woods to the spot where I called up and killed the last coyote. I stood there and made a rabbit in distress, immediately I saw a flash of a coyote down towards the creek bottom about 75 yards away. Like I said earlier, it was so thick in there that I had no idea which way the yote was headed. So I knelt down, made another call and had my shotgun ready. The coyote came within 30 yards, but was behind some cover and then just vanished out of my sight.
I guess I could've got a quick shot off, but I knew I probably wouldn't have got a solid hit so I passed. Besides there's no way I could've looked for it in all that thick stuff.  I don't know if it winded me, saw me or both. I just hate that I educated a yote. I guess I will wait at least 3-4 weeks before going back out there. It sucks because it's the only farm I have to hunt, but I know I don't need to over call it.
Next time I guess I will  set up in the woods again, I just don't want one getting on me before I have a chance to get ready.


That farm sounds like the place I hunt.  Not very big and extremely thick.   :laf:

Since you got busted this time, it might be wise to change up the sound next time. 


I agree with Semp, but I'll tell ya something else my friend. Your gonna have to go knocking on some doors too. If that's the only parcel of land you have to hunt on, then eventually it won't matter how long you wait between hunts, those dogs are gonna figure you out. Maybe hunting it once or twice a season will be fine, but much more than that and you won't have to worry about being busted, they'll just ignore you.
Just my opinion ya understand.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


If you need more land, have some business cards made up. Its what has helped me.


All good advice. Thanks fellas


Quote from: SCcoyotehunter on May 31, 2010, 08:21:52 AM
If you need more land, have some business cards made up. Its what has helped me.

I like that idea. Can you give me an example of what info you put on the cards?