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limk to intersting video

Started by vayotehowler, June 27, 2010, 08:37:35 AM

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vayotehowler, Thanks for sharing! :yoyo:

There are some good stuff in that clip/show.  In the show Cain found a mate during the summer and most studies I have read through the years have indicated most mates are found not during the mating season but long before.

One of the things that really stands out to me is there were originally 5 and Cain was expelled. The pack then had 5 pups making a group of 9 but once Cain returned the following year and took over the pack they were back to 4.

Thats 5 expelled coyotes on their own and 2 together, now times that by the number of coyote packs throughout Yellowstone and that is alot of Transient coyotes in a known area.

It is possible some of those coyotes died or were killed but that is still a large number of coyotes wondering around without a territory.



glad u enjoyed thought could get some info . particularly liked the more vocalizations than any other animeal in north americe, not so sure about that. but interesting
u doin any more hunting  the east videos


Quoteu doin any more hunting  the east videos

Should be finished this fall and will release it at the Predator and Wild Hog Extravaganza next May in GA. Of course I will be sharing it with some FnFer's before the official release.

It was interesting to see and coincides with what alot of others and myself have been saying all along. It just seems more believable if they see it on TV. :doh2:




Quote from: CCP on June 27, 2010, 08:40:55 PM
  It just seems more believable if they see it on TV. :doh2:

I say what I think not think what I say.


was a great video, had kee kees too both good yours was more involved and better huntign footage , would love to buy a copy when ready
