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STUPIDITY!!Women in the military

Started by cathryn, July 02, 2010, 08:52:41 AM

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Todd Rahm

Well I agree with alot Rich has to say, but not knowing all the info. I'll just say its nice to hear she is wanting to join the service and in my eye it looks like its a great path for a single mother and a good example for a child. That being grandma is on the boat with helping out.

My grandma was a big part of my life to include me having to live with her several times. Great expereince.

Jimmie in Ky

The reserves is not a bad deal any way you put it. Single parent or not. And it is also a carreer move on her part. A friend of mines daughter is in hte saem boat. Her researve training got her a much better higher paying job in nursing. And isn't doing all we can for the sake and safetey of our kids a part of living ?

His daughter  is already putting a fair chunk of that salery increase for her kids education. And another part for a home of their own. He is very proud of her and well he should be.

The perk of haelth care alone would be worht it to me if I were in her shoes. ]

You may not be giving her all the credit she is due Catherine. Jimmie


Ok I got a little case of STUPIDITY!! myself I didn't notice the key word RESERVE that puts a new twist on it for me. Not such a bad thing.

Next time I need to try re-reading a post and comprehending it before making a reply. :doh2: :doh2:



Quote from: CCP on July 04, 2010, 07:08:29 AM

Next time I need to try re-reading a post and comprehending it before making a reply. :doh2: :doh2:

Hey you ain't the only Bovine to contact foot and mouth disease :readthis:.  I think I may have invented it :doh2:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: CCP on July 03, 2010, 08:06:49 PM
Once we have children our lives are lived for the well fair of the child until it can support itself.

Your a good man Rich !  :congrats:


Quote from: HaMeR on July 02, 2010, 05:08:33 PM
God Bless your niece & I wish her the very best in her new endeavour. Sounds like she made a solid decision that she feels will help her & her Daughter.

Making mandatory military service is one of the reasons I voted against the moron in the White House right now. It is not right & never will be. That would be taking away one of the basic Freedoms of every young man and woman. The Freedom of choice.

I knew lots of people like HaMeR back in the '60's.  Some of them ran to Canada to avoid the draft.  That was their choice and they have had to live with it.

As for me, I think every man should have to serve in the military.   If you want to live in this country,  you should have to put your ass on the line for it.   


Quote from: Semp on July 04, 2010, 09:47:13 PM
Quote from: HaMeR on July 02, 2010, 05:08:33 PM
God Bless your niece & I wish her the very best in her new endeavour. Sounds like she made a solid decision that she feels will help her & her Daughter.

Making mandatory military service is one of the reasons I voted against the moron in the White House right now. It is not right & never will be. That would be taking away one of the basic Freedoms of every young man and woman. The Freedom of choice.

I knew lots of people like HaMeR back in the '60's.  Some of them ran to Canada to avoid the draft.  That was their choice and they have had to live with it.

As for me, I think every man should have to serve in the military.   If you want to live in this country,  you should have to put your ass on the line for it.   

  OK, I know I'mm treading on dangerous ground here :readthis:.  I do have a problem with some thoughts though and would like some ideas that I can bite into.  If you don't like your president[I've read where some might not] and he is your leader, how can you fight battles for him if you think he might be wrong :shrug:.  I know a person should put some things above himself but if you don't believe what you are fighting for is right are you still going to fight as hard.  Not trying to piss off any one but I'm just a mite confused on this one :whew:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Barry you may have heard before
"God and Country above all else"
Without these 2 things you are a wanderer,have no place and no meaning to exits.

QuoteI know a person should put some things above himself but if you don't believe what you are fighting for is right are you still going to fight as hard.  Not trying to piss off any one but I'm just a mite confused on this one

Picture you being mad at your wife/kids then one of them going over to the neighbors and doing something wrong and on a scale of 10 wrong. This makes you even more pissed at your wife/kids to the point you want to ring there neck.

Now the neighbor and his buddies come over with  baseball bats and start beating your wife/kids. You quickly find yourself fighting for your life and the life of your wife/kids even though they are wrong and you strongly believe what they did was wrong.

Know insert your country in place of the wife/kids.

Each time your country looses a war whether it is in the right or wrong it looses some of it's standing in the world. The standing of your country with the rest of the world effects what it can accomplish for it's citizens and what it can achieve for it's citizens so it does effect you and your wife/kids.



   OK then using the neighbor analogy.  I'm a firm believer in shooting my own mad dogs so when the neighbors showed up they'd probably find not much to beat on :shrug:.  I don't buy the lost war means lost standing either :nofgr:.  Let's take Japan and Germany for example as they were both fairly big losers in the last big war.  Germany seems to have one of the most robust economy's in the world now and is a leader in the European scheme of things. Japan bounced back to have the fastest growing economy after the war but have run on hard times due to their total lack of natural resources and I think a bit of jealousy by other nations. 
   I had my Danish friend over for the past few days and I showed him this thread before he left yesterday.  They have mandatory military service there.  He says it is to defend their country and not to be able to go and beat the stuffing out of some other poor dude.  He says if they were to go after another country many wouldn't heed the call as he kinda/sorta thinks along the same lines as me.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Come on Barry you trying to make me think to hard on a Monday morning it would be much easier on me if you just agreed with me. :laf:

Let me make it simple!!!

If you are a war protester you may end up like this.....




I say what I think not think what I say.


i guess im just too old fashioned.
i cant imagine a mother volunteering to miss even one minute of her childs life if she didnt have too.


You mean you wouldn't let your children go & spend a couple weeks w/ the grandparents in the summer! :shock2:

You're a mean cruel individual Cathryn! :sick2:


heck no, their grandparents are nutty on both sides of their family tree,LOL.