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Fast n Furious.

Started by nastygunz, December 18, 2010, 05:27:30 PM

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Grrrrrrr...so today I get out in the afternoon in pursuit of the wild K9...go to a place that has always looked good to me but never seen a thing...a strip of very thick pine and undergrowth bordering a big cornfield which borders a river...I set up about 50 feet into the woods...using a M2000 semi shotgun with full choke and #4 buck shot...I hung my FX3 caller about 20 yards from me in a small tree about 4 feet off the ground...I started out real low with Johnny Stewart Baby Cottontail....let that play for a few minutes...no action...I crank it up real loud in case anything is out in the distance..then drop it back down low...about the 10 minute mark and nothing...I am thinking of switching sounds or packing up...I have my shotgun in my left hand balanced on my left knee..I am holding the FX3 remote in my right hand reading the call list trying to decide if I want to try another sound...I hear a slight rustle to my right and before I could even turn my head a red fox comes screaming by about 10 feet from me ..ears straight up heading right for the caller..Im like SOB!..I drop the remote....swing the shotgun over...pull up and try to shoot and the damn safety is on...I pop it off and let one go at the still running fox...30 feet away...missed...he cuts left...I fire...hard right turn...shot number 3....all I see is a red furry fox butt bouncing off through the brush about mach 10....CANT BELIEVE I MISSED !!... man that got the ole heart pounding though...my own fault I was not paying attention...should have swapped the full choke for a more open one in the thick stuff...nice sunny day....30 + degrees...dead calm not a lick of wind...Ill rest him awhile and give er another whirl at some point......he was a beauty too, heavy coat, bright red...oh well still beats the Versus channel !...


  Great read!  Love it!  Thanks for the candid post.

Feel bad that you missed but it do happen if we shoot at stuff much in the real world.  Wonder what that fox is thinking tonight?



In retrospect I should have emptied my .38 and thrown my Old Timer pocket knife at him too  :wink:


That would be horrible if I would of missed that fox. :doh2: but it sounds like it was fun :biggrin:


Welcome to FnF, gadsdengirl01.   Glad your dad asked you to drop in.  Make yourself at home.   :biggrin:


Welcome also gadsdengirl01...ahhhhhhh missing is what keeps it fun haha...I am laughing about it now but I was thinking for a while HOW did I miss him that close :doh2: :alscalls:....it could have been worse I could have had witnesses there with me to comment on my shooting  :biggrin:


They come in fast and leave lots faster me thinks.   :eyebrownod:


I know I would have had em if I used my .17 HMR  :innocentwhistle:

Carolina Coyote

For some reason or the other the most shots I have missed were at close range, I guess to much excitement,  :shrug:  maybe next time  :eyebrownod: cc


Quote from: Carolina Coyote on December 19, 2010, 09:48:26 AM
For some reason or the other the most shots I have missed were at close range, I guess to much excitement,  :shrug:  maybe next time  :eyebrownod: cc

I am sure I missed more shot's at close range to Carl and then I thought about it some and I think maybe it's cause I remember the close ones more :shrug:.  I've missed my share at 500 yds but I'll never forget the one at two feet that was missed and I definitely chalked it up to excitement  :biggrin:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Full choke & #4Buck ............. good thing you missed!  :eyebrownod:

&BTW the safety was supposed to be on!  :innocentwhistle:

Good story thanks for sharing.  :wink:


Quote from: vvarmitr on December 20, 2010, 08:44:01 AM
Full choke & #4Buck ............. good thing you missed!  :eyebrownod:

&BTW the safety was supposed to be on!  :innocentwhistle:

Good story thanks for sharing.  :wink:

If he would have done what I wanted and come up in front of me at 30 yards at a slow walk it would have been fine...damn fox aint reading the playbook !


WOW!  Thanks for that exciting story.  You'll get him next time!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!