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AW's Beer Reviews

Started by AWMiller, March 09, 2011, 11:12:22 AM

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Choc Beer Brewmaster’s Signature Belgian-Style Dubbel
Krebs, Oklahoma USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Dubbel

My personal notes: Now just because this brew hails from Oklahoma, don’t let that stop you from trying this exceptional beer!  It pours up a rich mahogany-colored body sporting a tan-colored head that lingers for quite a long time and leave a good amount of lacing on the glass.  Incredible scents of toffee, caramel, and dark fruits (like plums, dark cherries, etc.) along with vanilla, warm nuts, and roasted malt.  Flavors of the same with none overpowering the other. The body is rich and creamy with a spicy finish that is just absolutely amazing!  Definitely a brew to be paired up with a hearty beef dish or slow-grilled steaks!


Augustijn Ale
Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Tripel

My personal notes:  This brew makes for a rather good session beer.  It pours up a murky apple-juice colored body with a huge foamy head with good retention and loads of lacing.  Scents of yeast and malts intermingled with a bit of honey and ripe bananas.  Flavors are near the same with the yeasts and malts and some spices with a tinge of alcohol and something near the lines of a sour mash taste at the finish.  The body is light and thin with an ease of drinkability.  For those that haven’t dabbled with tripels, this is a good start but know that tripels should possess a flavor complexity greater than what this brew presents.  Would go well with some grilled pork topped with grilled peaches or pineapple.


Gulden Draak
Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Strong Dark Ale (Dark Tripel)

My personal notes:  Now this is one amazing dark tripel!  This brew pours up a rich dark brown colored body with an incredibly frothy tan-colored head loaded up with amazing retention and lacing!  Scents of hot caramel, buttery toffee and dark fruits (like plums or dark cherries) along with slight hints of bananas or warm banana-nut bread.  Hearty flavors of caramel and toffee are largely present followed up by a smooth, creamy, non-bitter finish with just the right amount of alcohol taste to the brew.   Take your time with this brew as it is definitely not a quaffer (as I cannot stands beers like that!). Pair this up with a slow-grilled steak dinner and you have a winner!


Leinenkugel’s 1888 Bock
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company | Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin USA
Purchased @ Olivers Fine Foods (Mansfield, Texas USA)

Style: Lager â€" Bock

My personal notes:  Of the line of Leinenkugel beers, this one is my favorite!  When poured I would compare it to looking like a fine cherry Dr. Pepper (without all that carbonation!!).  The head is very robust and tan-colored with some nice lacing as you enjoy the beer.  The flavor is just a nice smooth roasted flavor; nothing overbearing nor standout-ish.  For a beer that’s not too complex I find this one very satisfying; one to be enjoyed over and over!  An excellent pairing with a wild game dinner!


Pete’s Wicked Ale
Pete’s Brewing Company; San Antonio, Texas USA
Purchased @ Kegs & Corks - Mansfield, Texas USA

Style: English brown ale

ABV - 5.3%

Personal Notes:  It took a while to get into the brown ale but it finally ‘grew’ on me and this is a nice beer to have on those fall days beside a roaring fire.  It’s reddish, copper color sports an off-white foamy head which settles down much more quickly than I would like.  It has a nice caramel aroma with a creamy, smooth body with a faint grainy finish.  I enjoyed it for a couple of beers but anything more than that and the flavor really begins to decline.  Darn good with a hearty hamburger though!


Avery Joe’s Premium American Pilsner
Avery Brewing Company | Boulder, Colorado USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style: Lager â€" Strong Lager

My personal notes:  For those that like a lager/pilsner with some extra ‘ooomph’ this is the brew for you!  This brew pours up a vibrant straw colored body (almost like Mello Yello!) and a nice fizzy head that tapers down quickly to a thin film and leaves minimal lacing on the sides of the glass.  Strong aromas of hops hit you right upon opening.  Flavors filled to the brim with hops (if you like bitter then you will like this brew!) followed up with a slightly sweet, somewhat biscuit-like flavors and finish.  Very light bodied and easy to drink, this brew would be an awesome compliment to your summer-time BBQs or with a nice spicy cajun/seafood dinner!


Piraat Ale - Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Belgian IPA

My personal notes:  Of the IPA line of brews, Belgian IPAs are sure to rank at the top!  This brew pours up a creamy, murky, hazy apricot colored body sporting a bubbly two-finger head with great retention and lacing.  Served just slightly cooler than room temperature so that the scents and flavors are maximized.  Slight hints of apricots (possibly apples?), hops, alcohol, and warm biscuits.  Flavors of apricots, honeycomb (not the cereal!), just a hint of cloves, and a bite of hops at the end.  The body is very creamy, almost silky.  This brew is best enjoyed all by itself after a hearty beef/wild game dinner.


Bornem Dubbel - Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Dubbel/Trappist

My personal notes:  Yet another great dubbel!!  This brew pours up a robust dark, cherry-cola colored body and a slight bubbly head that dissipated quickly leaving minimal lacing.  Sweet aromas of raisins (maybe it was figs?), caramel, molasses, spices.  Serve just slightly cooler than room temperature the flavors in this brew are just incredible!  Caramel, raisins, cloves.  The body is very smooth, medium in heaviness and just a slight ‘hoppy’ bite with a light alcoholic tinge at the finish.  This is a very easily drinkable brew and pairs nicely with a beef dish of some sort (especially Shepherds Pie!).


Full Sail Amber Ale - Full Sail Brewery | Hood River, Oregon USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Amber/Red Ale

My personal notes: Hands down this is one refreshing amber ale!  This brew pours up a dark copper-colored body sporting a frothy two-finger thick tan-colored head that has good retention and lacing effects.  Served fridge-cold this brew produced scents of apricots, toasted malts and a very slight citrus-y/hoppy note.  It has a very crisp/smooth feel with lots of spices, apricots, caramel, malts and finishes up with a slight hoppy bite.  This brew would go nicely with a rich or spicy fish/seafood dinner!


Bornem Triple - Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Tripel/Trappist

My personal notes: This brew poured up a hazy golden colored body with a one-finger bubbly head that dissipated quickly and left some lacing effects.  Served ‘fridge-cold’ there were scents of citrus fruits, malts and definitely some yeast. It has a medium body with flavors of dried fruits (apricots, pears); slightly malty and has a clean ‘hoppy’ finish that is not too bitter.  Grilled pork steaks (thick ones; two-inch thick that is!) covered with an apricot marmalade would be the perfect pairing with this brew in my opinion!!


Bruegel Amber Ale - Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. | Ertvelde, Belgium
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Amber/Red Ale

My personal notes:  This brew poured up a rich copper-colored body with a thick foamy head with great retention and lacing effects.  Served slightly cooler than room temperature, the aromas of apples, malts and yeast (biscuits or bread) were just amazing.  This medium-bodied brew produced some incredible flavors of warm caramels, sweet malts, and candy apples followed up with a slightly ‘hoppy’ finish.  This would pair up well with a spicy stuffed shrimp meal or perhaps some halibut or flounder!


Big Sky Summer Honey - Big Sky Brewing Company | Missoula, Montana USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Pale Ale

My personal notes:  Under the cap â€" “If yer gonna be stoopid, ya gotta be tough!”  This brew poured up a clear golden body with a one-finger head (from a somewhat vigorous pour).  Retention was minimal reducing down to a bubbly film on top with minimal lacing effects.  Smell- Lots of sweet honey and spices throughout.   Served ‘fridge-cold’.  Scents and flavors of honey (duh!) and various spices and very little detection of hops or malts throughout.  This is definitely a great session brew worthy of appearing at your BBQ (pulled pork, smoked sausages, brisket, etc.)!


Choc Beer 1919 - Krebs Brewing Co / Choc Brewing Co. | Krebs, Oklahoma  USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Lager â€" Wheat Beer

ABV: 5%

My personal notes:  This is one great session brew!  This brew poured up a cloudy, hazy, murky golden colored body with a small fizzy head that dissipated quickly and left minimal lacing.  Very citrus-y, lots of hefty malts and yeast.  I did not detect the usual banana scents that are usual in this brew style.  This wheat brew was a nice change from most other hefeweizens (although I like to keep hefes and wheats in their own categories) as it had a nice, smooth, creamy texture and very easy to drink.  A great brew to pair up with some grilled chicken or turkey; perhaps some dove stuffed with jalapeno and cream cheese!


Real Ale Lost Gold IPA - Real Ale Brewing Company | Blanco, Texas USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" IPA

ABV - 6.6%

My personal notes: Well I might have found an IPA that is going to help me along in liking IPAs!  Yeah I’m a malt-head but I do try and get a liking for IPAs as much as I can!  This brew poured up a warm copper-colored body sporting a bubbly head which dissipated quickly and left minimal lacing.  Lemon-grass, fruits (lemons, oranges), hints of caramel and malts. Light bodied with a warm smooth finish that had me thinking of warm biscuits (definitely not anything like other IPAs that I have tried where the finish had me puckering like I licked the outer surface off of a thousand lemon heads!!). If I can find more IPAs like this I think I could get the hang of them!  This would be awesome paired up with some spicy seafood dish such as grilled fish or grilled shrimp!


Abita Satsuma Harvest Wit - Abita Brewing Co. | Abita Springs, Louisiana USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale - Witbier

ABV - 5.1%

My personal notes:  A very refreshing witbier (white beer)!  This brew poured up a hazy amber-colored body with a nice foamy head with good retention and lacing.  Lots of fruits (pears and apricots with a touch of lemon) and lemon-grass suit up for a nice bright bitter bite followed up with a smooth sweet finish.  The body is very light and with an ease of drinkability that you need to keep track of how many you are having!  Definitely a good brew to have on-hand during the summer months and would pair up nicely with chicken fajitas or fish tacos!!


Flying Dog Woody Creek Witbier
Flying Dog Brewery | Frederick, Maryland USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Witbier

ABV - 4.8%

My personal notes:  Yowzers what a delicious witbier; definitely going into my Brew Hall of Fame!!!  This brew poured up a cloudy straw-colored body sporting a huge frothy head with awesome retention and lacing!  Hints of clove, lemon-grass, sweet malts, spices, mellow yeast and light citrus-y fruits (lemons, oranges).  The body is very light and exceptionally refreshing; scents and flavors complement well with none overpowering the other.  Definitely a go-t0 brew for those summer BBQs or right alongside some hearty chicken fajitas or succulent fish tacos!


Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Wells & Young’s Ltd | Bedford, United Kingdom (England)
Purchased @ Beer & Wine World - Mansfield, Texas USA

Style:  Milk/Sweet Stout

ABV - 5.2%

My personal notes: Oh blissful chocolaty goodness! Yet another entry into the BHoF!!  This brew poured up a deep, dark mahogany-colored body with a rich, thick, tan-colored, creamy head with substantial retention and lacing.  Robust coffee, dark sweet chocolates, and just a slight tinge of hops on the finish that makes this stout something to be treasured oh so slowly!  The flavors are very well balanced from a fine dance of the sweets and bitters that form this medium-bodied, velvety smooth brew into something to be enjoyed after a hearty meal.  Have this brew all by itself as having with with a meal is only going to deter from its robust goodness.  But for the daring, pour this over some vanilla or chocolate ice cream for a dessert that will blow you away!!


Estrella Damm
Damm S. A. | Barcelona, Spain
Purchased @ Beer & Wine World - Mansfield, Texas USA

Style:  Lager â€" Pale Lager

ABV - 5.2%

My personal notes:  Quite a refreshing lager coming out of Barcelona, Spain!  This brew poured up a crystal clear straw-colored body sporting a nice fizzy head with some retention and minimal lacing.  When compared to other pale lagers that I’ve had the opportunity of sampling, this brew has them beat hands-down in the looks department!  But it is a pale lager so scents and flavors are all pretty much the same; mellow hops and malts but this brew does NOT have that ‘corn’ taste like so many other pale lagers possess; and to me this makes for a far better taste.  It’s a light-bodied brew and really good for those summer BBQs or after a long hard day of working in the yard or garden.


Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale
Avery Brewing Company | Boulder, Colorado USA
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Ale â€" Brown Ale

ABV - 5.5%

My personal notes:  A very nice session brew in the brown ale line!  This brew poured up a dark mahogany-colored body sporting an amazingly thick, cream head with good retention and lacing.  Roasted malts and chocolate combine to make a medium-bodied, very smooth, creamy, malty, sweet brown ale with subtle hints of robust coffee with a finish that’s only lightly ‘hoppy’ and not bitter tones.  Some slow-smoked beef ribs, beer bread, and a German-style (creamy) slaw would pair up very well with this fine brew!


Seeradler Classik
Brauerei Max Leibinger GmbH | Ravensburg, Germany
Purchased @ Lone Star Beverages - Carrollton, Texas USA

Style:  Fruit Beer

ABV - 2.6%

My personal notes:  Well of all the fruit beers that I’ve tasted thus far, this one is by far the best!  This brew poured up a slightly hazy, pale yellow colored body sporting a vibrant frothy head with fair retention and minimal lacing. Lemons, roasted malts and a touch of hops.  The body is VERY light and easily drinkable (not much alcohol in that drink).  Enjoy during the heat of summer at the BBQ or by the pool.

One of the coolest pull-tops I’ve ever seen on a bottle!