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STUPIDITY!!Women in the military

Started by cathryn, July 02, 2010, 08:52:41 AM

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I'm gonna rant cause I'm disgusted.

my niece(sis to the one who plays softball) is 26 yrs old and has a 4 yr old daughter.
she is and has been a single parent the entire life of the child.

she announces yesterday that shes gonna go into the air force reserves, signing on for 6 yrs. i cant believe it.

why in the heck would a mother purposely sign up for something that would take her away from her child or children for extended time lots and possibly 4 ever.

i can not believe she cavalierly said, mom and dad said they'd take care of her.

IMO the military should not allow women in the military and Even then there should be very tight restrictions on where and how women can serve.

i do not think that under any circumstances they should let a single parent mom , or dad either for that matter, enlist.

who's thinking of these babies? NO ONE! a womens place is at home raising her kids and caring for her husband and i don't care if that does make me sound like a sexist. its how i was raised and its what i believe.

she should be ashamed of herself for abandoning her baby,IMO.
the up to 15 grand shes says she'll get isnt worth it,imo.


I really dont think joining the military or being in the military could make you a bad mom. I dont know your niece but either you are a good parent or your not. After her initial 3 to 6 months training she will be home except one weekend a month and two weeks out of the summer.  $15,000.00 could go a long way in helping mom and the child plus she will still have her regular income from her job. If the child has a normal relationship with her grandparents and they are WILLING to help it sounds like a good move on her part. Then again, I dont know your niece or her parents full situation.


i need to clarify one thing cause after i read it i realized it sounded like i dont think women should be inth emilitary on nny level.

i do think if theyre in nursing its a good thing but other than that i dont think they have much business in the military and definitely , inder no circumstances,imo, should women be allowed in combat. my .02

Bills Custom Calls

Do you have a job outside of the home one that pays you to work,do you have health care.These 2 things are something people are looking for and with joining the military she will have both.I see nothing wrong with women joining up they have proved that they are as capable of doing some jobs that men can.
I think it should be mandatory for all young men and women to serve this country.If I could go back 25 years I would have joined.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: Bills Custom Calls on July 02, 2010, 11:22:17 AM

I think it should be mandatory for all young men and women to serve this country.

Care to clarify that statement :holdon:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

Quote from: pitw on July 02, 2010, 01:31:31 PM
Quote from: Bills Custom Calls on July 02, 2010, 11:22:17 AM

I think it should be mandatory for all young men and women to serve this country.

Care to clarify that statement :holdon:.

Yes Barry
Once a young US citizen is done with high school the next step in their life would be to spend at least 2 years in the military.That training would do them a world of good.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Thank you. :bowingsmilie:

It kinda/sorta sounded to me like you thought every one in the world should serve your country and that just didn't seem right to me :shrug:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


God Bless your niece & I wish her the very best in her new endeavour. Sounds like she made a solid decision that she feels will help her & her Daughter.

Making mandatory military service is one of the reasons I voted against the moron in the White House right now. It is not right & never will be. That would be taking away one of the basic Freedoms of every young man and woman. The Freedom of choice.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on July 02, 2010, 05:08:33 PM
Making mandatory military service is one of the reasons I voted against the moron in the White House right now. It is not right & never will be. That would be taking away one of the basic Freedoms of every young man and woman. The Freedom of choice.
Children have to go to school & get free education. They don't have a choice.  :nofgr:
So what if we give 'em 2 more years of education?  :shrug:

God bless your niece Cathryn.
I believe she's made a good decision for her & her daughter. ;yes; 


Nope. It's not schooling. It's the Military. A volunteer Military in a Free Nation.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Bills Custom Calls

I would say there isn't a person on this board that don't know someone that was drafted and done their time,and you would be surprised what the military could teach a person
Self Esteem,the willingness to get off the couch and do something instead of playing video games,fitness,the ability to think for themselves at a moments notice,and COMMON SENSE

I am sure there are plenty of things that I missed but that is a good place to start

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I guess it taught you all that huh?  :rolleye: :rolleye:  Tis a shame.  :rolleye: :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Bills Custom Calls

My dad served 2 years active and 4 years reserve  and yes I would say some of what he was taught in the service was passed on to his kids
I had 3 brothers that served and 1 brother served 8 years active and 12 in the reserves.

The reason I didn't serve was because I told the recruiter to much a heart murmur when I was 8 and when I was 16 more heart problems  that nixed me from the program right away.I see nothing wrong with serving and protecting this country,and defending the rights that our forefathers fought so hard for.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Todd Rahm

Alls I'm gona say is.............GOOD FOR HER  :congrats:


I didn't serve because it was my choice & I chose not to. If I had wanted to serve I would have let them find out my problems & tell me they didn't want me. All I wanted to do after high school was go to work & start living on my own. I knew I could make it without military training. I made it thru everything else up to that point with little or no help & I felt good about that & myself. I still don't think it's right for the government to force anybody into Military duty in this Country.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Bills Custom Calls

So what your saying is Honesty isn't the best policy and it is ok to waste the tax payers money and the military's time

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


If I wanted in bad enough I would have done whatever I needed to do. Spin it the way you like. You always do anyway. I'm sure at some point even you have tempted faith with an untruth.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


the issue i have is with the fact shes a single mom with a child who depends on her soley for support.

she has a good job now in the ER at the local hospital.

i feel that shes maybe tired of being a mom and is looking for a way out, at her daughters expense.


I believe if anything the bond will become stronger between her & her Daughter. But this is just my opinion.

:doh2: Sorry I got sucked into the hijacking up there.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Cathryn i am old school myself and still like the idea of a wife raising the children instead of them raising themselves or paying someone else to raise their children.

Unfortunately in today society to be able to keep up with the Jones's both parents have to work. In the case above and I dont know all the details it does seem selfish to leave your kids care and raising to someone else so you can make a personal career change.

Their have been several times through out my life I didn't take opportunities because they would put stress on my children also. However I was able to do alot more than some because I had a wife to help out. If I was a single parent the military or any other job that would take me away from my kids and cause someone else to have to raise them would be out of the question.

I know there are alot of single dads and Moms out their serving in our military but believe the vast majority became single Moms and Dads after they were in. I cant see any Man or Women single parent choosing to leave their kids for an extended time for a career or money.  Once we have children our lives are lived for the well fair of the child until it can support itself.

