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LBL Shotgun Coyote

Started by KySongDog, January 10, 2012, 05:59:14 PM

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It's almost time for the LBL hunt and I figured the FnF crew would pretty much wipe out the coyote population. So I thought I better get down there and find me one before they are all gone.  :eyebrownod:

The first 3 sets were no shows but on the 4th set, this female came in to my Yotehntr call. She was beginning to circle to get downwind of me. I lip squeaked and she stopped a good 50 yards out. She dropped like a sack of rocks DRT. My SBE with that new Carlson choke really throws a great pattern. I also added an EOtech XPS holographic sight that I borrowed from my AR.

She weighed 29 pounds.


Way to go Semp :highclap: save some for us.


Way to go Johnny.  :highclap: :highclap: Congratulations on another successful hunt.  :congrats: :congrats: I like the sight too.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


WTG Semp , Like they said save a few !



Way to go Johnny :yoyo: Man that gun and lanyard blend well with that tree! If it wasnt for one of brads calls and the black pad on the gun i had a hard time seeing it !!!


Quote from: Biscuit on January 10, 2012, 08:14:11 PM
Way to go Johnny :yoyo: Man that gun and lanyard blend well with that tree! If it wasnt for one of brads calls and the black pad on the gun i had a hard time seeing it !!!

I had to add that black pad to raise the comb of the stock after I installed the EOtech.   It's not too fancy but it works! 


You were on a locating mission right? Just making sure they were there. :eyebrow:
Nice job by the way :yoyo:
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WTG!!  Semp!  Good shooting!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Yes!  Very impressive.  That place must get hunted super heavily.  I can't imagine how hard it must be to call stuff there. 


Great job Johnny!  :yoyo:   glad to know I got to go hunting with you today!  :wink:   Hey leave some for us!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


CONGRADULATIONS JOHNNY!!! :congrats: :congrats: Way to go on the coyote. :yoyo: But come on now, lets here about stand #5. :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:


Ya spilt the beans on me.   :eyebrownod:    I wasn't going to say anything about stand #5 because with out pics it is just a story and some don't believe anything without a pic!   :laf:

But here is what happened.  I got set up and started calling with Yotehntr's call (it was that "Johnny" call, Brad  :biggrin: )  since they seemed to like it on the last stand.  About 3 minutes in to the set, I heard a deer start blowing maybe 60 or 70 yards out in front of me in the thick stuff.  I thought WTH??  I knew it didn't smell me because I had the wind right.  Maybe it saw me move in or heard me set up??   Anyways, it ran off as I caught a glimpse of the white tail in the air through all of the trash. 

So what to do?  I figured I'm here and this is my last set today so I just continued on calling.   Only a minute or so later, a coyote appeared in the same area as the deer!   So THAT was what spooked the deer!   And like the rookie I am about hunting anything, I immediately got all tore up and went from depressed about the stand to instant adrendaline high.      Instead of keeping cool and bringing the varmint on in I took the shot and the coyote turned and ran back the way it came in like a scalded cat.   :alscalls:    The shot was just too far and I was trying to blast through too many sapplings, limbs, and other assorted junk.   :rolleye:     I walked down to the spot and looked around and found a couple drops of blood but knew the hit wasn't lethal.   I searched for a while but didn't have a machete with me to go much further and gave up.  It was really thick!

So that's what happened and I have no pic to prove it either.   :alscalls:

Carolina Coyote

Good hunting Semp and hope you get some more. cc

Hawks Feather


Congratulations on the coyote.  I started reading stand #5 and thought you were going to end up with a coyote and a deer. 



Congrats ...you done good.

I slipped off to LBL late Monday evening to a spot I had'nt been to in a couple years. Was'nt much sign of any critters ....yotes, deer, turkey....nothing. But I figured better test the water anyway....so only made one set before dark.... but no takers.

Sounds & looks like you got that Benelli set-up well.


Very nice...way to go Semp. Man I have got to get out...



If I make it to the lbl hunt i got first dibs on a hunt with semp!! Congrats on a nice hunt and yotehntr calls do work some,magic!!


Good Job! Looking forward to LBL Hunt
"This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid!"


Congrats Semp, also thanks again for the CD.

Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.