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Ft Campbell Bobcat

Started by JDP, February 12, 2012, 05:14:34 PM

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Well today was cold, light wind from NW supposedly! lol But on the 1st set we found an open area off a deer trail. My partner had been deer hunting in that area before. Set up wind right to left I was watching up wind and partner was watching down wind. about 8 mins into the call I hear woof woof!! I didn't move, then the shot! My partner was standing up saying did you see him... I said no I would have shot if I had seen it! I said where and what?
He said bobcat! 20 yrds from the call downwind... we had to do some tracking on this female but finally after about 20yds and being on our hands and knees. We found small drops and then a bigger area where she stopped before crossing a log. It was getting hard to find the blood now. We found another small spot by a pine tree. My partner was on his hands and knees looking and I went in front of him about 10 yrds to see if i found any more as it crossed another log. Then I saw and heard her about 20 yds in front of me in a huge thicket.. it was so tight I gave my buddy my shotty in case she tried to run off. We gave her time to die and picked her up..  11 lbs and as far as I know the only Bobcat checked in to Ft Campbell this year and maybe only 1 in a long time.



Very nice. :congrats:
That seems to be the hotspot for sure.
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Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


nice bobcat :highclap:  would love to harvest one myself  :biggrin:
The only good coyote, is a dead one!!!


 :highclap: good job on the cat 8mins thats quick for a bobcat :yoyo:

The One


Thanks everyone! I went from never ever seeing one to working 3 in range in 2 days! They are amazing!!