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Called in my first bobcat!

Started by Roundman, February 19, 2007, 08:34:29 PM

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Things at work have been a little slow so the other day me and my hunting partner took off work and decided to call a new piece of property.
On the third stand ....I'm looking down a old logging road my partner is watching the downwind side of the cut timber tops. I call for about 10 min or so and a shot rang out before I could howl or bark he fired three more shots. I walk down to him and he has a grin from ear to ear. A coyote was trying to get on the downwind side and he took a 125 yard shot with open sights. He knew that he had missed but was still pumped.
Later that afternoon we decided to walk to the back of the property and call some thick hollows. On the first afternoon stand, two minutes into the set I hear a crack of a twig. My partner set up forty yards away has no idea a bobcat is headed his way. I watch it walk down the ridge within five yards of his back. The cat walk right past him heading my way.He then sees it and tries to get turned around on it and snaps a twig himself. The cat hears the noise and turns getting very low to the ground and starts stalking my partner.  :shck: I can't shoot I'm setting with the 870 in my lap (He now has my scoped rifle). I'm  lip squeaking my head off and the cat keeps stalking.  My partner sees what is happening and makes move but the cat bolts. He cuts between the two of us and I still can't shoot. He heads up the ridge to my far right and I turn and fire two rounds. Both missed but his luck ran out when a .223 hit him in the head.  :yoyo:
My buddy hit him running flat out. All I recall is him yelling I got him. I think after that episode he is hooked. He my be next years lbl partner.
I wanted to wait and tell the story when I had pics but I couldn't wait any longer. I'll put up pics as soon as he sends them to me.


That's awesome Mike!!!  :congrats:

I enjoyed the story, felt like I was setting there with ya.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Sounded like yall had a blast and i bet yall was TORE UP!Man good job im glad yall put one on the ground cant wait to see the pics.mike also enjoyed hunting with u at LBL maybe we can do it again next year.


Sweeeeeeet  :yoyo: Ya gotta love that. Nice Job Mike.

I only read half of it though...it'll be cooler with the pics...so hurry up  :laf:

Aaron?...what the heck took you so long to post?
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Sounds like you got it rolling now, way to go!!
Ronnie Cannon



"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Well Jim i finally got with the real world and got me a puter but im bout like Bopeye im not very  computer literate yetBut i will be doing some posting now exspecially when Rich tells them big ol lies on me like me mi :roflmao:ing a coyote or something!   :roflmao:


Nice job Mike, congrats!   :congrats:


Hawks Feather


Way to go.  That is one nice looking cat.   :highclap:   :highclap:   :highclap:




 How 'bout one more. WTG !  Sounds like you had a great time!