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anyone have some extra Prozac they could spare a brother ?

Started by bambam, June 27, 2012, 08:31:49 PM

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NBPP Being....Themselves
Just as I thought my disgust had peaked for the week, I came across this. A true message of love from those who openly call for violence and murder to another race. The audio is quite special. I am thinking about emailing them my address...Hmmmmmmm

New Black Panther Declares: We Will Hunt ‘Pink A**es’ Down, ‘Kill ’Em, Dig ‘Em Up & Kill ‘Em Again & Again & Again!’

“That’s our brother, brother General Taco!” the New Black Panther radio host announced.

General T.A.C.O. (Taking All Capitalists Out) of the New Black Panther Party had some less than encouraging words for white people this week. Mr. Taco, speaking on NBPP Radio on Sunday, decided to let white America know that the NBPP will “hunt” their “pink ***** down.” Hunting white people down will serve to accomplish General Taco’s other stated goal of “destroying white supremacy and capitalism.”

Gen. Taco also justifies his killing of white people because of their “history” of pushing “crack, AIDS and unemployment“ on black men and women in order to ”exterminate” them.

But simply hunting and killing the white person does not satisfy Mr. Taco:

“Once [white people] die, we should dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, bury ‘em, dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, and again, and again


There would be a lot of gunfire in the streets. :innocentwhistle:
The Japs wont invade hometown America because they fear there will be a gun behind every bush, but the  black panthers think they can?  :huh: :innocentwhistle:

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It will be best if I dont say what I think about the whole thing


I want to hear what Eric Holder says about the racist threats coming from the black kitty cats.  :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle:

  They might get away with that crap in the cities, but when they come for us hillbillies, they better be wearing frickin' body armor.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


They need to come out here.  We can play cowboys and ugh, never mind. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs

Carolina Coyote

Them NBPP's need to look at what Happen to the Indians before they get to brave but like the old saying Stupidity has no cure but in this case I can think of one.  :innocentwhistle: cc


Isn't it interesting they want to kill the vary same race that set them free? I don't recall any politicians of color in Washington DC when they were freed.  All they remember is what mlk did for them. Everything they have now goes back to the Civil War times. Back when "pink a$$es" were running the Country.  My my how quickly we forget.  :rolleye: :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

gravesco hunter

i thought electing obama was supposed to  cure all the racial ills,some how i am not feeling the love


What is the AG doing about this? Why is this organization allowed to issue a bounty on an American Citizen, Intimidate voters and now call for murder of even more Americans?

Where is the outrage from the political left??

Just imagine the fallout if Bubba, Earl, Clem, and Cletus said they wanted to hunt down the NBPP...

Had someone from the Aryan Nation said something similar, Holder would have them in jail and the damn liberals would be screaming for their heads.