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Looking for a book

Started by slagmaker, November 07, 2011, 09:19:10 AM

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I am looking for a book. Didn't know if anyone here has read it or even heard of it. It is a book about The mad trapper, ALbert Johnson. The name of the book is "The mad trapper of Rat river" by Dick North.

I know Disney made a movie about the man a long time ago but there depiction was not historically accurate. Charles Bronson also stared in "Death Hunt" This movie was also loosly based on Johnson but it was even farther off than the Disney movie.

Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


I've read the book and am pretty sure that is the correct title.  Don't have a copy.  Fascinating read, really fascinating.  You know they never had 100% ID on the man, as to whether he was Albert Johnson or not.  He was a brute for strength and a phenomenal quick and accurate shot.

Another odd bit is that the pilot who made the difference in getting him by directing mounties from the air, was the same pilot the Red Baron was pursuing and firing at when the Baron was killed.  I don't think the book mentions that.

Good luck in finding it.  There is a book source on the net for odd, old and out of print books but I can't think of the name of the site and would start googling from scratch.

I'll bet a copy is in the local Canadian library.  Hmmm... Maybe Plan B if you can't find a copy.


I have it slag, it is written by Dick North and printed by The Lyons Press.  The edition I have is the latest, the author combines findings from his first book with all his latest research.  Very good book, could not put it down, there are a lot of unanswered questions as to who he was but they have a good idea.  Needless to say the Disney and Bronson versions, as you stated are a far cry from who Albert Johnson really was.  It is $12.95 up here and is in everybook store.

Edit, posted at the same time as Ok, sorry for the redundancy
Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


To quote Jack London  "With a handfull of salt and a rifle he could plunge into the wilderness and fare wherever he pleased as long as he pleased"

I checked Amazon and was supprised to find the book, even found the name of the Disney movie "Challenge to be free....1975"

Thanks for confirming my info.  Paper back is 12 bucks + shipping and Hard back is  Used 27+ shipping. Now to save up enough. to get it in hard back.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


OH I need to add a clarification, The Challange to be free movie was not Disney. It was a Wilderness family production. Looked like an early Disney when I saw it way back in the day
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.



Thanks for the heads up on this book.  Sounds like a good read.  I will order it for my "Kindle"

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


My wife brought it home from the public library here in town where she works, for me to read.  So check with your local library.  Tikaani John had recommended it to me a while back.  A good read to say the least.  Currently I am working my way through the "Woods Cop Mysterys" as recommended by Frogman Jim.  :biggrin: 



I really enjoyed the "Woods Cop" books.  I just finished another good one about a conservation officer in Maine.  It is the second one the guy has written.  "Trespasser" by Paul Doiron.  His first one was "Poacher's Son".  I think you guys would enjoy them both!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!