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I'm 53 and ate my first Tuna sandwich.

Started by pitw, June 26, 2010, 08:27:43 AM

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  I was working Thursday[actually everyday] and got home around 9.30pm.  There was a box on the table addressed to me from some fellow in BC. :shrug:   It looked like this upon opening it.

Now I don't open nothing without help from my boys[we are kinda/sorta isolated out here so anything new is pretty exciting stuff] and they pulled out the cooler bag to find.

and a letter that explained a few things.  One of the explanations was that this fellow had never sent a glass jar in the mail before so he hoped his packaging would keep it safe :iroll:.  Nitro glycerine would have been safe the way this guy packaged up one of the best gifts I've ever received :biggrin:.

Two jars of Albacore[a kind of Tuna].  Now guys I've never eaten canned fish cause I don't trust the people who work in/on fish canning plants.  I figure they might put something[rotten fish, snot, a ss holes or whatever] in the finished product.  As you have seen by my post's I like to know where my food comes from :innocentwhistle:.  Acording to the letter these fish were caught 29 miles straight out in the Pacific from Coos Bay, Oregon and canned that night.  The boys looked at me with wonder[the apple don't fall far from the tree so they don't like canned stuff either] as I opened a jar and smelled a smell that made my stomach start making acids[or whatever it makes to get ready for food] :shrug:
  vvarmitr you better get in contact with this fellow cause his stuff would make a new business like yours bigger than McDonalds in a week :readthis:.  I tested it first and I can now say I have put canned tuna in my mouth :yahoo:.  To say it is good would be like saying sex can be OK. :huh:.  Donny was next to try and I wish you could all have seen his face cause it went from one of complete  :puke: to one of someone who just got lucky for the first time :yoyo: :yoyo:.  Bobby who wasn't even going to try it saw Don's face and just had to see if a little piece would stay down :hahaha:.  We then watched Ma, Mandy and Trevor for their reactions to this culinary delight.  I then went and got out the home made bread and lightly toasted it to make my very first Tuna Fish sandwich and it was worth the 53 year wait boys :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:.   Bob and Don each stole a 1/4 of it so then Ma who had made a moose roast supper was put on KP duty making sandwich's for all[I had moose roast for breakfast the next morning :doh2:] and they went as fast as Jim on his first date :alscalls: :alscalls:.  Needless to say or show but this is the jar.

  Along with Tuna were four bags of Hazel nuts picked from a farm near him.  We all happen to like these as well and Mandy put one bag in her vehicle right off so she didn't get left without any.  These are tasty too and Donny put one in the ground to see if it would sprout so we could pick our own :wo:.

Okanagan I want to thank you from the bottom of my empty heart for this priceless gift you sent my way.  It was totally unexpected and undeserved but it was appreciated to the full extent of our taste buds :biggrin:.  This just show's what a person can do to make a whole family feel super special on a warm summer evening for no reason what so ever except being a good person. :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie:
I say what I think not think what I say.

Carolina Coyote

Well I hope that you get another first in your life this year when the Peanuts come in. The Tuna looks great and I bet it was good.  :eyebrownod: cc


Faster then Jim on his first date? :laf:
You have no idea :innocentwhistle:

I've never heard of Albacore but I do like Tuna so I'm sure it was as good as you described. I appreciate ya sharing the experience. I never would have expected someone at your age to not have had tuna before :laf:

Awesome gesture on Okanagan's part.
Another fine display of the type of people that hang on FnF :wink:

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Barry I read this then I was hungry for a tuna sandwich
I ate 2 and some green onions from my sisters garden drank a beer then took a nap  :laf:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I LOVE hazle nuts!!!!! MMMMMM  And tuna! MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm  Now I am hungry!!  :laf:    :highclap: :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:


You are most welcome and of course, thank YOU for the superb cheese you sent our way.  

Good to hear that the stuff arrived OK.  Glad you like it.  Not everybody does of course but as tuna goes, albacore is pretty good.

The hazelnuts were an afterthought in place of styrofoam peanuts for packing to cushion the jars.  :laf:  

'Twas a fun project and exchange all around.

albacore pics and info at link below



I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: pitw on June 26, 2010, 10:05:49 PM
Do I gotta send the jars back?

Please, no!  :biggrin: Don't send them.  I grew up saving and hoarding jars and loved my Mom's canning but don't have room for the empties I have now!


Man ain't that a fact. :laf: :laf: :laf:
You got any neat old jars?  I got a few and there is some very pretty ones out there.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: pitw on June 26, 2010, 10:13:05 PM
Man ain't that a fact. :laf: :laf: :laf:
You got any neat old jars?  I got a few and there is some very pretty ones out there.

Nope, don't have any of the fancy old jars.  Show some of your good ones. 

I remember jars with a glass lid held in place by a heavy spring wire like a tight bail over the top, with a red rubber gasket to seal it.  Good stuff came out of those jars.  When I was a teen ager playing football my idea of a snack when I got home from school or late at night was a quart of peaches or apricots and at least a pint of sweet cream skimmed off the top of a gallon jar of Jersey milk in the fridge.  Dump fruit and cream in a mixing bowl to eat.  And I stayed skinny.