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What's the worst you've seen?

Started by Roundman, November 28, 2010, 06:33:38 PM

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I was Al's hunting partner in the Redbird incident.  We were walking out a haul road.  I was walking in the left tire track and Al was walking in the right track. 

We had our rifles slung on our shouders as we walked toward the woods in the distance where we intended to do a stand.  Suddenly we saw a coyote that we had apparently jumped out of the field to our right.  The coyote was about 75 yards away running full speed diagonally away from us toward the road.  Both of us unslung our rifles and started shooting at the coyote.  It crossed the road about 100 yards from us and dissappeared over the hill to the left of the road.  Al had knelt down to my right and a couple of steps behind me, to pick up brass, as I remember.  We had no reason to unload as we still had a live coyote somewhere in front of us.  Somehow I discharged my rifle into the ground about two feet in front of my right foot as I faced down the road toward where the coyote had dissapeared.  I still do not know how this happened, but I must have touched the trigger with my finger.  I also had not put on the safety as I should have.  Fortunatly the rifle was pointed downrange.  This round impacted the ground much closer to me than to Al and was not toward him.   "IDIOT" is a very appropriate word to describe how I felt.   I accept full responsibility for what I consider a "negligent discharge", not an "accidental discharge".

As an NRA Pistol instructor, who should have been more safe, I was doubly mortified at what I had done.  I make no excuses for what happened.  I am sorry for the distress I caused to Al.  This incident was very humbling to me. 

I would hope that we can all learn from my negligence and that some good can come from it.  I fear that with my years of shooting in competition and becoming an instructor I may have taken my gun handling skills for granted.  This kind of thing happens to less experienced shooters, to "IDIOTS"??  It could never happen to me??  Well, it did!  In all my subsequent pistol classes I have used this incident to impress these things on my students.   

Al, once again, I apologize to your for any distress I  caused you!

Let's all be very careful out there!!

Jim (IDIOT)   
You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: Frogman on December 01, 2010, 09:34:15 AM
Al had knelt down to my right and a couple of steps behind me, to pick up brass, as I remember. ......  Somehow I discharged my rifle into the ground about two feet in front of my right foot as I faced down the road toward where the coyote had dissapeared. .........  Fortunatly the rifle was pointed downrange.  This round impacted the ground much closer to me than to Al and was not toward him. 

This is very interesting to say the least. Al claims you nearly shot him. How can that be? If you shot downrange in front of your right foot and Al was to your right and a couple steps behind you, well then................. :confused: :wo:

Al said, " I was damn near SHOT.
There was nothing accidental about it...... the trigger was pulled on purpose to show it was unloaded......
The round hit the ground......VERY close to my face, causing gravel to scratch my glasses".

Very interesting perspective from the only two men that were actually present at the time of the discharge.  :wo: :huh:

Thinags that make you go "Hmmmm"?  Glad neither of you were hurt and accidents do happen. I bet it never happens to you again Frogman, never ever.  :nono:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


See here, his rendition of what transpired is somewhat different.  :innocentwhistle:

Quote from: alscalls on November 29, 2010, 02:34:01 PM
I was at the Red Bird Incident.......... and I was damn near SHOT.
There was nothing accidental about it...... the trigger was pulled on purpose to show it was unloaded...... And I was against this practice before..... and I most certainly am now.
The round hit the ground......VERY close to my face, causing gravel to scratch my glasses.  :argh:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free



Hey Fos, Ya need to share some of that popcorn with the sinister Obese Joker.  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :holdon: Ok. This thread was in no way started to point a finger at anyone. It was to share a story and maybe learn "what not to do". As most threads go, somewhere in a story you can find something to laugh about. It might be someone shooting at the tires on a thief's vehicle, it might be an 18 year old that thinks his dads gonna kick his butt for shooting dad's truck, or it could be how NOT to pick up a live coyote.

The Redbird video clip was my way to get us back on track with a little humor not a dig on Frogman. If it came across that way I'm sorry.

Back on track?


Quote from: Bopeye on December 01, 2010, 03:09:07 PM
Hey Fos, Ya need to share some of that popcorn with the sinister Obese Joker.  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:

Help yourself Bop. I'm not greedy.


You're a good man Fos. Got anything to drink with this popcorn?  :wink:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Small 'fridge is behind and to the right of me. Plenty of cold cerveza and soda.

Bring some pretzels!


Still running your suck?

I have never asked for pity....... nor charity...from this nor any other board........
I have worked all my life for what I have......Since I was 14yrs. old....
I am not sorry I have accumulated cool things that you dont have......Why? ....... I worked for them and paid for them.... :shrug:
You must be only reading your own opinions to think otherwise!
I have had some real problems the last couple of years.......Some of them I have let you folks know about....... Some I have not.
From what I have seen......Its no different than the trials I have seen you going through from time to time.....So somehow you have the right to ask for a prayer or three and I am not allowed.....because it offends you?!  GET A LIFE DUDE!
Yea Mine and Frogmans stories differ.......As do our hunting ethics.....Thats why I wont go hunting with him no more....
And yea things like this happen.......But there is more to it than that.....and I aint gonna beat the guy into the ground about it, I simply ended our hunting together......
I aint a Democrat so you are clearly delusional and misrepresented. (just running your suck)
I can only hope......one day when you have a rough time of things Bop, and your really down...... NO ONE ........Kicks ya.... As you are trying to do to me ....... Right now.....And I hope I have not come off that way to anyone......EVER.
I have friends here.......As do you...... And I care.......As do they....Thats why my phone started ringing again last night.
And if I let them know on here what is going on in my life......Why I aint been turning.....Or I aint been on in a while....
Thats just gonna have to be OK......If you chose to turn the channel sorta speak.....Go ahead.....I will sleep fine.

When your dad was taken to the hospital and someone posted it...... Without hesitation......I turned off my monitor...... Bowed my head and prayed...As I do for anyone... I certainly did not take offense......Nor make fun! And I never would.
I have asked you all I can......... Will ya stop this nonsense? 
And you probably wont......  :iroll:  But I am done ruining this thread....... If you want to talk........ fine........ Let me know.... If ya dont........ Thats to bad....... But I will no longer bite this bait......


Frogman-- I've never personally had this happen to me & I can't imagine how difficult it would be to admit this on an open Forum the way you did. Congratulations on standing up like you did.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I was going to tell about the time I got shot, but the popcorn's ready and I can't let it burn. 


Quote from: alscalls on December 02, 2010, 06:36:32 AM
Still running your suck?

I have worked all my life for what I have......Since I was 14yrs. old....
I am not sorry I have accumulated cool things that you dont have......Why? ....... I worked for them and paid for them.... :shrug:

Tell me I am "running my suck" and then ask me to cool it. LMAO!!!  :alscalls:
I noticed you had to "one up" me again. I said I had been working since I was 15...........so naturally you have since you were 14. Go figure.  :iroll: Typical you.
You have worked for everything you accumalated, but you haven't had a job for 2 years.   :doh2: :doh2:  Can you hear yourself stupid? Hello!!! Anyone home?  :rolleye:
And don't even tell me you didn't get expensive stuff in the last two years. THAT CRAP WON'T FLOAT!! And you call Frogman an idiot. How nice!!  :innocentwhistle:
I'm not going to bother you much anymore, but you better do likewise. I don't wish bad on you, I don't wish sickness or anything else. Just shut your mouth when it comes to me and we'll do pretty good. Your nutty than a squirrel turd anyway, so I don't think you understand my humor no matter how simple I make it. Have a nice time on the board and I will too.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: alscalls on November 29, 2010, 05:53:45 PM

We were both using Ar-15's .........

This quote right here has bothered me ever since I read it. Just out of curiosity, do you even own an AR-15 AL?  :wo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


"better do likewise"

You think this scares me.......?     :nono:   Your Very wrong.
So ya had to turn to a threat huh?

I have worked in the last two years some..... you simply read what ya want to......then stop.

and if you look through a couple of years posts you will see that I have always said "since I was 14"  Jackass!!!!!

What I own is nunya dayum business...... I explained it once to ya...... so try actually reading.
You seem to find pleasure in the fact that you have a job.......good.......always remember it......Someday your plant might close and then we can talk.


Quote from: alscalls on December 02, 2010, 06:36:32 AM
Still running your suck?

OK, not cheer leading nor stirring the pot..... just curious for my own edification.... what the heck does that even mean Al??  :confused:   :shrug:


its a word that us west virginia folks say about running your mouth :wink: just like running your flap, running your jib, talking smack,running your money maker

thats what running your suck means fosteology


Quote from: golfertrout on December 03, 2010, 03:56:05 AM
its a word that us west virginia folks say about running your mouth :wink: just like running your flap, running your jib, talking smack,running your money maker

thats what running your suck means fosteology



So far all I have heard is "blah, blah, blah, Look at me, look at me, blah blah blah".......................  :alscalls: :alscalls: What a moron!!

Now are ya gonna answer the question on the AR-15?? 
I know you are a really scary guy and all, but give it a break. Just answer the question on the AR? Is that too tuff for ya?  :rolleye:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: alscalls on December 02, 2010, 09:05:25 PM
"better do likewise"

You think this scares me.......?     :nono:   Your Very wrong.
So ya had to turn to a threat huh?

Oh yeah, on this subject. REALLY??? Shut that off. Everyone knows you are tougher than me and that you beat up Joe Frazier and that you trained Matt Hughes of UFC fame and Brock Lesnar is your brother and blah, blah, blah. What a moron. :nofgr:
From now on you will be dubbed Squirrel Turd and I suppose you know why. I'll just abbreviate down to S.T.

Oh, I'm sorry AL. Abbreviate means to shorten it up so I don't have to type all that. Sorry about that.  :wink:

Have a nice day running "your suck". BTW, around here that means a whole different something.  :innocentwhistle:

BTW, you bit the bait.  :alscalls:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free