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Yup, That Time of Year...

Started by FOsteology, October 29, 2010, 03:48:37 PM

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I went out to my patch of hunting ground late this morning to check my trail cams and freshen my mock scrapes. A couple minutes just before 1pm I heard some brush crashing and the sound of hooves....

A wt doe and her yearling passed in front of me no more than 40 yards away. Hot on their tail was a young 6pt buck that was grunting up a storm! lol

Looked on my trail cams, and noted that as of last night I have images of bucks with their nose to the ground. One young buck looks to have been tuckered out as he had his mouth wide open in almost a dozen pictures.

Yup..... looks to be that time a year again! Looks like the rut will be in full swing next weekend when the rifle season begins!


the bucks are getting wound up here too. found 5 fresh scrapes the other evening.