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Pictures from New Zealand

Started by pitw, February 15, 2011, 02:37:13 PM

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Amanda here,

Hi Everyone,

I have been hearing from Barry that you are wanting to see some pictures from New Zealand and have been giving him a hard time. Sorry about the delay of getting the pictures sorted but things have been busy around here for me since I got home.

I am not as big of story teller as Barry is. I have put captions on most of the pictures and some of them tell a story as you go through them. I am still working on the pictures of the farm I got to spend time on. Once I have them all together I will post the link for them also. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

The link is: https://picasaweb.google.com/amanda.shirtliffe/NewZealand20102011?authkey=Gv1sRgCJrh88bxquDOXw&feat=directlink

I say what I think not think what I say.


Wow!  Rafting over that waterfall looked exciting!!  Thanks for sharingyour trip with us!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Hawks Feather

Neat pictures.  I think Barry modeled for that 'Born to Fish' billboard.    :laf:



Those are some very good pictures Mandy!! Glad you all had such a good time!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

Thanks for sharing.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That looked like a LOT of fun. Decent weather too. :congrats:
Riding on that cruise ship woulda been just as much fun if not more, as being in New Zealand. Your pretty lucky to have been able to take a trip like that.

By the way what were you drinking in the "Me dancing away" picture? Windex??

Barry you should have her show you a thing or two here. She's made less then few posts here and she's already creating photo albums, and hotlinks.
:doh2: Ah crap never mind, you dont even know what those are do you?  :alscalls:
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Wow, those were awesome pictures !!  Looks like you had a great time, I loved the baby dolphins !!   :yoyo: :yoyo:


Thanks for posting Amanda, wonderful pictures.  Had the opportunity to spent a month and a half in Australia years ago, did not get the chance to go to New Zealand. Makes me regret that looking at all the photos.  Again thank you.

Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


What a slide show !!  Looks like a great place and a lot of fun.


Thanks a lot for putting up the pics !!  :highclap: :highclap:
Looks like a great time !


Another addition for my Bucket List.  That would be a dream trip for me.


    Well now I know how secure my password is  :sad3:.  Jim you are sooooooo right. :sad:.  Toodle where are the beach pics where you said clothes were kinda/sorta an option :shrug:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Yeah, how come we didnt get to see those? :confused:
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Carolina Coyote

Some great pictures Amanda, sure looks like you had fun. CC


Amanda here,

Barry you are thinking Nice, France where there is that option not in New Zealand. That is why you didn't see anything like that. lol
Jim, no it is not windex because it didn't make my glasses any cleaner!  :biggrin: It is a drink called blue juice that my friend was making for us all night long and it went down really easy.  :wink:
It sure is a bucket place to go and I love going there and it doesn't help that I have some great friends there that I would like to live closer to for a bit. We will see what happens.

Also here is a link to see the farm pictures and they also took me to their beach house so there is a few pictures of the beach.

I say what I think not think what I say.


I bet that was a GREAT time!!!   Thanks for the pics!!!!


Those beach pics are crazy interesting. I've never seen anything like that with those rocks all over the place. Very cool!
It wouldnt be much for swimming though  :laf:
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Wow, looka like you had a fantastic time.  I figured I was going to look at a few of the picttures and ended up looking and reading it all.  Good stuff.     
And seriously, the guy trying for 300 sheep stopped at 295?  Come on.  They even had their dags cut off the day before (that sounds painful).
Anyway, thanks for sharing.


Amanda Here,

Dave, the shearing of the dags don't hurt the sheep at all because it is just the wool on the sheep covered in poop. That is why they have to remove them before the shears get there. I think the reason behind why he was just short was that they had ran out of sheep to shear for the day. Those shears you don't want to mess with because they are strong guys and will hang a licking on you in no time.

I say what I think not think what I say.


  OK Mandy, time for you to either get your own account or I am going to have to change my password[which in turn will throw me off the site forever :doh2:] cause I just had some worriesome thoughts that I posted in the wrong damb thread again :argh:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :alscalls: hang on let me get my broom...where am I off to clean up now.  :doh2:
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